General Discussion

General Discussionthere is a trust system similar to csgo

there is a trust system similar to csgo in General Discussion
卍pudge king卍

    previously, if i got into LP there is no way i get to play with mains and have to queue for 40 minutes on average. after purchasing dotaplus i got into matches with mains.

    very pay to win game.

    plus right now my opponents are dumb as fk but my cores arent complete braindeads. along with the fact i can avoid ruiners i am on my way to immortal. i am literally getting meepo smurfs in my team for 5 games in a row.

    i suspect that valve uses free to play players as feeders to lose to people who spend money on the game.

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      Dude u are divine 4, are meepo smurfs still a thing there?????

      卍pudge king卍

        of course there are smurfs. theres this manta meepo bullshit thats impossible to play against

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          i noticed what u say about hidden pool/ behavior rating and buying items matchmaking around 2014-2015 when they actually implemented that but without proof no1 believe u except people who can think for themselves and can understand it on their own


            Not regarding the trust system but theres this new smurf detection thing. First you need to get into the weird games where the average is way higher than your MMR. If you win that one you get into the team of smurfs for free wins versus bad/toxic players who were reported until you lose or get reported or reach that rank valve thinks you are instead of just giving you +90.

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              yes billy 123, i was stuck at legend trench since 1998 and when they introduced this @2014 i payed 4$ and reached immortal. now im poor and i cant pay for dotaplus, im losing my mmr back to legend

              thank you billy 123, u are so amazing when u think for your self :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:

              "except ppl who are suffering from several mental issues" was better

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                these are the type of people that think "colored people" are running around and taking their jobs, retard brain

                卍pudge king卍

                  stop being ignorant when i graciously give you knowledge of how solo matchmaking works. there is significant evidence that buying dplus will put u into the trusted pool. i bought dplus during that lc game before the LP games to avoid an account buyer. previously if i were to play single draft, it will take 30 minutes to find a game and it will be in normal skill with other new account shitters. however it changed to main accounts pool

                  plus the amount of shitter enemies i get and booster smurf teammates increased tremendously

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                    literally every time i played ranked after battlepass, i amazed why always 7-8 players didnt bought that shit at this level of dota. but thats irrelevant i guess, i cant think for my self. i must watch some hentai and anime first KEKL

                    maybe stop playing puck(probably one of your best heroes) and back to your euls mars and see how dogshit you are. thank you :)

                    卍pudge king卍

                      no if i played mars id own since im in high priority now


                        excuse me, some typo happened. "how dogshit your teammates are"
                        :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:


                          even boosters cant carry you anymore? thats so sad

                          maybe buy an arcana??? :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:

                          Este comentário foi editado
                          pissfuck shitass gaytard

                            kowa is such an incel that he need to flex on other players as he post on a dead forum about a dead video game :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:

                            anal enjoyer

                              ^so why you keep posting on a dead forum about a dead game? pls stop hating about dota


                                my smurp account git into lp 2 times and -5k behavior score after i used dotaplus looooooool


                                  I mOcK sOmEoNe FoR pOsTiNg On A dEaD fOrUm 9 MiNuTeS aFtEr He PoSt StH, HiHiHiHi

                                  -mom's smartest son

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                                    Anecdotal evidence is evidence from anecdotes: evidence collected in a casual or informal manner and relying heavily or entirely on personal testimony. [...]

                                    In all forms of anecdotal evidence its reliability by objective independent assessment may be in doubt. This is a consequence of the informal way the information is gathered, documented, presented, or any combination of the three. The term is often used to describe evidence for which there is an absence of documentation, leaving verification dependent on the credibility of the party presenting the evidence.


                                      Anecdotal evidence is evidence from anecdotes: evidence collected in a casual or informal manner and relying heavily or entirely on personal testimony. [...]

                                      In all forms of anecdotal evidence its reliability by objective independent assessment may be in doubt. This is a consequence of the informal way the information is gathered, documented, presented, or any combination of the three. The term is often used to describe evidence for which there is an absence of documentation, leaving verification dependent on the credibility of the party presenting the evidence.

                                      pissfuck shitass gaytard

                                        Anecdotal evidence is evidence from anecdotes: evidence collected in a casual or informal manner and relying heavily or entirely on personal testimony. [...]

                                        In all forms of anecdotal evidence its reliability by objective independent assessment may be in doubt. This is a consequence of the informal way the information is gathered, documented, presented, or any combination of the three. The term is often used to describe evidence for which there is an absence of documentation, leaving verification dependent on the credibility of the party presenting the evidence.


                                          Now I know why I lose games.

                                          卍pudge king卍

                                            fk you idiots theres proof.

                                            RoadToHerald - 1

                                              As gay furry said, it's a fallacy of anecdotal evidence. We need a lot more of cases similar of yours to get a theory at least.

                                              卍pudge king卍

                                                you idiots.i am telling you if you make a new account right now you will get into the untrusted bracket. if you made a new account and bought something you get into the real pool


                                                  Isn’t it obvious? Are you all americans?