General Discussion

General Discussionwhat would u pick if u were boosting in 4k

what would u pick if u were boosting in 4k in General Discussion

    im done with my trash hero pool
    thanks in advance


      IO carry.

      AT&T Samsung Galaxy

        yes listen to what 3k has to say about smurfing in 4k


          i dont mind tho
          every body has right to share their opinion here



              oh thank u
              did u even tried to read thread title?
              is this boosters data borther?


                Oh you are a retarded monkey aren’t you?


                  I was simply spamming arc and storm,when i dont get mid i was playing winter / warlock /aa as a pos 5,phoenix as a 4,sometimes as 3. Those are best heroes IMO for gaining mmr. TBH getting to 5k is quite easy,idk why u struggle so much .


                    im struggling cause my heroes are shit
                    despite im winning my lane, i cant do shit.

                    BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                      Div 2 is not 5k wtf



                        ench also works if u want braindead

                        Este comentário foi editado

                          Just take any hero that you don`t play, and you would like to play and that is some way in meta, not like Lone( I don` t know maybe he is, but Bulldog said in stream today that hero is unplayable). but wait you play Lone? OK than don`t play lone, play Void Spirit if you got chance. xD
                          Or go Techies :)





                              BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                                Play void and chrono 6 people like my boy fx

                                A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                                  Just play dota, 4k isnt that hard

                                  BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                                    I can already feel P-god typing Goddam ancients

                                    A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                                      i mean.. is there really a difference between 4k and below


                                        Listen to me , sometimes it's not the hero pool that mathers to win.
                                        For average level i suggest you to master these heroes for mid : Lina , death prophet , OD.
                                        Safelane : Spectre , terrorblade , Pa
                                        OFFlane : Dragon knight , pugna , Mars
                                        roam : breaker , Disraptur , mirana
                                        SUpport : Shadow demon , Lion , Jakiro

                                        Faded Spade

                                          Thanks unicorn your suggestion is what OP needed udarealmvpmun

                                          61 y.o.

                                            maybe it is not your pool, but what you pick matters?


                                              ^ explain in details if u are serious
                                              i pick from the pool
                                              sadly my pool is shit!


                                                i mean.. is there really a difference between 4k and below

                                                apparently i cant win with my heroes on 4k but i can win in below despite i have like 2k more networth than other team midlaner @10
                                                so it must be difference
                                                like if i have this performance with better heroes, it must be no difference for sure .

                                                Este comentário foi editado

                                                  Play Treant!


                                                    I guarantee playing will be 100% pain in any bracket


                                                      mk, alch, meepo, slark, ta, tiny...


                                                        guys i just abandoned match :)