Don’t get me wrong guys. I can appreciate the art form. What I don’t understand is you guys spamming this shit here which seems to detract from any normal appreciation of it As simple anime drawing
i mean i wouldnt want to hang out with people who only talk about chinese cartoons all the time either
Well I dont speak for everyone here but I personally rarely think about cartoons. I would say I watch 3-4x more western tv/film than asian ones.
I should just post some nsfw shit here and get permabanned
Whats stopping you
It’s definitely sexual. I bet.
A waifu is any female anime character which you can associate with, have respect for or imagine being into if they were a real personality, some people think about them sexually and sure thats up to them i guess, its not for me but I can get the appeal
A few questions for the moderators.
1. Isn't softcore pornography forbidden? Other sites like YouTube have forbidden it.
2. If it's not forbidden, wouldn't that mean that 'Hentai' isn't forbidden either? Considering the one is the more extreme branch of the other?
3. When exactly is this thread that boosts pedophiles into heaven gonna get removed?
4. Don't you think anime is fine, but sexual pictures, (which plenty of these are) should get removed, and the poster banned from this site for at least 3 weeks?
5. Don't you agree that some of these statements are pure discrimination, like the one where Parma claims she likes Japanese television? (She never saw any Japanese television in her life). She pretty much just confirmed that the only thing she think Japan makes is Anime?
6. Isn't it a better idea to move all these REEEEtards to Pandas thread? Would revive pandas thread and would give the weebs a place to breed in full isolation of the rest of the world. ( master problem solver hereつ ◕_◕ ༽つ)
7. Don't you think it's time for the mods to start kicking into gear, straight out of that weird hibernation that you're in? Because plenty of that above is not even half a joke.
By not monitoring anything on this site, your exposing kids that could reach a age of like 12 to sexualized content. They're not stupid, but they are easily influenced by the things around them.
8. You wonder why I do this? Because my hatred for weebs is insane. There's a reason God forbid Self-satisfaction.
9. Also do something about the ads on Dbuff mobile. Its worse than an actual 18+ site there.
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ the God-King has spoken.
Note: not half of this is ironic, I genuinely believe in some of this stuff.
i cannot understand this thread
to me this is all very bizarre.
yea i went from not liking weebs to wanting to fuck fx in his tight butthole
Exactly how I feel
its just some drawing pictures,how the heck you guys cant understand or feel its some bizzare thing
well it's obviously more than just some drawings to you dudes.
The plebs fear the weebs.
no you noob its just a drawing
It’s a more than just a drawing to you weebs. Stop denying. You jacked off to them didn’t you?
Some kid i dont know want to violate me. Kys my virginity is only for bws thanks
What is this smell?!
Oh yeah, this is a smell from weebs that never get a bath and their full of cumstain shirt
got me giggling
Omg you like a type of media that I dont? FILTHY DEGENERATE!
i mean i wouldnt want to hang out with people who only talk about chinese cartoons all the time either
I should just post some nsfw shit here and get permabanned
Don’t get me wrong guys. I can appreciate the art form. What I don’t understand is you guys spamming this shit here which seems to detract from any normal appreciation of it As simple anime drawing
It’s definitely sexual. I bet.
Well I dont speak for everyone here but I personally rarely think about cartoons. I would say I watch 3-4x more western tv/film than asian ones.
Whats stopping you
A waifu is any female anime character which you can associate with, have respect for or imagine being into if they were a real personality, some people think about them sexually and sure thats up to them i guess, its not for me but I can get the appeal
wish these uncultured folks would stop detracting from the adorableness smh
im bacc bois

I fuck lolis
Shidare hotaru is the hottest one.
no sam from icarly is
heh noobs,you have been outplayed by me and mine only
big boobs
Cant talk about big boobs without Ayame Reikadouuuu!
does she feel ashamed apparently or smt?
omg vertox she is obviously in pain her tummy hurts
so insensitive smh
More tiddies
Imagine being this unenlightened
Even more tiddies!

fucking virgins
slit your wrists asap
@ retard above violet
act tough bitch boy then delete ur thread
alpha male my ass lmao
Beta male detected
Hi everyone im actually rly insecure so I call out other people for liking anime characters
wow such wholesome pictures
certainly nothing sexual here
just some cute anime pictures
i see no problems here
what a wholesome thread
All waifus are wholesome
This is why anime has a bad image
No bullying in the anime thread please
A few questions for the moderators.
1. Isn't softcore pornography forbidden? Other sites like YouTube have forbidden it.
2. If it's not forbidden, wouldn't that mean that 'Hentai' isn't forbidden either? Considering the one is the more extreme branch of the other?
3. When exactly is this thread that boosts pedophiles into heaven gonna get removed?
4. Don't you think anime is fine, but sexual pictures, (which plenty of these are) should get removed, and the poster banned from this site for at least 3 weeks?
5. Don't you agree that some of these statements are pure discrimination, like the one where Parma claims she likes Japanese television? (She never saw any Japanese television in her life). She pretty much just confirmed that the only thing she think Japan makes is Anime?
6. Isn't it a better idea to move all these REEEEtards to Pandas thread? Would revive pandas thread and would give the weebs a place to breed in full isolation of the rest of the world. ( master problem solver hereつ ◕_◕ ༽つ)
7. Don't you think it's time for the mods to start kicking into gear, straight out of that weird hibernation that you're in? Because plenty of that above is not even half a joke.
By not monitoring anything on this site, your exposing kids that could reach a age of like 12 to sexualized content. They're not stupid, but they are easily influenced by the things around them.
8. You wonder why I do this? Because my hatred for weebs is insane. There's a reason God forbid Self-satisfaction.
9. Also do something about the ads on Dbuff mobile. Its worse than an actual 18+ site there.
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ the God-King has spoken.
Note: not half of this is ironic, I genuinely believe in some of this stuff.
it does show skin but it mostly just thigh or breast anyway