General Discussion

General DiscussionThe behaviour score system is completely broken and needs to be overh...

The behaviour score system is completely broken and needs to be overhauled. in General Discussion

    I think of it as a different version of dota. Still dota with unorthodox lanes and different challenges. Always fun to try and outlast hit your own tiny in your safe lane as PA

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      Hello everyone, I have a very sad message.
      Yesterday morning around 8 AM, the doctors have declared our good friend The behaviour score system is completely broken and needs to be overhauled dead.
      You are all welcome to his funeral. His funeral will be held in (dota_auto_chess_lobby91)
      On Monday 11 March.
      Hope we'll see you there, and good luck.

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      25% WINRATE

        ^ Haha epic joke XD

        fuck ur mom fuck ur sister
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          fuck ur mom fuck ur sister


            this shit is wonderful, people are going afk even in ranked

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              ^lmao nice pseudo science there


                ^lmao nicproefssional poster.

                fuck ur mom fuck ur sister

                  pseudoscience what?
                  I used to pick sniper offlane and end 28/2 on this account
                  Now it's unwinnable games with legit 35-45% winrate shitstains on my team, some of them with 8k matches played
                  behaviour score is a fucking meme

                  '96 Neve Campbell

                    How much score did you lose for your results to decline like that though?

                    EX Crusader player

                      Interestingly enough mostly players with super-low ranks tend to believe that system is working against them.


                        the system having an awful design is not the same as said system working against players though
                        i dont think anyone here is serious in saying that matchmaking is rigged, it's just matching players with more toxic players, which is not a good thing but it also is some sort of punishement. To be honest when i told my league player friend about how dota's matchmaking is directly influenced by your behavior score (the LoL analogy would be Honor levels, when you just dont get some fancy rewards end of season if you have no Honor), he was stumped and said it was crazy. Putting five toxic players in the same team is not the best idea (although arguably still better than just matching toxic players with the general playerbase)...

                        However it is quite possible to climb out, on my currecnt account i had 4k behavior score, and i managed to climb it to 7k by playing party games at first and then just climbing mmr naturally got me commends and no reports. Unfortunate, but the fact of the matter is, climbing behavior score is realistically the same as boosting your account, good luck if you cant carry hard every game.

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                          If i remember correctly they changed the importance of behavior score in matchmaking to lower queue time. I have between 9 and 10k behavior score and there is alot of flaming but even throwers and abandons. Funny though my games got better when i got a few reports and lower my behavior score from 10k to almost 9k.


                            Great system. New account, 25 games, green card, 13 commends, <3 reports and...

                            8402 behavior score

                            so probably some dumbfucks gave me 1-2 reports and I lose 1600 points? with 13 commends?

                            ridiculous volvo.

                            this is why you cant move up - cos of this cancer system. I didnt even start ranked - I mean getting max 2 reports in 25 games is soooo not doable if u play core roles


                            fuck ur mom fuck ur sister
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                                how it works? i had 4 report in 3 matches in last 10 games, but i just found one in this list
                                is that just my teammates reports? or enemy reports counts aswell?

                                fuck ur mom fuck ur sister

                                  imo enemy can only report you for comm abuse
                                  and maybe people check all the boxes when they report
                                  so it counts as 3 ingame, but a single line in GCPD


                                    thanks for the link... yep just like I thought.

                                    2 reports. both comm abuse

                                    funnily enough I clearly remember both games and just like I mentioned on my thread... guy reports me for going mid instead of him (its fucking turbo I make my pick and 50 secs late he is like omg why u take mid. I remember him crying entire game

                                    It's cancerous kids that should rot in hell until the end of days

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                                      It's cancerous kids that should rot in hell until the end of days

                                      actually i changed my mind, u belong to <2k b-score i find out why u made new acc, its because u got 6 month ban xaxaxaxaxa


                                        Keep on trolling :)

                                        dumb kid


                                          As u say commander
                                          Omega lul

                                          '96 Neve Campbell

                                            I gained 100 behaviour score... for this conduct... You have to work insanely hard to climb out of shadow pool it really is like a black hole which is super easy to fall into and super hard to escape.

                                            EX Crusader player

                                              My main account currently

                                              finally in the green area

                                              from 5.5k to 5.8k

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                                                Toxic cucks get on my level
                                                5.2k BS


                                                  This thread should not be living.
                                                  It's kinda like that baby that's born 3 months early.
                                                  You can say what you want. But it's supposed to be dead.

                                                  Muhammad Sumbul

                                                    Rise and shine bois.Rise and shine

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                                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                                      "Thank you for having good player conduct"

                                                      removes 200 from my overall conduct

                                                      good system valve


                                                        you could have gone from 1 report to 2 which is still <3

                                                        '96 Neve Campbell

                                                          It literally doesnt matter, the fact that I get more than 4x the commends than reports, and the game tells me I have good player conduct before removing 200 score anyway is a fucking joke.

                                                          NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

                                                            I don't think reports matter. I went from 6.2k to 6.9k on my smurf with 4 reports.

                                                            Something is weird for sure but it doesn't mean it's not working.

                                                            Regardless, if you have at least 6k+ behavior score most of the matches are okay

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                                                              sir u have 4 report in last 25 matches, but ur summary updated on ur 10 recent matches, most likely u didnt reported in the last 10 games and thats why ur number increased

                                                              NIKAD MAJNOVALA!


                                                                Oh. You think that's the case? Makes sense.

                                                                Dark Hunter

                                                                  I have 10k behavior score. And I still get toxic retards a lot of the time. Imo just muting and ignoring works best. Play your game and dont let them distract you. I was stuck in 2k-2.3k for over a year. I dropped dota for a while and now i just ocasionally play and i easily climbed to 2.8k in the matter of weeks. Don't play when you're frustrated or feel like you can tilt easily. Dont keep playing for the sake of it (unless you dont care about mmr then go ahead). I'd look at my own mental state before looking at someone elses. It's true that dota players have no idea how to deal with girls. So you'd better just stick to chatwheel lines and drawing.

                                                                  I dont know much about the behavior score mechanic so i wont say antying about it.


                                                                    @parma the summary is updated every 10 games but the summary is a snapshot of your last 25 games.

                                                                    that is why there seems to be a difference between your behaviour score and how many reports / commends you get.

                                                                    say in 25 games you get reported multiple times in the first 10 games out of those 25. if you play 10 more games those games where you got reported will no longer count towards your conduct summary because they aren't your 25 most recent games, and your number of reports will go down on your conduct summary, but that doesn't mean you haven't been reported in your most recent 10 games, hence why it drops.

                                                                    same applies to commends. if you got many commends on the last 15 of your 25 most recent games and then play 10 more, then your conduct summary will display a high number of commends. that doesn't mean you've gotten that number of commends in the last 10 games. for all you know you could have not gotten any commends in those 10 games and those commends are all from the 11th-25th most recent games.


                                                                      6k and 5kk is still playable. Never had feeders until sub5k. To be clear toxic players get in both teams. My last 8 or so games is proof.

                                                                      NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

                                                                        Indeed. I've played many times just for the sake of it and lost hundreds of MMR easily. If you want to grind you have to be careful with your MMR.

                                                                        I went from @ 3.5k to 4.2k this season quite easily by just playing moderatly and when I want to play just so I play I go on my smurf.

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                                                                          So i played a couple of unranked games and i got 11 reports and now im down to 8,665.

                                                                          If you want to increase your behavior score; play support in ranked. Thats how i got 10k in the first place. (strictly ranked solo queue )


                                                                            after playing in 4k behaviour score. i just have to say everyone in behaviour trench hell deserves


                                                                              i got muted for 48 hours for trying to keep the game salvageable with two people flaming each other and dual laning mid
                                                                              nothing wrong here


                                                                                BS system is unfair because im not actually toxic, i'm just LARP'ing as a toxic dota player.

                                                                                i have 5 reports to use

                                                                                  dont post here unless u played in f beh score with 1 hour queues


                                                                                    hi i was there cause i lend my smurf account
                                                                                    48 min queue/game

                                                                                    its d+ though

                                                                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                      You're getting bad behavior score because you're telling (trying, anyways) people what to do. What don't you understand about that? You want to know how to get 10K behavior score and consistently keep it above 9,500? Don't tell people what to do. They want to run down mid and feed? Cool. They want to take objectives? >Well Played! They are about to get ganked? >Care. I fucked up? >Sorry. Get it? Get over yourself.

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                                                                                        everyone here is incredibly toxic lol

                                                                                        wait for me

                                                                                          I'm not sure if the system is broken but it does is a bit confusing. I had 8.5k BS, got abandoned due to my power supply issue and it went down to 7.5k. Last match got 2 commends and it went up to 7.6k.
                                                                                          I'm not complaining at all.

                                                                                          Also I'm a 1k noob so I try my best to make up for it with good behaviour. I'm quite confident I'll go back to 8.5k in no time. My goal is to reach 10k.

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                                                                                            I pissed off alot of stacks playing unranked and got punished quite hard, been to lp twice and even got a 24h ban. So now im in recovery mode, from 10k to 7300 but after 10 games as first pick none speaking tryhard wardbitch support im up to 8000. Its not that fun but it works. Im not playing to win im playing not to get reported.

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                                                                                              You really like writing i guess. loved your arguments (both of you)
                                                                                              Nice thread and argument between Parmaviolet and you.

                                                                                              Note: Too much flaming in Dotabuff too. Dont flame this much as, we dont properly know the situation of others and judge them by KDA.

                                                                                              It is true that SEA has too many toxic player but SEA has players from many countries. So its us only who has to improve their conduct in the server which will hopefully improve the behaviour of other players too. The worst part is, the concept that, a high ranked player should always carry. This is wrong. There are many instances where I have seen archon doing extremely bad and lost lane to a guardian or cruader. It is may be that game was bad, may be lanning had to much pressure. People blame standing in other lane without even rotating. So improving these will positively improve both play style and behaviour towards other player.

                                                                                              But, human nature varies too much, so cant stop toxic players from doing what they do best. There will always be rude players who just love blaming and not helping teammates even when they made a mistake. This happens a lot below 3k, that a supports wards all game and a stupid over confident carry invades enemy jungle without vision and gets killed, and suddenly that carry starts blaming the support saying "noob they have ward there why didnt u deward, noob support"-- LOL. (calling someone noob is so ez, they dont realise that they have almost same skill level, that is why they are matched together, atleast in solo ranked)

                                                                                              Thus, toxicity over a certain limit should not b tolerated but as we cant help that, its better just to focus on your game and make the toxic players understand their mistake and loopholes by your plays and action. Better behaviour yields better chance of winning (not for those shitty players who blame all game)

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                                                                                                BHS system is broken, why on earth would i be on 5.3k?

                                                                                                makes no sense

                                                                                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                                  Probably cause ur a mannered gamer


                                                                                                    shat up wahman!

                                                                                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                                      Thats very well mannered of you