General Discussion

General DiscussionThat's it Valve, since I can't play ranked at all I'm forced to feed

That's it Valve, since I can't play ranked at all I'm forced to feed in General Discussion

    to make it quick, I used to be a 1k5 mmr player eager to improve.
    My first problem is and always was: I'm too selfless.

    I never tried to interfere with the hundreds of people wanting mid so bad or first picking an hard carry and failing to even reach 30cs @ 10 min, so I was at a major disavantage: the probability to have a clueless ape in the most crucial position was equal than the opposite, therefore I knew very well how the game will going to be after invo was lvl8 and pa lvl13.

    To stay on the topic (sorry), I was used to it. "okay, if I perform well I might climb"
    But due to 1 abandon and a 2+2 stack repoting me because the first one cried a river in all chat... I lost a lot of behaviour score.

    Tried to calibrate this season.
    3 double mid, 1 leaver and 2 feeders on my team.
    Enemy had 4 boosters, and I'm just talking about the 10 matches.
    My team proceeded to fight for mid or carry EVERY SINGLE TIME, a thing that didn't happened to our opponents.
    You know why? Valve matches low-mediocre goodboi score players together against the "majority" of 8-9k score.
    The 34 winstreak meepo? Good behaviour, you fight him!
    The 6000 matches 47% winate guardian who blame you for vision? For you.

    No problem valve, you rig my account? You force me to pick the most retarded proof heros to ever try to climb "muh ez 1k mmr"?
    Permaviolets vas right, god dammit.

    Now I just ruin other people games, larping as a turk since valve love to matches me with them.
    Too bad... I had a rampage with meepo, tried techies but well you can't carry shitters with...
    when you got more gpm and tower damage than your pos1, JUST

    25% WINRATE

      behviour score makes every game rigged
      I even let a 4k friend on my account, he was close to lose even playing fotm cancer LS. JUST
      PS: it's obviously not my account and I won't post it since you will cherrypick games into oblivion

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        You are really proving Valve wrong, I'm glad cancerous trash like you gets segregated.

        25% WINRATE

          Hey cut n paste.
          Maybe maybe I could be a better player if I didn't needed to deal with double mid or 300 gpm "core only" players

          Dark Hunter

            We all get shit games. You can climb perfectly fine by playing other roles. The fact your team is retarded means the enemy is also retarded. I climbed from 1.2k to 2.6k by mainly playing support and offlane. All you need to do is tank everything that comes your way as an offlaner and let your team mop them up. As a support you either disable the shit out of the enemies or you keep your retarded teammates alive long enough so they can deal some damage. It's all about aura items this meta. Get mek/greaves, vlads, crimson and pipe if you're offlane. glimmer + aether if you're disabling support. greaves if no one else gets it. Don't forget to pull, stack when you have the oportunity. But make sure to let your carry know otherwise he might initiate and die a useless death because not paying attention to minimap. Good luck and keep on grinding.


              Stop explaining to this twat. It's either a troll post or someone with a God complex. Both of which are pointless to argue with.

              25% WINRATE

                I don't think so.
                It's 1am here, if I wanted to troll I would just make a bait about "x is op" instead of explaining why, after hundreds of offlane game I manage to do my pos1 job because he build a battle fury after 28 minutes




                    take a look at this:
                    this is my smurf! in this game i had good teammates compare to my other games! pa had 2 sup on his lane against one shaker , and after some time he started to feeding! i dont know why, i mute trashes like u before game start. but u think that makes us lose the game? no!

                    tip: if u want to feed, find enemy best player and feed him :) but u cant do it (u have brain issues) so just feed all enemy heroes not just one :)

                    im pretty sure u have brain problems and its waste of words, but on this acc i reached crus 5 from guardian 3-4 in few games with below 4k behavior score :)

                    25% WINRATE

                      Well you may have more patience than me


                        no im not! i just dont give a shit about it because im better and also i dont want to win lul!
                        some games i picked tiny and trolled the game , still win that games :))

                        '96 Neve Campbell

                          Permaviolets vas right, god dammit.
                          Except I never really claimed anything related to what you said. I stated that 1k games are hard because you get dumb teammates but everyone interpreted that as me saying 1k is impossible to climb out of when the reality is its pretty simple if you have the skill and the willpower.

                          Anything over 5k behaviour score is completely playable and if you are concerned about having low behaviour score then play a bunch of turbo matches, be friendly or mute yourself, play well, and commend your teammates at the end of these matches. I am a pretty toxic person myself with only 6k behaviour score yet I have not seen a noticable dip in quality in my games from when I had 8k score.


                            What you said is all true, I've been saying that low behavior score games belong to a parallel universe for years. But if you still care about the game and want to play, and you do 'cause otherwise you would have just uninstalled instead of being on it to ruin matches, just take a break from it and then come back to play turbo only until your behavior score rises

                            Marko Bulat

                              Its all about how well you control your emotions. This will dictate the outcome of the game.

                              If you tilt and start flaming this will not increase other player performance but it will decrease yours. Because instead of playing the game and paying attention to whats going on you are typing some meaningless shit to chat that doesn't affect anyone, instead it draws you out of the game.


                              Players who tilt and type shit on chat have more chance to lose a match than players who actually use this time to get over themselves and help struggling players by supporting them or defusing flaming situation.

                              Edit: just to be clear, what i ment to say is, win or lose its only 25 mmr. So if you flame you demotivate your teammates and they will most likely stop trying and give up. If you motivate them and get over your " pride" even if they are "mean to you" you have better chance of winning.

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