General Discussion

General DiscussionWHy do people smurf?

WHy do people smurf? in General Discussion

    second page of smurf-related kvetching

    Ritsu x boni = 0 IQ

      The point is, which game would you enjoy, a game where you get matched with similar skills with you or a game where someone goes 25-0 in 20 mins and completely dominates and stomps.

      idgaf about the “smurfs” in 3k+ brackets but smurfing in low mmr brackets while people there are still learning the mechanics of the game, that’s just low man.

      some low mmr people are also to blame, they pay boosters to boost their account making “account boosting” seem like a job(its illegal).

      What valve can do is just increase the number of games required to be eligible for ranked to 200-300 and EXCLUDE bot matches and turbo matches

      Marko Bulat

        Mr Toni i still think that most effective strategy to stop smurfs would be to allow players to select option to queue only with accounts of certain level, for example 50 and above, this will prevent players who created new accounts to join your games, so its very effective smurf protection.


          have you heard of prime matchmaking?


            is it our fault if we create new accounts ? .

            mute all

              triggered omegalul

              here we go again

                Honestly it does ruin the game but i am used to it now, this game i was supporting
                I doubted that either voker was hacking or something like this, but turns out he is just super good. So i check his dotabuff.
       Someone recently started boosting this account lol 20/0 K/D/A every game./
                I feel bd for people playing against him.

                Ritsu x boni = 0 IQ

                  Idc actually if i get matched with or against smurfs, all I ask for is that people with decent mmr 4k+ to stop smurfing and stomping 2k mmr or lower brackets cuz the new players or casuals are found there.


                    most 2k players are actually just bad players with thousands of games, not new players


                      When you smurf it usually means you have a small penis or you have no social life. Don't @ me


                        I agree that the skill gap might make a difference in some matches but what you've just said, man. Like, wtf. No social life? Hahahaha.

                        Ayaneru   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                          And the ones who create many acc's hoping to calibrate higher are just life failures.

                          Players who do this needs to stop playing a game of dota and just play fighting games.


                            fighting games are even more competitive than dota arent they


                              i find this post hilarious since half of you guys speaking are on smurf accounts lmao


                                hi i'm a smurf

                                Ritsu x boni = 0 IQ

                                  No social life? More like no future in life... for example, a guy stomps beginners, he wants to get praised, he wants to feel good from those praises, he probably does not have anything else to be proud of”


                                    i think it isn't really related to praises,its just they want to fight easier opponents to lift of some stress or something
                                    imagine how much laugh you can get from a game where you go 30-0


                                      Agree, man. People just need to fucking chill. That reason why smurf are smurfing are all hypothetical, from the haters pov.

                                      Marko Bulat

                                        No social life? More like no future in life... for example, a guy stomps beginners, he wants to get praised, he wants to feel good from those praises, he probably does not have anything else to be proud of”

                                        Oh yeah most certainly is not about praises, this is my old 1k smurf, im not playing on it anymore, so pls no bully, it has C behavior score, you can see " :| " face in conduct summmary, even people who play with you report you because they know they might be against you next game. Smurfing is for fun ez games not attention. What Feachairu said!

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                                          so you're that harold guy


                                            i thought other guy

                                            Marko Bulat

                                              Ye, back when i was in high school and had plenty of time so i made a hobby collecting and playing on my brothers alt accounts he made to reach VHS and failed every time, fun times...

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                                                "Marko Bulat 2 days ago
                                                ^Thats bullshit mate, 5k players are literally 1% of the whole dota population, so to meet smurf in every game is highly unlikely, my brother is crusader he meets a legit smurf in every 10th game he plays."

                                                So if u are good player with 60% w-rate and u encounter legit smurf every 10th game as opponent which rape u. U will end up to be 50% w-rate guy and you will stay crusader forever because of smurffing.

                                                If smurfs would be really rare like 1/10000 games it might not be an issue

                                                Uncle iroh

                                                  people used to have a few accs thats not smurfing. Smurfing is rampant now cause of boosters who raise accs for noobs or raise them to sell for $


                                                    Lets say there would be herald 1 acc buyer every 10th match at VHS how do u like that?


                                                      So if u are good player with 60% w-rate and u encounter legit smurf every 10th game as opponent which rape u. U will end up to be 50% w-rate guy and you will stay crusader forever because of smurffing.

                                                      If 10% of your games have a smurf, in 90 games you will lose 5 games to a smurf and get carried by a smurf 4 times, which moves your winrate down less than 2%

                                                      Of course, smurfs are just another excuse to stay in a low bracket. Most smurfs are only high ancient/low divine or lower anyway and you could trash them if you were good

                                                      I've seen very low ranking players in high rank mm, it's insanely obvious and they only get to play a few games before they're stuck in lpq matches that they can't win due to their unearned rank


                                                        guys for god sakes if you really want to rank up you gotta beat those smurfs or boosters later too,you think i didnt deal with any of them lol when i was legend
                                                        just play unranked srsly if you hate smurf or just play ranked dota without expecting your mmr up since you can't beat 4ks 5ks or 6ks and expecting to be one someday

                                                        Ayaneru   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                          I don't even care about my medals, let alone creating a smurf. I think I can climb to divine [2] or something if I dedicate my time playing solor but 99% of my games are party queue coz playing alone is sad. Also, I love collecting cosmetics and creating multiple account for hoping to calibrate a higher mmr is dumb.

                                                          Higher mmr looks beautiful. Divine/Immortal medals looks great. But grinding solo mmr is pointless if its too much. Like most people saying here, 'No social life? More like no future in life'.

                                                          TL/DR: I did this smurf thing once for like 30 games with my friend legend account. And I have 3 battle cup champ with 95% winrate spamming as Arc Warden, Meepo, and Invoker when I'm not even a good AC, Meepo, or Invoker player in my 4.4k mmr bracket. A 4.4k stomping 3.3k. Imagine a 6k, stomping 2k or even 1k ffs.

                                                          People doing that should go to jail.


                                                            I just hope all smurfing tards get acc buyers on their side every game when they play their main account! It is just fair to em


                                                              this is just something you can't control,why not just pma over it

                                                              i noob

                                                                I use smurf when playing with some of my friend who has terribly low mmr (2k, 3k), else valve don't allow me to find the match with them, with my main ID.

                                                                Even can, sometimes my friend will beg me to change to a lower mmr account (3k/4k), as playing with my main id the game will be so terribly hard for them, which resulting in-- lose game.

                                                                I found that most of the time when i playing a 5 men party, ended up matching with the opponent which has very high chance that using 1-2 smurf ID too.
                                                                (I dunno is it a trend or what, or valve knows that I am smurf so matching me some party with smurf too..)

                                                                Last year i am trying to train some heroes, use my friend's abandoned account which is Legend 3 to play,
                                                                now this account is already ancient 5.

                                                                At least I wont try to buy or get a 1k / 2k mmr account and go rekt those 1k 2k players (some of them might be new player as well) , wont get any good feeling or learn anything from 1k 2k games.

                                                                You can flame me or all players who using smurf, but I think it wont chance anything much as well as valve dont have a good solution to fix the matchmaking system.

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                                                                    what it comes down to is that smurfs are yet another problem
                                                                    other problems are:
                                                                    1. game ruiners (intentional feeders, afk in base)
                                                                    2. hackers (skywrath mage hacks for example)
                                                                    3. the amount of these
                                                                    theres about 1 on the 10 matches that gets ruined by a smurf, a game ruiner, or a smurf
                                                                    and yes game ruiners are the most likely to appear, i mean look at this match 4342952581
                                                                    our slark feeds, and does nothing. but what the problem is is that all these people stack up on a low mmr pubs, its not like we have all of them at the same time, but they come regularly, way too many times my games get ruined. and yes about 6/8 of the times its a game ruiner, but those other 2/8 are filled in with hackers and smurfs. if they would just get out, my ruined matches would still drop with 25%, making dota much more enjoyable (and easier) than with them.
                                                                    and theres not that many of us is not an excuse, if you are wanting to play party with friends, youll have to accept that you as an higher player, will drag up the mmr bracket to a higher level, if you dont, your just part of the problem.
                                                                    even if you only play with friends, youll still be part of the cancer called smurfing.
                                                                    if you as a smurf would stop, you would end smurfing for others as well, considering that others wont smurf, if they go on a higher bracket with the same skill leveled people, instead of going lower bracket with lower people.
                                                                    my ending notes: everyone that smurfs should have their smurf permabanned, and their main acc banned for a week, then a month, then 6 months and then 12 months.

                                                                    Ritsu x boni = 0 IQ

                                                                      ^it is impossible to trace the main account of a smurf..


                                                                        i smurf only in immortal

                                                                        < blank >

                                                                          problem is maybe you are good and can beat a smurf but you have 4 other players that bottleneck you and are feeding the smurf and so suddenly there are 9 players vs 1 ..gj valve.I dont say im good but i can say that after a good match with a decent team i get 5 games in a row new players under 100 games that feed like crazy and just suck on dota.This problem is from 2017 in dota and valve is still ignoring it.The best solution for matchmaking would be player under lvl 50 should not be allowed to play matchmaking ranked.

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                                                                          Where is my Hu Tao

                                                                            of course people smurf. No one wants to play against people of the same skill level they only want to be in a game where they are 30-0

                                                                            Leafclubb🍃 ♫

                                                                              Some people(like me) smurf to try new heroes and expand their hero pool. To be fair, I get matched with roughly the same rank.

                                                                              Inflation Agent

                                                                                Because its not Illegal. Drugs = Illegal. but we still do them anyways. Why is that? Oh yea because we are humans. GG end human race thanks

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                                                                                  A smurf in 3K and above is “fine”, in the sense that the players have a sense of what to do, the smurf merely does it better and faster.
                                                                                  2K and below, a lot of people are really newbies and are trying to learn the game’s mechanics. So I agree with OP that those who smurf the low rank games are bullies who need to feel good about themselves.
                                                                                  Though I agree with Abyss(OP, ironically on a smurf) about the point about a difference between smurfs and alt accounts, all alt accounts inevitably started as smurf accounts at one point, because of max calibration. So where can the line truly be drawn?