General Discussion

General DiscussionCookie's coaching

Cookie's coaching in General Discussion
one syllable anglo-saxon

    you’re asking for Stephen hawking to give you tuition when a simple astrophysicist would do (and is already way overqualified to offer you improvement).

    you just compared cookiesdota to stephen hawking you absolute fucking moron


      OG literally won TI with a coach(7kingmad). Coaches are good. 👍


        There is nothing wrong paying more for a better coach as long as OP is happy. It is his money no?

        I look at people’s arse for a living and I charge 50 pounds per look. I was told someone in Singapore does it for 2000 pounds each. Is he 400 times better than me? Perhaps or perhaps not. The only thing that is important is client satisfaction.


        Este comentário foi editado

          ^ U are crusader arse looker and Singapore guy is Immortal level! Ofc he is over 9000 times better


            Touché my friend!



              you just compared cookiesdota to stephen hawking you absolute fucking moron

              Moronic as I used a clearly false comparison to give a metaphorical example, like pretty much everyone does all the time? Ok.

              Cancer Malaria

                High level players discussion PogChamp

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  thats not the point at all
                  you absolute fucking moron


                    how can you compare stephen hawking to someone as mentally superior as cookies


                      Isnt some what true, Hawking sit in a chair and can only do physics, cookie sits a in a chair and can only farm.


                        thats not the point at all
                        you absolute fucking moron

                        What is the point then? Enlighten me oh wise one.

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          your analogy sucks ass is the point


                            Not really, it illustrates fine that there’s plenty OP could learn from someone who isn’t cookie.

                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              Not really

                              yeah really

                              you wouldnt know though because youre an absolute fucking moron

                              Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                                absolute fucking moron

                                absolute fucking moron

                                absolute fucking moron

                                absolute fucking moron


                                Your inspiration is as empty as the void of a black hole ?

                                Is this comparison better ? :)

                                Este comentário foi editado

                                  you wouldnt know though because youre an absolute fucking moron

                                  Your subjective opinion is not objective truth and your evidence is as lacking as your vocabulary.

                                  You just make yourself look like, to quote an idiot, an absolute fucking moron

                                  Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                                    eXcel 1 - Today's 0.
                                    By the way he didn't sign his last comment (i.e. "absolute fucking moron"), maybe someone stole his account :O

                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                      dont poke the russian bear monkaS


                                        The guy wants to be coached by cookie , not sure why many blue stars are getting jealous or triggered for no reason. It's his money ffs


                                          The discussion isn’t about that. I said I’d coach him for less if he wanted (and offered a free session) at which point he said divine 5 is too low for coaching and thus the chaos began.

                                          He’s welcome to spend his money on what he wants.

                                          Este comentário foi editado
                                          '96 Neve Campbell

                                            ^Implying a literal dogshir crusader wouldnt gain from the experience of a divine V

                                            Story Time

                                              for some people even the best is not enough, those people clear have no idea what good is


                                                What a piece of shit . I would get coached from even divine 1 if i get it for free . And they are literally 200 mmr away from me .

                                                Palmen aus Plastik

                                                  I really think it is quite below the belt for charging to coach a hobby. But i guess if there is demand, there sure as hell will be suppliers.


                                                    But on the other side of the coin; it’s exceptionally entitled to assume that people will take on that role for free. Coaching properly is tough, tough stuff.


                                                      All I hear from this thread is cookie farming machine, cookie farming challenge, blah blah, op's money, less time. I guess this guy just wants to learn farming patters for ego boost and he is gonna quit playing anyway.

                                                      Story Time

                                                        ^nope, the guy is trolling, that is it, nothing else to see here


                                                          Its the perfect scam, he builds up a name as the farmgod and charge money to learn low skilled players how to farm and nothing else so they keep coming back for more coaching lessons.


                                                            the real question is why this excel guy is almost begging people to let him coach them

                                                            '96 Neve Campbell

                                                              the real question is why this excel guy is almost begging people to let him coach them
                                                              Cause he enjoys it and hes looking for something to gain be it money or respect? I do history tuition and sometimes I work for free in the hope it will secure clients in the future. If that means I have to advertise myself and grovel for clients then so be it.
                                                              By the way guys im offering college level history tuition if you are interested


                                                                ^thats not the real question , not sure where you got that from. He just offered it and happens to be great at farming cores even, hence the extended discussion.

                                                                I'm sure OP is one of those who wants to know/learn the farming patterns stuff just to brag to his 1-2k friends that he got 15 Cs min w/e and is now almost at cookie's level of farming efficiency , weeeee! I'm sure it's just temporary ego boost. Guess it might help him later a bit once he ranks up, that's it!


                                                                  i wanna try that history thing if it's free,i like history classes

                                                                  but that wont worth your time anyway,forget it

                                                                  '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                    i wanna try that history thing if it's free,i like history classes
                                                                    but that wont worth your time anyway,forget it
                                                                    Its more a one-on-one in person tutorial with books and shit so it probs wouldnt work online aha

                                                                    Este comentário foi editado


                                                                      Ramtin H

                                                                        No ....


                                                                          oh okay,i see

                                                                          leash is makes all blink/ball lighting fire renmant type skill doesnt work,and you cant teleport

                                                                          CARRY OR FEED

                                                                            where could I get this free learning materials in learning micro, macro and theorical skills?


                                                                              FFFUCKK LEASHED STATE!!!1111!!!


                                                                                now this, this is exactly why i returned to dotabuff!


                                                                                  and watch bsj videos it works XDD




                                                                                      He could probably learn from somebody who isn't Cookie and is divine whatever. But it's his money and if he feels like he will improve more being coached by Cookie (who is top 1000 immortal I believe btw) it's his prerogative. If the difference is $5 between a divine and an immortal coach I can see myself being willing to fork out an extra $5, that's fucking nothing.

                                                                                      Also that AM game is legitimately impressive, I have never come close to that even with a magnus in 60 minute games.


                                                                                        I think the problem is that he is unwilling to acknowledge a person he is unfamiliar with. Excel has plenty of experience and amazing advice that I myself as a legend would die for(this is my son's acc). I'm sure he recognizes the advice he has to offer but refuses it due to dislike of the person, but to truly become better at something you have to really accept all kinds of advice. I'm a teacher and have dealt with people like this... I think the real solution to your problem is to simply be willing to learn, whether it's from a teacher you like or you don't like.

                                                                                        Little Crow

                                                                                          @.eXceL coach me please m8, I need ur knowledge in my veins


                                                                                            shady_stuff people value time as much as money, and if Op wants to spend his time being coached by a specific person then I don't see the was probably rude/ignorant to say that divine is too low for coaching, but well it's not half as bad as the toxicity that exists in the forum lol. Might as well learn from one of the high ranked players instead of a random divine

                                                                                            Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                              @Savant, if you’re serious add me and we can discuss

                                                                                              @Eddie, I totally accept his choice to be coached by one person, but he didn’t initially word it like that which is what started the whole debacle.

                                                                                              Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                                yea srsly how did you do that gta guy,that's insane

                                                                                                Story Time

                                                                                                  stupid thread, you are all wasting internet on this

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