General Discussion

General Discussion7.20 has completely broken the game.

7.20 has completely broken the game. in General Discussion
'96 Neve Campbell

    Serious question, how are these changes balanced in any way? Something has gone terribly wrong with the balancing of this game when Lions build core items and nuke entire teams for 2000 damage. None of these reworks make sense, literally none of them, they are all just completely stupid changes that unbalance the game that people have been learning for years. I think we all wanted them to change this game what with how stale 7.19 was but did anyone ask for these game breaking abilities?

    Never has there been a less balanced patch, ever since patch 6.87 they turn this game more and more into some kind of meme or Dota IMBA. We are going down the root of not correcting the meta but instead giving every hero completely op abilities instead of correct balance. Where are the changes to the heros that actually needed reworks? Queen of Pain? Puck? Death Prophet? Valve have completely lost it this time.

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    Inflation Agent

      Balance? what that?

      '96 Neve Campbell

        Balance? what that?
        Giving jugg 4s of super fast attack speed with immunity? Or perhaps making it so u have to land all ur spells on Anti Mage in a 1.5s window or he will get away? Maybe giving ogre magi a quad midas? idk?


          instead of crying just play op heroes till they get need to be salty about everything

          13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

            This patch makes me feel like I'm playing LoL with the map changes

            '96 Neve Campbell

              instead of crying just play op heroes till they get need to be salty about everything
              What is the incentive for that? Why should we all be forced to play a restricted hero pool because some heros got overpowered reworks whilst other heros were untouched? The fun of this game used to be you could pretty much play 95% of the hero pool and have a good chance of winning, now that figure is more like 30%.

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                its not restricted if everything is broken in its own way lol
                plus people have been crying over how weak dazzle kotl ns slark and a bunch of other heroes....which they gave alot of good stuff...maybe its just the beginning and balance patches will follow
                plus its not like they only buffed some heroes they buffed the counters as well so they wont be as broken as it seems...
                sure we'll have murranji crying about zeus and bs but that is inevitable
                and honestly if lion is the thing thats scaring you the most then you should check out the insane sf changes
                just try to play for fun need to trihard what you think is op and enjoy one forces you to play anything fact they just trying to make the game more versatile by actively destroying dreams of one hero pool players


                  this was that one guy who complained that he was 1k and he was better than 3k players right
                  no wonder he thinks this patch is dumb and is so toxic


                    daily reminder that pangolier has a reply for everything anyone has to say
                    ^misgendering POG

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                    '96 Neve Campbell

                      this was that one guy who complained that he was 1k and he was better than 3k players right
                      no wonder he thinks this patch is dumb and is so toxic
                      I think everything u wrote is inaccurate so grats on that

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                      '96 Neve Campbell

                        Y’all actually willing to stand by and defend this patch? Cause thats what it feels like. Get some stones honestly we all know this isnt how you patch a game.

                        dodge all spells

                          Old Lich is dead, something new is born, didn't figure it out yet. Maybe I have to deeply learn another hero :(((


                            bonus heroes have been removed. thank god for people who random and get meepo.
                            sheepstick finally dispellable. no longer the bullshit thing where team gets 5 of them and just yeets.
                            shrines been buffed. thank god for tiny players who shrine and restore like a tenth of theri hp.
                            different boots r finally balanced. phase boots finally changed to so that if u have one no one can kill u
                            u dont have to bother with dropping ur tranqs. ayyyy
                            jakiro got the buff bois finally
                            bane buffed(he needed it). i wanna see a right click bane.
                            batrider coming back? mebbe
                            finally no more bs on bs. he finally wont get crazy shit damage from ur side lanes being low af hp.
                            centaur nerfed. life for pos 1s is so much better.
                            ck now is op chaser. also no more blowing up with -25 armor or some shit like that.
                            no more bs with test of faith on chen. FUCK gawD
                            absolute useless ulti on clinkz changed. thank god.
                            night stalker turned from trash hero to melee terrorblade. holy shit.
                            oracle finally doe damage now :O
                            return of tidehunter!
                            fixed zues nimbus glitch w/ octarine core and cd reduction. shit was gay af.

                            SO u think thats shti?
                            good to know u a man of fine taste


                              luna 61% winrate
                              slark 60% winrate

                              please valve


                                Don't let this distract you from the fact that Slardar has reliable permabash with 523 attack speed.


                                  how to be a 50 IQ 1k player

                                  "CK NOW IS AN OP CHASER"


                                    FREE TO PLAY NO COMPLAIN

                                    Certified Lover Boy

                                      I think these guy aren't defending bro. They'll have to check out for op heroes. The shit they've done to am, troll and huskar. Let's be patient for a week or two and see what happens. :)


                                        This patch is dumb and anybody who likes it should feel dumb. Feels like one of those old-school wc3 hero arenas with some characters just running around with obnoxious stupid spells. Even if it was balanced I don't know how the game will be enjoyable with dumb mechanics like bounty stealing gold, AM reflecting every spell by mashing his 'E' button and status resistance ruining every combo.

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                                        Inflation Agent

                                          Let's be honest, since when has patches been able to satisfied all dota players? This game will never be balance


                                            One thing which takes me back is the bloodstone change. HP regen from each bloodstone charge used to be a thing. I remember when I played against an Axe bot in Dota 1 that had bloodstone, he racked up 50 charges or something and was getting +75hp regen per second from or something ridiculous.

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                                                Get gud son.

                                                Emperor Xu Mail

                                                  please someone tell me how to kill an AM. i really dont know now. 3 sec cd on that OP third skill.

                                                  Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                                                    please someone tell me how to kill an AM. i really dont know now. 3 sec cd on that OP third skill.

                                                    Troll warlord, basher.


                                                      I like the patch so far.

                                                      Many changes, new approaches to heroes. Sure, some are OP, but there will be coming balancing patches. It is the same as every year - huge changes which completely change the game. Heroes who were trash are now OP and will be rebalanced.

                                                      I like it.


                                                        weirdest and most broken patch

                                                        Emperor Xu Mail

                                                          yeah but i just play int mid heroes xD i'll pray for a carry to pick the goblin or the piranha. this is too restricting though. supports had a huge role in controlling AM before this patch. Now....supports will be less than useless. I imagine Shaman, lion and bane pickers must be crying right now.


                                                            Maybe it’s just me...but I tried the lich new skill and it seems exactly like shaman shackles except in exchange for a slightly longer cast range it lasts only half as long, does no damage, has three times the cooldown, has no synergy with his ultimate, and leaves the enemy closer to you so it’s easier for them to slaughter the lich as soon as it wears off.

                                                            Oh and they replaced the ability that allows him to win the laning stage to include it.


                                                              ^ it looks ten times cooler tho


                                                                It is a cool looking new animation I will give it that.


                                                                  So Drow change seems designed to destroy Drow strategy. I think it looked like it judging by the first day.

                                                                  At level 6 she used to have 65 agi. Now she has 30, so she still has lower attack damage than what a number of heroes start with at level 1. So she can't push and take a tower, can't bully other laners out of her lane, can't go jungle if she is getting shut down. Nice.

                                                                  At level 25 instead of 140 base agi from base stats and marksmanship she now has 72 (77 if you take the 5 stats talent). The precision aura talent then gives 52 attack speed, or 71 if you take the talent. Of course she already gained 75 extra attack speed from the agi gain.

                                                                  So in other words her aura now gives her the equivalent attack speed that her ultimate used to give her, except with 75 less damage from the ultimate, and 75 less damage from the aura.

                                                                  So she attacks at the same speed but with 150 less damage. Cool. Exactly the "balance" we have come to expect from Icefraud.

                                                                  '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                    Many changes, new approaches to heroes. Sure, some are OP, but there will be coming balancing patches. It is the same as every year - huge changes which completely change the game. Heroes who were trash are now OP and will be rebalanced.
                                                                    But it isnt like this every year... This is easily the dumbest patch they have ever put out and they ‘fixed’ heros that were balanced by giving them broken reworks and ignored heros that actually needed buffs.


                                                                      can't go jungle if she is getting shut down.

                                                                      her ult one shots creeps so just stack ancients 4Head

                                                                      Von Darkmoor

                                                                        They didnt nerf Morphlinf at all.

                                                                        Phantom Assasin aka NOOBSEEKER.
                                                                        RECIEVED BUFFS instead of NERFS !!!!
                                                                        blink strike and get troll ultimate and free smoke with 20 sec cd.
                                                                        Lets not forget TRIPPLE DAGGER CRITT WOOOHOO '1600 range instant dead 90% of all supports and in a match both support +agi carry....

                                                                        BECAUSE PLAYING SUPPORT IS SO MUCH FUN ALLREADY NOW YOU EVEN GET A FREE WP FOR WARD KILL 😂😂😂👍👌👌👌👌👌

                                                                        Stone Cold Steve Austin

                                                                          Morphling was very contested, but not especially successful on the tournament.
                                                                          And he got nerfs, both indirect (no Aquila, movespeed items % based, so he will have a significantly lower movespeed than previously since he has one of the lowest base movespeeds) and a bit of direct.

                                                                          And drow is just trash.


                                                                            The deviation in winrates is increasing in an overwhelming fashion in the last few years.

                                                                            3 years ago 52% winrate hero was usually sitting top, the middle was very contested, there were a few 45%ish heroes (usually Chen, Io; heroes most people didn't really want to pick so randoming /challanges and being unskilled with them was a lot of it). Now there is currently meepo (close to 70%), a couple 60% heroes, and an insane amount of sub 40%.

                                                                            I think D2 is doing an unprecedentedly bad job at balancing for about 3 years now, with this patch seemingly taking the cake.

                                                                            '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                              ^ This is the major sign of a bad patch, remember about a year ago when they were saying how great things were and there wasnt more than a 10% deviation in win rate between heros? Now that figure is 30%.

                                                                              20 Heros have a sub 45% winrate and, to my knowledge, there has never been a widely picked agi carry like Slark or Luna that have made it to a 60% win rate until today, also 67%(!) winrate on meepo is a major shocker!

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                                                                              '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                What makes it even worse is that this patch was clearly rushed. Some of the immortals introduced at the last TI are already redundant due to ability changes and the patch is a buggy mess with loads of unupdated ability descriptions and bizarre interactions such as kotls ult, slarks pounce being weird asf with force staff and bloodthorn giving more regen than orchid. Some of the stuff could have been spotted with just a few days of patch tests...

                                                                                The Ghoul

                                                                                  The only reason these winrates are skyrocketing is because people are trying to figure out what is going on, and some heroes are better in games in which you can use any advantage to win the game. Snowballing heroes are strong right now because no one knows what is going on. These winrate % will slim down dramasticly once the amount of games increases. If meepo is op right now, people will just start to preemptively pick WW, shaker, sven etc. There are counters to every hero, even those who are considered to be OP.

                                                                                  The patch is something completely new and refreshing, the meta that the game was stuck in was quite dull in terms of lane setups and viable heroes. Now every hero is as if they were new, therefore there is a lot to be learned and discovered. The only meta that changed over the past 3 months was in the proscene, pubgames hardly were affected by the smaller patches.

                                                                                  Just because you dont know what is going on or why stuff is in the game does not mean that the patch sucks. They are experimenting with new idea's and concept to elaborate on the game as it is. The ogre midas for example is a bug since it should not be considered as an offensive item since it does no damage, nor does it apply a debuff.


                                                                                    that's what happens when you give a set day for patch release valve....kkonas smh
                                                                                    the winrate deviation thingy is right "balance" patch should allow a 70% winrate hero to go through
                                                                                    but still i want to steal money with bounty rn..
                                                                                    its kinda weird how i feel about clearly alot of things are incredibly rushed and unbalanced...but the cool new mechanics and spells still make me happy


                                                                                      I forcestaffed me out of the map yesterday. i dont think they testet a lot.. this is noob shit.
                                                                                      and yes it feels like lol. idk...


                                                                                        So how Meepo works now is each attack he does it deals 20 extra damage and heals him 20 damage. Then all his clones do too. So 3/4 clones attacking one target means you do +80-100 extra damage, and heal 80-100 damage with each attack. So you can just run at an enemy now and stack earthbinds while right clicking. Don’t even need to bother with poof, and don’t bother with micro. Just use him like you would any other right click hero.


                                                                                          srsly even 7.00 isnt as confusing as this patch
                                                                                          too much new items,new heal amp debuff resstiance etc etc idk even what i miss and new skills too

                                                                                          Michael Mew

                                                                                            It's just the 1st day jesus fuck give Valve a break. This will all be solved in a couple months from now. Also OP is very salty because he cannot get to 3k oof.


                                                                                              Legion commander is pretty good vs Am, so what if AM duels you instead because he procced his stuff? Still works.

                                                                                              I think Slark will be the bigger issue because Slark imho rips AM a new one and scales harder.

                                                                                              Also, something like Panda + Bat in a lane against him. You receive no gold.


                                                                                                Meepo 68% winrate? Brewmaster 80% PA ulti crit? R.I.P. Dota 2

                                                                                                i trust my team

                                                                                                  valve just broke the game by creating 7.00

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