General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen is it justifiable to pick non traditional safe lane carries ( E....

When is it justifiable to pick non traditional safe lane carries ( E.G bloodseeker, OD safelane) in General Discussion

    I'm always vocal whenever i see my teammates picking bloodseeker, invoker, OD safelane, and kept told them to pick the more traditional safe lane carrys like jugg or luna. But I see the pros playing non-traditional carries on safelane, could you give me some insights, when to do this and not?


      You’re a high enough mmr to work it out yourself really. If not then you’re realistically never going to improve if you always need other people’s insights to make your decisions.


        u never pick od

        Machado98 #xatubaking

          If you are good enough to make it work, always. Just make sure you are good enough to win because if you lose thats some ez reports
          I play a lot of Lone Druid offlane and everyone flames me but I make it work and win a lot, fortunately they can only report at the end so I can prove my point every game
          Pick w/e you want, if you can make it work, it's fine, might tilt some people but if you are good enough they will eat their own words

          зачем я начал поиск

            How is Bloodseeker non-traditional though?

            He's not that common safelane, but not nearly as rare as Invo/OD safelane.


              Blood is amazing safelane


                The only non traditional safe lane in your list is invoker