General Discussion

General Discussionwhy i'm so bad at farming

why i'm so bad at farming in General Discussion


    save me


      have you tried creating annother shitpost?


        its a serious question btw,sorry if my posts are pretty spamming or something

        play for fun

          watch high level cores and see where they go right


            maybe ur priorities are wrong u should play like that: 1. Destroy Buildings 2. farm 3. Kill Heroes


              idk how to prioritize,help


                Do you find yourself fighting and dying? Or not knowing where to farm? Or farming inefficiently?

                Potato PC

                  No need to good at farming if you pick support


                    i think its number 3,i farm so not efficient


                      Curious. Do you constantly look at clock (to know how mucxh time you have before jungle respawns) and try and predict where lanes are pushing in to plan your farming patterns?

                      do you utilise nukes and cleave in a way so you farm one creep wave in the smallest amount of time? Do you know which jungle creep to prioritize so you kill camps faster?


                        1. look at minimap
                        2. find a jungle camp
                        3. go to that camp
                        4. A-click them
                        5. cast your spells on em
                        6. Repeat


                          its better if you have a repeat pattern every game for x hero.

                          lm ao


                            lm ao

                              OP pls teach me how to play brood

                              A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                                Push lanes once early game passes and farm the nc
                                Basic right?


                                  Just win game. Ez right


                                    wtf. seriously in ancient bracket dont know how to farm ?? pls kys, how much did you buy that accout dude


                                      @hello i practice
                                      wat you wan to know?
                                      yup i used nukes,and checking the clock,but not making a pattern i guess,and that pushing thing also

                                      okay,gonna ask this seriously,this is being a problem and could be a reason that i feel "im so bad"(okay maybe there's more)
                                      taking some stuffs on a thread that i replied before,but not really answered fully i guess
                                      i seriously can't farm efficiently with any hero

                                      "help me with my farming techniques,what the hell do i even do wrong
                                      people that i watched on replays,after stomping my lane usually get 800 gpm++ EVERYGAME after stomping hte lane

                                      i just like get 600-700,wtheck am i even doing at midgame(its still a win,but i feel like it can be imrpoved)
                                      i feel like i got laning phase properly,i dunno about midgame and lategame
                                      it feels like i can't farm well enough at midgame and lategame
                                      its like,after laning phase and get items(powerspike and after my spike is over still fighting mode) i go fighting mode so completely forgot about farm(i did farm,but not as efficient as when i think about farming only) then after i die i would go switch into farming mode"

                                      so,i can't seem to know the time when i should farm,it needs me to die first[or actually,lose a game] before i realize "i should just farmed,this is a bad decision",or farm efficiently when i farm,can't really seem to make a plan where should i go after i destroyed a camp or something,just doing it braindeadly
                                      im just so bad at making patterns honestly,i'm not capable of doing same stuff for like 5 mins straight i think(or 5 games straight).

                                      i feel like,the only good thing about me is just teamfighting,probably(probably) i can do teamfighting good,but its super unreliable and you all know it's easy to screw up in teamfighting and that "benefit of good" would be gone after i screw up which equals to losing the game
                                      owell,would take improvements on teamfighting too

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                                        Dude just chill your life doesn't depend on it


                                          but i wan to be stronger


                                            Farming has really like 3 aspects, 1# is the mechanical farming skill 2# is the strategical aspect of playing the map and 3# is gamesense to see how deep you can go.

                                            1# can be fixed by practicing in lobbies
                                            2# can be fixed by looking up deadlane concept by bsj, playing from behind by gurpathik and playing the map by blitz and i made a similar video as well
                                            3# can be fixed by making a gameplan at teh beginningg of the game to set what you need to go do what, ex what items do i need to farm my jungle, to farm enemy jungle, to take towers etc.

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                                              I have same problem , its like my creeps give -50% gold/exp. bounty.
                                              I fucking suck as carry no way.

                                              Make your time worth

                                                you divine but dunno how to farm how can?

                                                im the biggest hater

                                                  Steps to Successful Farming
                                                  Step 1: Compost

                                                  The key to compost is following all the steps and making sure you add just the right amount of water. One of the most important thing for compost are worms. They add a lot of vitamins into the compost. -Donnell

                                                  Step 2: Amendment

                                                  Taking care of your beds and soil is very crucial for successful harvest and healthy plants. Adding other organic materials like compost, manure, etc. to your soil and beds is also necessary in having rich and nutrient filled soil. At WOW Farm, we first build trenches to mark visually where our beds end. Then we loosen the soil and first add horse manure. It’s important that manure goes in first so that it can be mixed twice after you add the compost. Mixing in your soil and making sure it’s all one color can be really helpful. It’s a lot of work but works out for the best when the plants look and taste awesome! -Ayana

                                                  Step 3: Planting

                                                  Before planting, there’s a lot of planning such as how long it will take the plant to grow and whether it is in season. You have to make sure your read the instructions to know how far apart the seeds should be planted. It only takes a quick minute to learn how to plant seeds. I like planting because once it starts growing, you get all excited because all your hard work is sprouting. -Anna

                                                  Step 4: Watering

                                                  Watering is one of the most important parts of farming. We always water the plant after planting the seeds to “tell” the plants it is time to grow. After a few days, you see a little sprout come out. To make sure the plant has enough water, we set up irrigation lines. If the plants don’t have enough water, they will grow slower, and the quality of the production won’t be as good as the ones that do have enough water. Also, plants can die from lack of water. We don’t water the beds when it is hot because it would dry up quickly. Morning and evening are the best times for watering plants. –Mayce

                                                  Step 5: Weeding

                                                  To weed our beds, we have to kneel between the beds and pick up plants that may have grown in the wrong spot or weren’t planted there. We pull the crab grass and nettles that are in the way or crowding the produce we sell, or just making the garden look ugly or dirty. The hardest thing about that is that if you touch nettles, your hands sting for awhile. -Ershell

                                                  Step 6: Harvesting

                                                  When you harvest, you have to make sure that you don’t damage the leaves by soaking them in too much water when you wash them. You also have to make sure that you pull the plant by the roots and that the roots come out. Then you can cut them. You also have to make them look presentable so that people will want to buy them. Make them look pretty. I like harvesting because I like how I can make them look pretty and neat. I also like to be gentle when picking them out because it’s how you’re supposed to pull them out and because it just calms me down to be gentle. -Ronajean

                                                  Step 7: Delivery

                                                  When one is delivering products, one must be professional. It’s crucial to “sell” our products with our looks. It’s important that good impressions are set while going on a delivery. It’s also important to have all the paperwork in order because that’s money we’re playing with. That’s our profit that can be ruined if we aren’t precise and aware of what we’re doing. I like this particular job because it allows me to meet who is in charge. It feels as though I play a role in the business world.


                                                    @cookie fo rexample i want to fix number 1 first,wat should i do on the lobby?

                                                    tank you

                                                    i'm always suck at doing farming,i hate pos 1


                                                    but i love eat farm

                                                    Este comentário foi editado
                                                    im the biggest hater

                                                      @cookie hey cookie how to be you?

                                                      SEA ranked #1 Feeder KEK

                                                        Pick supp like i always do and then contest last hitting with ur carry and steal their last hits. End up with 50 cs in 10 min and now u r farming efficiently


                                                          Maybe u doesnt farm so slow! Maybe your games are short compared to 800gpm guys. Have u compared your net worth @10 @20 @30 to other carry players


                                                            okay lol,i ever did that 800 lh thing on 30 min using am but 1200.. geez do you need to stack with illusions or something
                                                            ill try to do them,thanks
                                                            6min destroy anceint seems really hard though


                                                            problem is,the shorter the game usually people gets more gpm,different with me(like people finish game in 20 mins,they have 800 gpm)

                                                            Este comentário foi editado

                                                              try doing 900 @ 30, forget about every other challenge, if you can do that in 2-3 attempts then your farming problems are strategical not mechanical.


                                                                it shall be done

                                                                Cheesy Wenis

                                                                  Don't listen to Cookie, that's not even real code.

                                                                  If you copy and paste it you will get error.


                                                                    I could only get 570 lhs in 30 min as a troll . Looks like i suck /


                                                                      use something like luna/am/sven


                                                                        ok bro

                                                                        Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                          Got 680 lh with AM lmao. 7k games and I literally never focused on learning how to farm.
                                                                          We're pretty much on the same boat I guess.


                                                                            i feel you my comrade brothers and sisters siblings

                                                                            lm ao

                                                                              Dude I added you


                                                                                From what you describe it’s obviously strategical. Great farming cannot be separated from overall macro strategy of the game and that ties into how you play the map. Why better players get 800gpm when you get 700 is just that. They know what needs to happen where they need to be while you’re figuring out what to do.

                                                                                It’s not very helpful advice but it’s not that meaningful to compare yourself to higher players. Simply because their game sense is so much more acute and hence they are able to be more efficient.

                                                                                No one thinks, to be more efficient with farming, I need to hAve better game sense. But they’re not independent. You’ll realize this when you watch crusaders and why they farm so slow.

                                                                                While you’re deciding whether or not to go to a lane or continue farming a jungle camp or joining a fight , the better player has already done all that while joining a fight.

                                                                                To illustrate this point a bit better, a pro player knows exactly when he’s needed. While you’re sprinting halfway across the map thinking you need to be somewhere he’s still farming. Then he shows up and does what he is needed to do and leaves back to farming immediately while maybe you made a wrong choice and lose 30 secs.

                                                                                All this has nothing to do with farming patterns and everything to do with game sense.

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                                                                                Ear of Skadi

                                                                                  what if your own team likes taking lane farm and jungle farm? do you contest them?


                                                                                    Ye, what hanyolo said


                                                                                      i berry tankful for you all
                                                                                      @hanyolo but i wan to be pro playa turtle
                                                                                      but ok

                                                                                      @soybean accepted,wat you want to know?

                                                                                      generally qb+stout+2 mango/1mango+1tango
                                                                                      soul ring-aquila/medal
                                                                                      some real good players go queling+blight stone+tango but its really hard to do you'll get hitted by enemy and go low so much at lane

                                                                                      then,after that you decide
                                                                                      aquila is for farming,medalion is for lane winning(do buy medal if you can win lane only)
                                                                                      can you win the lane(vs range retard heroes who pick range vs brood),buy medalion or stuffs like alche mid or lycan mid
                                                                                      vs aoe garbage heroes like tiny/lc(those you cant kill, buy aquila
                                                                                      good thing about medalion is that you can kill faster,so you can 1vs3 easily when enemy actually decides to backup their mid

                                                                                      people love to go diffu but,i still love to go orchid (like when i see grimstroke,uh anything that's annoying here or ww)
                                                                                      but usually i go items depending on my mid matchup
                                                                                      if i fight stuff like tiny/lc i'll go diffu,so i can pressure him getting out from my lane (diffu generally works for everything,but uh i want to make space for my team usually)
                                                                                      orchid is,silence? idk how to describe but orchid is good for some games too
                                                                                      but yes even you go diffu vs lina/invo,since you dont need to sielnce them(buy orchid if you need to silence someone on enemy team)

                                                                                      after your first item(orch/diffu),+pt buy bkbmostly
                                                                                      unless your only danger is rightclicks,i go solar crest(even after aquila) and then butterfly after pt

                                                                                      before your bkb,if you think that any guys can kill you (min 13+) after your first item,stop trying to pressure the lanes and just farm jungle(3 ancients+lane,1-2 more camp if possible)
                                                                                      the most gamelosing for brood,in my opinion is dying at the time 13-20 when you havent finished your bkb yet and die ganked or bad fighting/thought this is easy kill but 1 sp with stun comes out nowhere and u ded

                                                                                      after diffu bkb you can go orchid+nulli,or go butterfly
                                                                                      after orchid bkb you can go nulli,or go butterfly too
                                                                                      if you vs treant protector and you see not much stuns on enemy team,go manta first before bkb works also(for dispel root) [usually this is diffu,not orchid build]

                                                                                      farming 2 ancients+lane at min 7~ is more efficeint than taking small camps/large/medium

                                                                                      there's some guy i watched vs kunnka and he goes aquila straight after qb+4mango(no sr) and blocks lane so you can win the lane,that's a tip vs kunnkaas i guess(lvl 4,after aquila cut wave)

                                                                                      always buy the sage mask part of the item,like basilus 1st
                                                                                      2 sage mask 1st if you buy orchid(not quarterstaff)

                                                                                      aquila+orchid is acceptable too on some games,the itembuild is pretty watever as long aquila/medal + diffu/orchid + bkb/butter
                                                                                      (if you go butter,go solar crest 1st always..mostly)
                                                                                      (manta is just special case vs roof)

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