General Discussion

General DiscussionSeason 2 - Legend to divine in 6weeks TL:DR included

Season 2 - Legend to divine in 6weeks TL:DR included in General Discussion

    ''The Trench only exists if you think it does''- Albert Einstein

    All jokes aside, have gained approximately +1500mmr in arguably one of the harder brackets to climb through, on a server with a limited playerbase.. (less players = less mmr inflation) (legend -> divine)
    I'd like to share how.

    My story begins here.

    TL:DR = My calibration techniques, mindset and attitude towards playing..

    As expected, my 80% winrate through the legend bracket tailors off to a respectable 60% winrate.. it could have been much higher however i did manage to shadowpool myself at a stage and encountered alot of throwers/tilted myself.

    Contrary to popular belief 'I HAVE TO PLAY CORE, I HAVE TO PLAY SUPPORT' respectively, i had a mix of 60% core and 40% support, with my most common lane being the mid lane.

    My most played heros for the patch include, I had a much higher winrate through legend(80%) with willow than i did in the ancient(35%) bracket. alot of my support pool is a mixture of warlock/wd/jakiro etc

    My visage used to be one of my highest winrate heros, however i have had moderate success with him this patch in comparison to my other 'staple' heros.

    Massive tips i can give, Be confident.
    its no secret that dota players have an ego, litterally every single one of us. According to open dota, i'm in the top 100 pugnas - so i've been playing like it. I've been pushing the hero to its utter limits there's a good feeling about taking a tier 3 at 10mins. I'm honestly probably trash at the hero, however i'm playing confident, systematic dota on a comfort hero and it appears to be working well.

    Respect peoples badges
    (give up a core role to the higher player if he wishes to take it, there is a good chance he is better than you, even if he isn't (i was doing this all throughout Ancient bracket) just wait till you're higher badge and take the role)
    If you asked me a few weeks ago, if i saw a divine in my game i'd give him benefit of the doubt 'he's most likely correct with his play/assessment', i get frustrated with lower players making mistakes and/or higher players making mistakes.
    however if you don't think you're the best player in the server, you deserve to be there. Every game i enter i assume i'm the best player there, the moment i stop doing this is the moment i stop climbing, i'm not intimidated by immortals or whatever, I'll give a higher badged player thier chosen role however i go into every game extremely confident.

    Pick meta heros.
    i can't stress this enough- It's all great to win games as tiny, i'm sure you're a great bounty hunter. It doesn't mean you can't win with those heros, it just means it'll be 100x easier to win with a hero that is considered 'strong' than a hero that is considered weak.
    eg. Templar assassin is considered very strong in the mid, you'll probably have an easier time closing games compared to a death prophet.

    Use your watch tab -
    between every queue (higher ranked games in aus take some time) I'll use my watch tab and watch a pro player or top ranked player play a hero that i enjoy playing, i try and get in his head and understand his movements/decisions and emulate them into my games.

    Play your role and know your role-

    My biggest pet peeve is position 5 supports not buying sentries etc etc.
    If you're playing an ember spirit, your job could be to splitpush/shove lanes, it could be to fight with your team, every role is game dependant, however you'll be in an excellent position to win your game if you understand what your purpose is for the game and how to exploit it to maximum efficiency.

    In this game, i fed 4x in 5mins as a position 5 warlock, however my team never flamed me for it, because i was a warlock with a networth of 300 all in consumables feeding 150 gold and 50xp.. that is less than 1 creep wave which he managed to farm for free with the space. I'm not saying feeding is good, i'm saying 'don't get caught up in the little things or quit too early'

    I died 22 times in the duration of this game, however i tanked smoke ganks kept permanant vision up in all areas of the map. I played my role, i didn't go for a midas/aghs/refresher on warlock, because i simply knew that it wasn't my role to 'carry the game' it was my role to support my carry and enable them to win the game.
    I identified my role and i played my role to the best of my ability.

    You can do it too, you just have to put in the work, have an open mindset and also.
    'stop being toxic, nobody enjoys hearing what they did wrong.. just try and make up for it, it just makes games harder' - myself, i am muted currently XD

    Chilling And Winning

      the thing is going in Higher brackets ain't fun at all if u try hard u will lose the fun. and this is a game


        another tldr would be :

        sad truth = everyone wants the medal or the number but not that many wanna do anything outside of their personality and comfort zone to get it


          @ya allah - I actually find higher ranked games much much easier, i can predict what players are going to do and for the most part i can trust my team mates to do the play i expect them to do. Although i dont even think div games are 'high rank' we're still plebs

          The trick is, to tell people they can't do it. If someone on the internet telling them they cant do it stops them, then they were never cut out to do it in the first place.

          now i can talk shit to stars about not having a parthenon, GIT GUD SIA


            idk it feels like this acc shouldve had the house thingy by now but i guess it doesnt. my first posts were in ayy lmao page 150-200 so do the math

            oh ps. they were other smurf accs lol

            Este comentário foi editado
            Where is my Hu Tao

              what is your behavior score?


                [Developer] solo_competitive_rank: 5000 - Ey, 5000 matchmaking points on the dot.

                [Developer] behavior_score: C- (YIKES, i may of flamed a few people.. just a little...)

                I'm really fun to win with, not so much to lose with. One of those players that gets commended every game if we win or reported if we lose.. you know how it is :thinking:


                  dont change ur name so i can dodge xd


                    5k Australia = 3k eu


                      Eu has the most account buyers/sellers/players = More inflated mmr = 10000x easier to climb

                      Este comentário foi editado
                      La Joya

                        can only wish my ping to the AU isn't too high so i can climb easier like the OP did
