General Discussion

General DiscussionFrom archon 2 to crusader 5

From archon 2 to crusader 5 in General Discussion

    I don't know why my ranked dropped like that even though my mmr is still the same from last season (2.2k). Can you guys please enlighten me? My solo ranked calibration standing is 5-5 and I've had good matches. Thank you.


      They changed the values of badges.


        Archon is now near 3k, sorry dude.

        Shikanoko Noko

          hah. im from archon 2 to crusader 5 back to archon 1. feelbadman


            crusader life matters :(


              lol seems like i was from the very few that gained more medal after calibration. 4.3k ancient 3 into 4.7 ancient 4 after calibration. 4.7 was divine last season iirc

              SASA POPOVIC

                Dude, MMR to medals is not a fixed number it fluctuates according to the amount of players on the ladder, so logicaly at the start of season MMR is inflated because less players and at the end of season its deflated because everyone and their mother who didnt calibrated accounts yet will do it.

                So if you have some ladder anxiety on such low MMR if thats even possible, i recommend you to just spam unranked games and practice, during this time you will see how percentage on your medal increases because of influx of new players and then just play few games near the end of the season and your medal will increase.


                  Consider kys


                    icevrog changed the values of medals. chill. even if you're dropped significantly you will grinding back to where you belong very soon.