General Discussion

General Discussionhow is etitan balanced

how is etitan balanced in General Discussion

    my friend and i just got stomped this guy,friend was safelane
    this guy stacks every camp and at lvl 3 he got like +100 dmg 440ms +sleep to make people close to him or just basically punch him until safelane dies
    pair it with mirana at offlane = the end

    at lvl 5 he has like 170 damage and roam with 999999999999999 movementspeed

    is blocking our only camp is only option,he just basically stacks our whole jungle

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    play for fun

      you need to stack his jungle ez win

      2765 behaviour score

        He's a good ET
        Deal with it some people can master some heroes

        Mode : TOPSON



            so he fucked you in lane that means hes not balanced?
            ET is one difficult hero to Master, if you simply didnt prevent him from stacking camps then you deserve to get fucked


              i don't think he's that hard to use btw,stack camps-skill 2-hit someone


              skill 2-eul-skill1

              wat so hard about this guy

              but okay

              yea maybe my friend should've blocked the camps like stay on it or put sen3 or smth

              SASA POPOVIC

                Feelsbad dude, Potm + ET is really aids.... Next time when you are against good ET spammer, pick Jugger or naix he cant do shit against them. Any heroes that can change position fast like AM or Ember, range heroes like drow or clinx with orchid, everything shits on ET.


                  If he's so easy, then go pick him yourself. what a crybaby

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                  PRAISE THE SUN!

                    Pick nature's prophet and watch et cry


                      Cant do shit against jugger xD


                        hows TREANT balanced man


                          Still relevant


                            treant is very balanced since low ms


                              ye jugger or ls should be the counter of that cancer combo,we just too stupid to see it i guess

                              but uh,i dont think jugger can survive walking giant punching him with +100 dmg though 400 ms (with miranaharass)

                              am will die imo,idk ember but same i guess

                              BSJ. LGD

                                et sux id nvr lose to something i can see visibly running towards me. treant and pudge on the other hand surprise attacks u which is hard to counter

                                зачем я начал поиск

                                  He has the worst voiceover in the game though.


                                    I like going the offlane at the beginning and when the creeps come use the Astral Spirit on the creeps, neutrals, and heroes. Tp to the safelane and when the spirit is about to get close to ET start heading toward the enemy heroes to have the spirit also hit them and beat them to death.

                                    Since it took so long for the spirit to get to you the spirit will be off cooldown. If you use Astral Spirit again and call it back before your OP buff ends then IT WILL REFRESH THE BUFF!!! Mana intensive but rediculously overpowered.

                                    I don't know if anyone knew that but hey now you know. Now go kill them all.


                                      @mike thats a cute play, however it's very 'all in' and might cost you a lane..
                                      I'd recommend starting between the T2-T1 in the enemy safelane and start punching the enemy heros before they get to lane


                                        What are these ppl talking about :/

                                        U answered urself dude the rest of the thread is irrelevant branches -_-


                                          ET broken, won botTI

                                          pls be patient very noob ...

                                            Sounds like you need to pick a ranged pos 1 and keep the lane equilibrium near the tower


                                              i dunno how can you lasthit vs this guy though,that strat is really good on dual lane but pretty weak in 3 lanes i guess since you can kill them easily

                                              @sia idk i was asking for your people opinions actually,was waiting for that skeleton guy since always gib many gud answers

                                              my friend was huskar a huskar spammer also btw,with 1 other ranged support in the lane
                                              destroyed 999/10

                                              nowori,with your powa of imagination you can always make etitan become loli and sounds like stompy stompy stompy