General Discussion

General Discussionis it wrong to tank everything as a midlaner in a teamfight ?

is it wrong to tank everything as a midlaner in a teamfight ? in General Discussion

    take a look at my last match, every match slark, pudge and clinkz always go for me, kill me, then lose teamfights, even bb hitting me too

    is it wrong ?


      I would tank with heroes like alchi DK timber but as long as you win team fights then you're doing okay.
      Also Halberd was a really good idea


        You had no initiator so someone had to take one for the team. Maybe get as well be you - once you have ultied someone you don’t really do anything that the rest of your can’t.


          When you have the most rank hero mid, why not. And you had tb and wind for damage and supports for big spells as well. Nothing wrong with it.


            When you have the most rank hero mid



              its better to get your supports and offlaner or whoever isnt you to get tank all spells imo and stuns,you dont want to get stunned as someone who deals insane dps

              unless you are really that tanky

              Story Time

                huskar is always tanking coz everyone prioritze him instinctly... that is not always bad though

                PS u got carried btw :P


                  yes i got carried and i felt so bad after the game, that's why i was asking wether it's good for me to die on every teamfights or not.
                  oh and i first phase pick btw, that's why they instantly counter pick with those heroes and buy items only for me, i really not used to this "sacrifice core" role lol

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                    If it's advantageous. Reality is not black and white. Those who fall into the trap of thinking in black and white are inferior minded people.

                    Your question poses a flaw in your thinking at its very foundation. Every situation in time creates a new reality, so you have to dissect one moment in time and judge how your actions in that specific point in time will affect the game.

                    There are so many factors to consider which makes it impossible (without watching the replay/hearing your mind talk) to say if it was an incorrect decision to tank in a teamfight. E.g. your logic could have been "My AM is pushing the t3, if I go and fight these guys, we get the t3 GUARANTEED. This will distract them, because they are only 2K MMR so I understand that they WILL be this blindsided, guaranteed." <- That's basically how a smurf would think.

                    Furthermore: don't concern yourself so much with an image. You want to "look" like the guy who never dies and never makes a mistake. Where your thinking is false here is that you attribute a death as negative, when in pure reality, it holds only the value which you assign to it. A death can be a positive action. Logically, you must die sometimes to win; therefore death is not inherently negative. Even the most extremely strong bot in the world may die PURPOSEFULLY in order to create a logically superior action at that point in time. Don't focus too much on your self, because you can "Sacrifice" yourself in order to create a huge advantage. This game is about killing the ancient, and nothing else. Whoever knows how to kill the other team's ancient is the true winner. Don't let others assign value to your actions, only you know what was logical. Often times in low MMR, you'll get people who get mad at you because you are not concerned with image, but to win. They still need to learn not to be superficial.

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                      Huskar just dies a lot it's kind of what happens with the hero

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