General Discussion

General Discussionvhs vs hs vs ns

vhs vs hs vs ns in General Discussion

    all high skills games that i played are easier than normal skill due to some extent of team work. so vhs is easiest? yes im scrub

    Story Time

      being carried is easy ofc

      Lruce Bee

        Easier because you get carried more even if you make mistakes.




            One thing I notice that helps more in vhs vs ns is good attitude , you have better carry then normal skill but he probs tilts just as easy if not easyier so positive communication gets more and more important the higher you go .


              If you're accustomed to teamwork and style your play around it, playing in lower skill brackets can be very difficult. Things that you're used to being obvious you have to communicate extra well, like "stack the camp before you pull it so the creep wave doesn't push" or informing your carry that you are only dealing out harass to the lane opponent and that they should just stay and hit the creeps, not go chasing a level one kill and ignoring five last hits.

              Warding is different too just because play style is different. Placing some strategic lane wards will get a lot of pings and "wtf is this shit ward" since the opponent often won't have the presence of mind to hide in the fog while roaming the lanes. They'll just walk through the river and through the creep wave, so not having the river wards can hurt in those kinds of matches, where in VHS it's too jank of a maneuver to even feel like you need to prepare for.

              Playing an offlaner and baiting under the tower might be intuitive from higher-level play and expecting people carry TP scrolls, but when you realize they don't and your lanemate just runs away because he doesn't know boundaries well enough to feel comfortable, then you're still feeding. You may have opened up an opportunity for other people to do something, but they didn't know how to make use of the opportunity, so you died.

              Things like that just change the game entirely. If you're not used to 24/7 jank strats and you're used to more cooperative play, it's def going to be harder. You can't expect the space you're used to as a carry, either, as supports will often be jungling or teleporting to any lane where there are free creeps instead of to aid others and leave the open farm to the carry.


                NS: players are newbies and still lack something. (you can stomp by exploiting their weaknesses)
                HS: players here are selfish because they fight for being the mvp of the game. (this is a game of luck of which team has the greatest amount of smurfs unless you are one of them and additionally better.)
                VHS: same as HS but in less degree but with an addition of being cooperative and only cares about winning the game. (drafting and early game mostly determine the outcome of the game)

                These are just my opinion.


                  How about this lol

                  Got 20 kills as bs but it was unwinnable game anyay

                  Sorry grills, I'm gey ☺

                    ^In a game like d0to kills mean nothing if u can't destroy enemie's ancient. Just a fun fact.


                      I'm stuck at HS insert pepehands meme


                        @♂+♂=♥ thats why i said it was unwinnable cuz literally there were no chance to even touch enemy ancients 4head


                          @moon says it pretty well, in vhs game people can make use of every bit of advantage they have, in normal skill well sometimes they don't make good use of it (much).