General Discussion

General Discussionmmr re-re-calibration

mmr re-re-calibration in General Discussion

    new update will fix mmr gains and loses.i should ask some questions

    1st : if we are not going to gain or lose at least 400 mmr for calibration then why there is a calibration ?? cause we can get 250 in normal rank by winning 10 games.and we should not lose mmr in 10 games just cause someone might feed or ruine or something.thats the problem with ONLY WIN/LOSE system !!

    2nd : dota was supposed to be on medals right ? no more mmr ? ok.if i was divine 1 last season with 4100 why im ancient 1 now with that same mmr ? your gonna FIX that too ??

    all im saying is this new system sucks and i see almost everyone is mad about lets change this site to and go play lol :D


      i won 50 more mmr since yesterday without doing nothing
      form 4k9 to 5k1 and now to 5k2

      playing with 4 dogs

        my legend V down to legend III?? really valve LMAO
        i calibrated on thursday u can check my dota 2 acct id : 347738865
        that was really awful. From 4.2k down to 3.7k i lost 500 mmr in one day without playing . IDK VALVE


          Lost 400 mmr. Still happy because mmr still higher than before recalibration


            legend 3 45% winrate crying because he drops from 4.2 on other accoubt :thinking:


              im happy for this, i can climb peacefully

              MID ONLY

                many ppl are rage quiting dota.selling items and go for cs go or pubg or games like this ! idk why valve always try to ruine a good game ?! you can even make a re-CALIBRATION for god sake :/
                im really disappointed of this shit


                  They leave because they cried for impactful recalibration. Now that they got it they had to realize tat they're not even not getting 4k, but that theyre to bad for their current bracket. Hard pill to swallow.

                  All the players that leave dota because of this calibration are players that won't be missed

                  MID ONLY

                    @JOLLY GREEN GIANT its not my account and i havent get new mmr yet and im not crying cause im 5.7 on my main and new season im 5.9


                      First i got 30 and then they took my 30 awayyyyyyyy


                        Calibration is a joke


                          WE NEED JUSTICE GUYS !!!!! MY MAIN GOT (7-3) standing in my 10 calibration then valve gave me 4464 then after on that fck update i only have 4094 lose so high please bring back my mmr i did my all best in that calibration it's so unfair


                            cant wait for the re re re re re calibration

                            team fuck sucks

                              went from 5400 to 5700

                              Данил 12 лет

                                Hey, dudes
                                Do you like Dota 2, Cases and more items?
                                If yes, you must go to this site:


                                  went 4300 to 6400

                                  A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                                    went from 6602 to 6902(8-2 score with 1 abandon after a teammate left), based on this formula, i assume 50 mmr per game in the recalibartion

                                    That's Life

                                      I won 7 out of 10 calib games, ended up in the same rank (archon 1) but still higher than my previous calibration (crusader 2)

                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                        W 7 L 3 Leg 2 before Leg 4 after 3400 mmr flat seems they capped the mmr gain but not medal i shouldve had atleast 3800 MMR cus i calibrated alot before the cap always 3900+ so the ppl in higher bracket gets rewarded those in lower punished. Why give me a leg 4 medal but 3400 mmr if it would be leg 2 or 1 and 3400 mmr ok then however its the most useless calibration of all time just plz Valve uninstall


                                        SASA POPOVIC

                                          ^Since you are at least 400 MMR bellow real legend 4, out of random curiosity, what does it says on your medal, how much percentage is needed for upgrade? ^^

                                          Also you are not alone, one of my friend is archon 5 with 3.5 (before calibration he had 3.4k and legend 5 he won 6 lost 4 in calibration) he is mad as fuck right now.

                                          Este comentário foi editado

                                            when i calibrated i was leg iv 3400 mmr progress 1% then i played 1 ranked lost and the % dissapeared so its just a blank medal now im gonna play more later and try grind up

                                            SASA POPOVIC

                                              Honestly, you are better off sticking to party for a while until ladder stabilizes, its too volatile atm until everyone calibrates.


                                                I went from Legend 5 to Archon 5. Not really sure what calibration techniques were used this time but this seems really off. I hustled my ass off to get to where I was and it's pretty stupid that I lost all of my ranking.