General Discussion

General DiscussionIs BF on Void Still A Go To?

Is BF on Void Still A Go To? in General Discussion

    I have played a couple of Faceless Void games and I am wondering if I should still be going BF as the safelane carry or is MoM just better. I have been using MoM with a lot of success but is Battlefury still the better of the two in most games?

    dont be thrilled by this ...

      depends ...
      if you goin for lategame (if youre sure your team can survive early game with u farming) bf is a good choice for farming since void has timewalk and can jump from camp to camp to farm just like am
      the difference between void and am is am cant fight early (considering him solo) cuz he lacks disable and is fragile and really needs items to fight but void can be played both early fighter and late game since he has chrono as a great disable.

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        Rush mom if it's a balanced or slightly inclined to them. Else go BF if u r getting free farm and ur team can handle ealry game... Mom then bf is also not bad if u r good. But generally it's better get mom, get some solo kills with chrono mom. Farm in jungle /solit lanes with mom to get ur manta /sb/bf whatever u want. In a decent bracket u would surely need a bkb... If u r a solo gamer, rush aghs after mom, get solo kills every 1 mins...

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          P.S. works for max 3-3.5k bracket... Not more than that... A decent support would shut u down if u try rush for bf instead of mom or manta


            hella no


              Game is too fast for bf especially after recipe
              It used to be fine when game was a bit slower and bf was 300g cheaper, but I think MoM and fighting more often is better in
              I think MoM shadow blade bkb fits almost every void game


                The game is too fast paced and void is much better and stronger with an early MoM and Shadow blade, but if u are sure the game will go late game bf is not that bad.


                  If you play on low skill you can build it every game since they all afk farm