General Discussion

General Discussiontips on how to play luna?

tips on how to play luna? in General Discussion
Lruce Bee

    so i am new to this hero and would like to know some tips. i once played against a luna and i got nuked down so quickly i was so surprised. and so i really was inspired to try this hero. ive been tryng her out and i like her. but she doesnt seem super strong. i can be top damage in my team easily but still lose the game. how do i play her beter? she has no escape and her stun is really so short (Wtf ice frog)? sometimes her ultimate does no damage, and i don't understand this RNG.

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    Disturbed Jawker

      best way to play is to max E and W first then use ult as bluff to scare enemies away, so you can farm more


        A sincere fuck off to Jacked for creating HanYolo


          Just focus on farming and max first and 2nd skill after upgrading your 3rd skill twice. Go treads aquilla morbid mask then manta. Make sure you can manta at 14 minutes and win is guaranteed

          Lruce Bee

            thanks for the tips but, why would you go morbid mask when you have a life steal talent? and its life steal, not spell lifesteal so kinda useless on luna i feel. luna should go octarine for the spell lifesteal anyway.she does so much magic damage.

            also is luna a hero i should spam to archon? i have high winrate on her so far. over 70% wr. and im comfortable playing her as a support too. my team seems to enjoy it and i get a lot of commends for it.

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            Lruce Bee

              tribo you are not welcomed in my threads if you have valuable to contribute to the discussion

              one syllable anglo-saxon

                imo u first have to collect a sizeable amount of rule 34 with this hero to truly understand what she's all about


                  ‘Nuke it from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure’

                  Preferably with a refresher


                    Actually is aghs eclipse highest (potentially) single target spell in the game? 7200 magic dmg to a single target...


                      imo u first have to collect a sizeable amount of rule 34 with this hero to truly understand what she's all about


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                        dont be thrilled by this ...

                          build skills (3-1-1-2-1-6-1-2-2-...) items: treads, aquilla> lance,morbid(can make madness for farm then break it for satanic, bf)> manta, bkb> butterfly,deadalus, satanic

                          farm as much as u can, ask for stacks!!! kill solo enemies with ult until your right click is strong

                          your questions: no one waits for lvl 25 lifesteal, you need it early for farming and surviving ... luna is strong rightclicker with her 2nd skill, a few people play her as magic dealer which most of them are just partying with 3 or more friends which they focus on helping her and they know what they are doin.


                            hanyolo, u made a mistake
                            ur a guide u shudnt be asking the questions
                            i want to hear ur advice


                              I really like maxing glaives early, I rarely max beam first usually I only go 2 points before maxing glaive by lvl 7.


                                Usually the play is the max beams but in all my recent games I end up having my lane go to garbage because the enemy decides to have a strong dual offlane and my supports are pretty weak or nonexistant.

                                So I usually try to get more points in glaive than beam early if possible so that in the event I am forced to sit in the jungle to stay alive I can at least farm better with the glaives and come back better.

                                Lruce Bee

                                  I tried both maxing beam and glaives. To be honest I like glaives. It is a decent harass in lane because they bounce and hit the melee offlaners and doesn't consume mana. No point maxing beam early on before your kaya anyway.

                                  I have a question, is eblade or veil better for Luna?

                                  BSJ. LGD

                                    lol tangina mo max ur beam

                                    13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                                      I don't know if you're trolling with your builds but luna isnt really a magic hero. She can be one but its situational.

                                      Her skill build should be either max Lucent beam if you want to kill early or max glaives if you want to farm early. lvl 1 3rd. Don't get eclipse until you have your lucent beam at lvl 3.

                                      She is a very fast flash farmer (even faster than am). So you shouldn't be teamfighting unless it's necessary and until you get all your core items.

                                      Normal item build should be Aquilla > Treads > Mom > Yasha > Butterfly > Manta > BKB. You should get all these items sub 25mins. You'll be at your peak at this time and you can end the game. Dragon lance is situational.

                                      When you get your Mom, you can clear the whole jungle camp every minute. Then disassemble it into Butterfly/Satanic for later.
                                      After BKB you can get Satanic/Linken/Skadi/MKB depending on the situation.


                                        is eblade or veil better for Luna?

                                        Obviously you need to get dagon first to combo it with your stun.

                                        Lruce Bee

                                          In this team fighting meta I feel like there's no time to farm up and be a late game monster. Without her ult Luna is just a lacklustre hero. Why not amp her magic damage? With the cast range of beam and eclipse with aghs, and Low cooldown of beam, Luna is basically a superior Zeus. With aghs and ministun on lvl 25 you basically can erase one hero who doesn't get bkb. But I'm not here to argue about the merits of magic dmg Luna though.

                                          Right click Luna is legit. But I feel it is more situational than magic Luna. I've been having a lot of success with support/magic Luna going greaves kaya veil. You contribute so much to teamfights with this build.

                                          I'm undecided on whether to go aghs refresher or octarine eblade though.

                                          Potato Marshal

                                            Normal item build should be Aquilla > Treads > Mom > Yasha > Butterfly > Manta > BKB. You should get all these items sub 25mins.

                                            That's completely absurd, that's over 18k gold worth of items in under 25 minutes. You expect somebody to have a 750 gpm by the 25 minute mark? Show me one single game where you've done this.


                                              With the way things are right now if you want to play late game farming hero like Luna you need to make sure you have a strong lane support first because if you get ran over in lane you’re probably just screwed.


                                                I think 25 minutes is a little optimistic. But you can definitely get all those items around 30 minutes on avg.
                                                The actual order is: aquila/treads -> mom (8-12 min) -> manta (18-20 min) -> bkb (22-25 min) -> bfly (30 min)
                                                With bkb being your big timing that you have to capitalize on.

                                                Here are some games where I was set on first picking luna every game to gain mmr. The games are a stomp, even game, and deficit comeback respectively but all with similar timings.



                                                  aquila boot domi pt agh refre eblade/manta

                                                  add bkb or yasha in between

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                                                    Is it normal if i got a boner everytime i play her?


                                                      i realy love how >4k players always give detailed skill and item builds, as if you would skill lvls the same every game.

                                                      typical no brain 3k players, better dont even post.


                                                        Is it normal if i got a boner everytime i play her

                                                        No, you shouldnt get boner with animated girl just like anime girl my brother. But yo dunt worry, i like some of them too


                                                          If you really want to play luna, get someone else to afk io tether on you.


                                                            @Aran Maleq ty my brother sometimes i just forgot thay she's not real cause her accent really turns me on and im ended up at my bathroom after the match

                                                            New Freezer

                                                              She's basically an Anti-mage who can fight early.

                                                              Play her like anti mage.

                                                              Dont group up with your team constantly trying to find fights, pressure lanes, farm creep waves, pressure towers, get tons of gold, get BKB and manta and maybe hurricane pike / skadi / mkb / satanic. This is when she rly shines.

                                                              Also she is not the hardest carry in the game.

                                                              In late game heroes like, Void, Anti mage, Spec, Chaos knight, all kind of just destroy her.

                                                              She has this window where she is super strong at a time when an enemy carry might be strong but not AS STRONG , this is her timing window to end the game.

                                                              it if goes super late she has the risk of getting out carried unless she buys like a divine rapier / moon shard kinda shit

                                                              P.S Even though i said dont group up with your team to fight, you still need to use your best judgement and determine when it's worth it or not. If it's definitly winning a fight / definitly ganking an important enemy / definitly takign towers / map control, then its a good idea to team fight in that moment, but be quick and efficient and dont waste your time following your noob team around cause luna is hungry for items

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                                                              Timmy Turner Boomer

                                                                Man, Luna is a great hero if you know your role in the game. As he is a good Teamfighter and a good pusher.

                                                                The best thing in luna is to snowball. If u get manta and bkb before 30 min, the other carries won't be able to fight you, and you can push HG.

                                                                One big tip is to NOT TILT in the early game. Luna can be bullied out of the lane pretty easily (not much hp), so if you need, rush morbid mask and go jungle. You need itens before figthing against more than 2 heroes.

                                                                SEA ranked #1 Feeder KEK

                                                                  I like luna too as she has got nice rax and ultimate orbs and she rides hard

                                                                  michael sassbender

                                                                    right mouse button and click the nearest enemy building

                                                                    SASA POPOVIC

                                                                      Hanyolo played roaming Luna with greaves + kaya and won the game! In your face to all of you " im stuck in my bracket" crybabies!

                                                                      This guy puts smurfing on much higher intellectual plain!

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                                                                        Her E strong in dual lanes meta lvl1 +14 dmg is ridiculous,stomp lane and build items seem like a best strategy

                                                                        daryl from the hood

                                                                          luna is dogshit laner


                                                                            i did always think of luna as a decent position 4 when your cores have stuns. transition into a nuker, go aghs and some utility, why not. sounds fun.
                                                                            for sure not the worst possible support hero out there

                                                                            SASA POPOVIC

                                                                              ^ ye sure not the worse, every hero with any disable can be a decent pos4, problem is there are better, there are non item dependent one that offer same usefulness wheter you play from ahead or from behind etc. Meta was always a bitch to people who like to experiment, if you dont make it work and win guess who gonna receive them reports? :)

                                                                              I even played roaming CK with 5 mangos, its fun as hell but sucks dicks if you dont get 10 assist up to min 15 and transition them into some core item. Aghanims on pos 4 CK, next level play xd! Super fun!

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                                                                              ✡RomiLianZ✡ | LiSA☄

                                                                                I think Maxing Lucent Beam is a good choice because her ulti depends on her first skill, max lucent beam max 2nd skill then just go gor 3 3rd skill. but if u have vs as a support go max 1st skill and 3 skill... usually my item build is Aguilla, Treads/Phaseboot, Madness, Harricane Pike then Manta, i decided to get harricane for escaping or chasing an enemy or could also be use so save a team mate..after manta go BKB then Butterfly and Satanic by Disassembling the Mask of Madness. But make sure to consider who u dealing with...dont first pick luna like 2k does hahaha...thats my opinion.