General Discussion

General Discussiondoes mid/carry role more important than offlane and support

does mid/carry role more important than offlane and support in General Discussion

    i still dont know which role i want to learn to play, does playing mid or carry role is smarter move in long run to gain numbers?
    suggest some interesting heroes to spam, independent from patches


      Pick whatever role you personally enjoy.


        ^i enjoy all of them lul


          Mid lane sf absolutely!


            well almost 90% of dota playerbase secretly want (and a good part of them are doing it) to instantlock mid/carry because "team mates are bad" and you got a bigger impact on your games.
            I would suggest necrophos but he got dumpstered... Maybe WR, she can go anywhere

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              @PENSI DOTA ye sf is really fun hero to play, i love him much, but i have a mood to win games now, not to lose


                @oɔɹɐɯzɐ well, my friends said that before you rich at least 6.5 you are trash and can't blame anyone, what i am actually doing
                i dont care about hype, i just want fun hero, which can do a lot for your team


                  All parts of the wheel are necessary... The 1 and 2 just gather all the glory as they are the ones that are supposed to end the game.

                  Heroes in 3-5 positions are as important. They are supposed to enable the two heroes.

                  However, none of this means that the hero from position 4 or 5 can't carry the game or make the play that actually breaks the enemy team and enables you to win. It isn't always the carry heroes that create the "win". Usually people are quite adept at hitting creeps. A good support player is more rare to find and you can really make a difference for your carry player...

                  I have ended up playing mostly in the 3 slot... And I am fine with the more aggressive style of the offlane. However, I do play all of the positions. Mid is probably the hardest role. As the lane is usually 1vs1, it is all on you to get the advantage on the lane and it is on you if the enemy mid player is killing your team mates left and right. There are the least excuses there. So probably the most stress involved in it too.

                  You should pick some heroes you like to play from different positions and play them. At least in pubs, it is good to have a flexible hero pool, as you don't want to be the "I only play mid" player when there is 2 other players fighting for the mid position already...

                  Play what you will and draft wisely. And counter enemy team or hit draft into their weakness etc. A good chunk of success comes from the draft.


                    All the positions are equally as important. A carry isn't going to get to the place where they can win the game without support and a support isn't going to carry the game.

                    Playing a support is more frustrating though - you have to invest everything into the early game not-knowing whether or not the core will finish what you have setup. As a core, when it is your turn to shine you already know what your teammates are like.


                      "you don't want to be the "I only play mid" player when there is 2 other players fighting for the mid position already..."

                      or just buy dota+ and queue for mid :)


                        Dota+ queque mid? Am i missing something?


                          Supports are the most vital role to win a game.


                            Pick 3-5 if you want to have impact and have fun at the same time.


                              @PENSI have you been living under a stone? ranked role matchmaking...


                                supports 4 the win!


                                  @rocket battle pass, not dota+

                                  Shen172's Biggest Fan

                                    Position 4-5 most important. They decide the early game. Easy early game easy win ☺


                                      Well I would argue that supports are more important in pubs because there is not much players who are willing to see the short term downsides during a game as an instant loss. If fail to do so myself at times when I play more than one game in a row with people who just give up because of the most meaningless thing like for example not getting a rune and losing a teamfight.

                                      In the end it is just the cohesion between the players, it is a team game in the end. I keep getting matched with people who have to high egos to handle basic commands during the game without being insulted.
                                      For example: you call someone to a team fight and he instantly flipps you off with a aggressive "shut up" or "don't tell me what to do" not giving any other reason, that is already an advantage for the enemy team because it forces a discussion inside your team and the best thing that you can do is actually mute the guy who said it. There is little chance you can reason with someone like that.

                                      The guy who can reason with people like the one described above are the real mvp's imho, no matter what role they play.


                                        I can kill any pos1 hero with my pos5 support riki. Role is not so important in this game my brother


                                          Well everyone is great carry player
                                          But support player? Only half of carry player is great support.

                                          Therefore i think supp is 1000x more important than carry

                                          Having bad supp is more stressing than having bad carry,imo

                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                            absolutely not everyione is a good carry and absolutely not everyone is a good support


                                              As a typical MID/Carry player, I must say what makes my games easier is an offlaner that can itemize for the game.

                                              Utility items that would make the game infinitely easier never seem to come.