General Discussion

General DiscussionRe-calibration May 22

Re-calibration May 22 in General Discussion

    So we are going to re-calibrate our medals tomorrow after finishing the first 6 months and with it, the first season.
    Post here your previous medal, and the medal you will soon calibrate to.
    i'll start, Ancient 0 - Recalibrated at Herald -6

    Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

      Where did you get the info about recalibration?

      but u said dota was fun :(

        The same time the medal was introduced, man. After 6 months, there will be a recalibration. If management will follow exactly that, recab will be tomorrow.


          r you sure about it ?

          Sleight of My Fist In You...

            Legend 0 - Re-calibratiion estimation at least Legend 3 or I quit this game

            but u said dota was fun :(

              According to my friend, it doesn't depend on wins. It depends on kda, gpm, xpm. Meaning to say, it's more than the +-250 MMR assuming you win or lose all 10 games. That's just am additional.

              Este comentário foi editado
              but u said dota was fun :(

                Your entire past 6 months performance will be put the test if you've improved or not. Still, no one knows for sure and we will soon enough. ;)


                  you wont recalibrate. you will just get a medal equal to whatever your mmr is now so if for example you got Anicent then went down to 2.7k then youll be archon 4 or whatever. (that example is me lol)


                    Probably comes on Thursday with the patch.

                    Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                      I think what u guys don;t understand that there's something called VALVE TIME. So expect the new season to happen at least few weeks after we hit the actual deadline.


                        You will absolutely recalibrate to whatever your current MMR is. The fact they call it a calibration is a joke. Whether you win 10 or lose 10, or go 100000-0 KDA you'll recalibrate right or around to your current MMR.

                        Story Time

                          recalibration is the marketing trick to keep customers happy. You should not care about it.

                          PS It is not going to be this week for sure


                            what time update on philippines?


                              Be ready my broders!
                              The recalibration date hath cometh forward


                                plz enjoy game


                                  recalibrate wil be the same time as 7.16 update, my bet is in

                                  PLAY FREE

                                    well i guess i currently got legend medal but i can potentially recalibrate to ancient, I hope so. :D


                                      How the jesus do you go from 4K Ancient 0 to 2.7K @Milnor


                                        I'm pretty sure it'll be based on your current MMR. Whatever that is, that's your start point for the 10 games of "recalibration", and all the while it will still be using the +-25 MMR mechanism. All they're doing is hiding the medals again. I doubt there's any real recalibration that goes on, save for the account buyers, who get dropped hard back into their real MMR, or the smurfs, who get bumped up to where they belong. For the rest, it's just same old ranked matchmaking system.


                                          I wish you the best medal my bruddah!


                                            Bruddah from another muddah


                                              Currently ancient 2 I expect to recalibrate legend 5 or something.


                                                hit my mmr goal then stopped trihard

                                                Mr Miyagi

                                                  went from herald 3 to archon 3 in 6 months... i am pretty happy.

                                                  Scarlet van Halisha

                                                    i went from Guardian 4 to Archon 0 in this 6 months, im happy too


                                                      From Guardian 0 to Guradian 5 NotBadMan since i have little time to play rankeds

                                                      Scarlet van Halisha

                                                        i hope to get legend in the next 6 months


                                                          Did anyone actually significantly change their mmr during the first seasonal calibration? I'd be interested if someone would lend their normal skill account to a blue star and see how much they can climb during the 10 games...

                                                          Pretty sure it is mainly just a scam to keep people interested!


                                                            I calibrated at Archon 4 and went to Ancient 0 during this period so i did fine



                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                Thing is it factors in your group mmr. I was never legend 4 solo (which would be like 3600 mmr I think, close to vhs). I was always between like 3k-3300, or archon5/legend 1 or 2. So I shoud be like archon 3,4,5 but Idk might be higher cus my group mmr is high even though I haven't played party in ages.

                                                                ✪ Zeryn

                                                                  Hi, 2 days ago i had 4.2k mmr and now i have 5.2k, problem is that my individual dont change, or maybe i need to play more individual games? (Individual hace 4.1k)

                                                                  45m gauntlets of str NPC

                                                                    It's not as much of a recalibration as other games. The biggest change I've seen is +/- 400 MMR. On a smurf, I won 8/10 games as Elder Titan and still only moved 200MMR.

                                                                    Other games are far more aggressive in the manner they deteriorate MMR and recalibrate.

                                                                    Dota 3 or WW3

                                                                      @Zeryn really? you earned 1k MMR?

                                                                      Ant Eater

                                                                        Ancient 1 - Divine rank 69

                                                                        dirty sprite

                                                                          has calibration started yet?


                                                                            Recalibrate me to herald pls
                                                                            Ty valve


                                                                              My medals is not so important my brother, because whats mine is actually yours



                                                                                < blank >

                                                                                  My medal is my medal, none of your medal :D

                                                                                  Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                    nice expectation bois LUL


                                                                                      Any idea when it starts?


                                                                                        it already happened lol

                                                                                        stupid fuck 2000

                                                                                          what? no it didnt


                                                                                            Valve time lol


                                                                                              My medal is my medal, none of your medal :D

                                                                                              You can take my medals brother. Afterall, we all family in this dota2 forum


                                                                                                Still nothing, and 7.16 came out...

                                                                                                SASA POPOVIC

                                                                                                  WTF where is my Ancient medal! COMMON RECALIBRATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                                                  but u said dota was fun :(

                                                                                                    Probably this thursday.