General Discussion

General Discussionhow does wr offlane work?

how does wr offlane work? in General Discussion

    sorry if i asked alot of questions these days,just trying to understand moar
    anyone know how does wr do this? wat wr do on the lane and skillbuild or itembuild or such

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      it doesn't work vs all safelaners but it's pretty simple u farm and harass with level 2 and run away with 3

      flourishing new leaf

        You windwalk and harass... Then you pewpew arrow and windwalk some more.


          This hero is dogshiet honeslty. Provides almost 0 crowd control. Cant tank and provides 0 utility to the team.

          The only strenght of her is that she can harass pretty easily solo which is no fun for enemy carry.

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            like enchantress - you hit them all day long while they cant hit you
            only that its worse, you dont get to steal catapults and kill tier 2 by min 7

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              She's a better mid honestly... The offlane brings teamfight and utility, and all wind gives is an unreliable stun and a good amount of damage.


                But this unreliable stun connected with damage WR can offer, can mean 2x 3.8 (4.8) sec stun on 8.5 sec cooldown And carry killed.

                Happened to me several times my carry/mid could Fight enemy team mid game (coz of dogshit picks), So i had to carry the game untill they were ready. Like overfarmed 6slottes gyro vs jugg, who couldnt get even close to Fight. but 2 good stuns meant dieback within 45 seconds And gg for us.


                  But yea, better mid - She can get 2x null, phase, maelstrom in 11 minutes And kill anything on the map. In 2x1 or 3x1 scenarios they Will shit on you. But She can still get the farm on offlane, just the peak Is later.


                    She is ok, but not great
                    U have to shit on ur lane tho with windrun


                      it works in lanes where enemies have no or only a single stun, if you cant get to her as a supp you cant trade with her at all in lane and then you loose the lane.


                        Generaly you dont Need disables (for laning stage) even sky or disruptor can destroy you unless IT Is 2x2.

                        As well SD Wind - When windrun, you Q her, She lose 1/3hp. If She doesnt windrun, She lose attrition Battle with sd (or dont get lvls or gold).

                        Bosnian Blade

                          the most ussles offlane hero


                            If they have something gay like sky, then it sucks

                            She doesn't have to commit windrun against sd, she has way more dmg and lower BAT than him and probably more Regen as well, tho he is still good against her in the midgame
                            Disruptors thunderstrike does Jack shit and wr dumpsters him in lane, tho again, disruptor is still pretty good against her midgame
                            Almost every support will lose a trade with wr and she will usually shit on her lane if she is good, but that doesn't take away from the fact that they may have an advantage in team fights come midgame

                            The problem used to be that it was hard for old wr to transition and do shit in the midgame, but now with maelstrom and ulti buffs etc, she can take her big laning advantage really far.

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              pretty good in dual lanes. can shit on most supports in a 1v1 harass battle. not very good solo, but still annoying. 50 mana windrun is just something else, but there are counters. bane is very good against it.


                                NACI check the data first. Wind is worse in everything but AS vs SD, where the difference is quite small.

                                Wind has 44-56 dmg, 130AS (1.18attacks/sec), 1,7 armor and 506 HP, regen 1.6
                                SD has 50-54, 118 AS (1.44a/s), 2.9 armor, 604 HP, regen 1.7

                                I tried now it now in empty map and SD wins in both scenarios (only attacks, with abilities). And disruption actually gives carry 2.5 seconds to join fight with a spell/attack. So yea, WR just loses to SD 1x1, if SD is support with purpose to not let WR lane.

                                Regarding disruptor, he just drops, takes 110HP from wind, throw 1-2 attacks, move back, just being annoying presence there, not letting WR farm. At the same time, he can be in trees and just play cat and mice. It lasts 6 seconds, 6 seconds charge, so you are dropping it all the time and just drain WRs regen.

                                WR wins vs weak combos of supps/carries - if enemy has supports like WD, Silencer, Rubick, CM, AA, shaker, omni it might be a good idea to pick WR offlane. If combined with bad early cores (AM, drow, spectre, sven). If enemy has gyro+ disruptor,, wind is fucked (rocket, barrage, return, half your hp down).

                                In this meta it is a bit easier for wind to offlane, as you have support to help you in 2-1-2 and you can dumpster enemy safe lane with strong lane support, if it is a weak duo. With support she can handle even trilane.

                                Btw your opinion is based on your games 2 months ago with 15 games and 33% winrate (5 out of 15) and some of them in turbo, random draft or ability draft?

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                                  Sd has like 2 tangos and wr has like 1-2 sets of Regen and a mango or 2
                                  Wr still beats sd in a naked trade, she has more range to kite him as well


                                    Disruptor is a garbage laner, thunderstrike isn't nearly enough to carry that, and he doesn't have the room to back off because wr can easily gap close and harass him out
                                    Sd isn't horrible but he doesn't dumpster wr like sky can (tho sky can dumpster any offlaner imo)
                                    My opinion is based on what I know not what I play

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                                      okay,thanks alot for answers


                                        How many times did you play SD vs WR matchup to support this opinion? You have 4 games with SD (won 0, march 2017), 15 games with WR (won 5, 2 months back). I played this matchup several times on both sides and I tell you, WR doesnt win.

                                        Even if she would manage to outregen SD (what is not really high chance for), the thing is that she still loses XP and gold fighting him, so after SD runs out of regen (2-3 minutes into the game), WR runs out as well and probably is around lvl 1-2, while carry lvl 4. So it is lost lane for her anyway, as she cant do jack shit, unless support rotates to help her.

                                        It also depends on carry, but if he manages to keep lane equilibrium at the tower, WR is fucked. If it is some noob, you pull wave and go trade again. Wind needs level advantage to actually force SD to leave her be.

                                        My starting build for SD is usually:

                                        2x ward (180), courier/clarity (50), salve (110), tangos (90) and ring of protection (165 - for urn, if no better carrier) or 2 branches+clarity or smoke+courier.

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                                          I already told u that I'm answering based on what I know stop talking to me abt my own sd games, I already know how much of that hero I played.


                                            Also don't u give 2 tangos to mid? That's why supports usually have less Regen

                                            Realistically some guy will roam on u with wr for 2 levels and wreck u till wr is on par.
                                            Sd is good against wr tho, i just do not see a realistic laning set up where u don't get rekt by wr in lane, unless u have a kunkka or mirana pair with sd


                                              Let's say it this way. When wind is solo and wants to get to lane it is almost impossible to pass through SD. Yes, she can trade, maybe even bit advantageous, but still doesn't get any xp or gold.

                                              Even if you give 2 tangos to mid, the difference in regen is not big enough to force SD out of lane soon enough so carry has LVL 4 by the time you force SD out.