General Discussion

General DiscussionUndying talent + refresher

Undying talent + refresher in General Discussion

    I recently played undying much

    Refresher + tomb on death allow me to have 3 tombstone which allow my team to always win the fight. Do you think this item is a good idea for undying?

    Also which lvl 20 talent you prefer, +6 tombstone hp or +30 zombies dmg.
    zombies dmg increase is very notable especially when there is no vanguard on enemy team, but I prefer +6 tombstone hp since I played as off/pos 4 since it makes the tombstone a lot more tougher

    I feel like I'm the only one doing damage early game, midgame and even late game, but when I check the damage, it turns out I only deal 24k dmg, even lower than Lifestealer. This also happened to my other undying match, somehow my damage is so low.


      Lowering str is indirect damage so you dont see its effect im number even though its huge for teamfights

      low prio master

        Perseverance into agh


          Undying is just not that good rn don't bother


            -Value not counted if ur unit which deals damage to enemy, not urself brother

            -stealing hp is not considered as damage


              how do you even farm refresher.

              dont play undying as an offlaner, play it as a pos 4. impact is almost the same.

              just by starting in the offlane and spamming Q for 2 minutes you zone out the enemies, securing your offlaners lane. after that rotate whenever you have tombstone ready, easily winning all lanes.

              undying doesnt need many item, small utility items are enough for him. hotd, medallion etc. with those 2 items and arcanes you can deathball down mid and win ez

              im actually winning most of my games as undying pos 4 in sub 30 minutes