General Discussion

General DiscussionMeepo rework ideas

Meepo rework ideas in General Discussion

    1) All clones share items from the prime, but can't use any actives or passives. Basically transfer all stats, but no basher/maelstrom shenanigans. Though, this one wouldn't transfer MKB-s pure strike so I don't really like it. Also they wouldn't be able to use BoTs.
    2) All clones share items, yes all stats, no actives,yes passives. Radiance wouldn't count, basher/maelstrom would.
    My suggested nerf: each Meepo will take 15% bonus damage for every Meepo withing 300? radius of it. Or each Meepo will take 30% bonus damage if there's another Meepo near it(number doesn't matter). Checks out with the spell's name.Would be super good at solo pick-ups, but will be pretty fragile against helpers. I think this might actually make him weaker.
    3) Bonus! Every Meepo is equal! Just thought of this. Basically all Meepos are the same to the point they share inventories. All of them would be able to use actives, but would share cooldown.
    Suggested nerf: probably same as above IDK.

    Why I wrote this?
    I think a big flaw in Meepo's design is that he can only make his clones tanky with strength even though his life depends on it. Also he's super weak against evasion and can't do anything about it.

    What I ask of you?
    Suppose one of the above changes were implemented, how would you nerf Meepo to compensate for the gains. Remember, every hero in dota is broken in some ways, but you can always give them weaknesses to make them suck.


      Why not just let all meepos copy passives and actives, vote for meepo equality!


        Dislike this.

        The only things stopping meepo from being Top tier from bottom tier is that nets don't cancell channels anymore, and his talents are garbage compared too what every other hero gets.

        the 2 buffs i'd like too see are.
        Make consecutive nets on a hero ministun.
        Make aghs backpackable


          Net is better than it was before



            dr meepo new meta hit 3 lanes at once


              Probably return his innate 35% magic resist then we are good


                Everyone complaining to buff meepo has above 55% winrate with him. I see nothing wrong here.


                  ^we want easier meepo games thats why xD


                    Make consecutive nets on a hero ministun.
                    Make aghs backpackable
                    yeah like 4 ministuns are fair and balanced and aghs being backpackable is alchemist ability my suggestion? rework his agh his agh used to increase the stats gain of meepos from the main hero but that's not the case anymore so his agh is barely useful just rework it somehow

                    make his ult give more bouns from stats that's really great i think like 5%/10%/15% or 10%/15%/20% that might be a little OP through

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                      Based on how Visage and Io were reworked, the most likely change is an additional ability, press D to poof all clones to prime.



                        ask urself a question: “do i want meepo buffed?”

                        if you answered yes, hang yourself por favor

                        Solo Leveling

                          ^ foreal why does anyone want to touch meepo to begin with


                            Who's talking about a buff? I'm talking a rework. Buffs+nerfs+changes that would sun into an OK hero. Despite being praised for it's complexity Meepo is very one dimentional and there's not much you can do that the enemy can't be prepared for.

                            Every game is farm>get kills>dies once>lose because your team is 3 levels behind the enemy and you are roo easy to kite and kill with all the items they gold by killing you. Or farm>get kills>win the game at 20. I just want to make him more fun and reward microing more.


                              Just give him magic-status resis on his ulti improve his stats and rework his talent tree thats all


                                Who's talking about a buff?

                                Probably return his innate 35% magic resist then we are good

                                Just give him magic-status resis on his ulti improve his stats and rework his talent tree thats all


                                  Reword ultimate so that it is an active ability with 1/2/3 charges that replenish every 60 seconds and create another meepo for 60 seconds. change his 1st skill so that instead of throwing a net, he throws an orb that slows and damages enemies if they're not near an ally, make his second a skill that gives evasion in an aoe, and his third a techies mine that slows al well but doesn't do splash damage


                                    Stop it guys these changes are giving me cancer


                                      Stop that's literally not even the same hero

                                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                        Jusy Buff the talent.

                                        LV10: 10% lifesteal or +10 strength
                                        LV15: +40 poof damage or +30% magic resistance
                                        LV20: +500 health or -4s Earthbind cooldown
                                        LV25: Earthbind silences or 40% evasion


                                          I like rockets suggestion. Make meepo to where all players can play him. XD add an extra ability for net and poof just like visage has the extra for familiar stun.

                                          Este comentário foi editado
                                          Machado98 #xatubaking

                                            Maybe a talent at lvl 20 or 25: Poofing to another meepo gives 4s spell immunity or bkb being active in all meepos, idk

                                            Or a talent that actually increases poof dmg or reduce the animation time so this kind of playstyle is more viable:
                                   , like a "magic dmg meepo"

                                            Maybe even a +1 Meepo Clone Talent lvl 25 or 20 and Aghanims gets a rework, maybe bonus stats or geostrike getting true strike, seems good to me since it's the same price of a MKB for the same goal and becomes a situational item, not as crucial as it once was or as useless as it is right now

                                            Really liked this idea from @Ayase

                                            LV10: 10% lifesteal or +10 strength
                                            LV15: +40 poof damage or +30% magic resistance
                                            LV20: +500 health or -4s Earthbind cooldown
                                            LV25: Earthbind silences or 40% evasion


                                              ^really op, meepo is the one and only hero that can reach level 25 before 25 mins(assuming ur lane goes well, and supps stacked for u)

                                              Machado98 #xatubaking

                                                Meepo has way too many weaknessess, not to mention that there are some heroes and skills that will make meepo useless in any draft (deafening blast, Aghanims Laser, etc). Meepo needs something to give him a fighting chance the same way other heroes have against their respective counters

                                                Spell Immunity on poof might be a little too much, maybe a purge? Disarm being purgeable ofc. Just something to fight back against AoE blind. Bloodthorn and Solar Crest are crap for him. If you are Meepo playing against a tinker or invoker either you kill him solo or you won't be able to fight at all and both heroes are elusive and Hex duration might not be enough, specially if the enemy team helped, any stun will probably keep invoker/tinker alive long enough to laser or deaf blast in a combo

                                                The hero just isn't viable in a competitive serious scenario

                                                Bill Cutting

                                                  Clones now get BKB active - surely that’s fair


                                                    Make multiple poofs to same location have increased delay same as teleports and then buff him however you like.


                                                      5 dagon monkaS


                                                        Meepo is fine, I see no need to touch him in any way. Just play him old style, with an Aghs. Blink-poof is the bread and butter, screw all this right-click crap. Kappa


                                                          would share cooldown


                                                            Maybe buff the damage of poof

                                                            Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                              Meepo has no weaknesses if you're good at it, especially at lower level pubs.

                                                              The hero is pretty much fine as he is, otherwise he'd be too OP just like Techies or some other shit.


                                                                The point is that he’s one of those heroes that can’t be balanced for both pro and low pubs. I’d love to see him reworked so he could be played in pro matches sometimes.

                                                                Machado98 #xatubaking

                                                                  "Meepo has no weaknesses if you're good at it"

                                                                  Tell it to Abed and w33 who can't play meepo in any pro match if they actually want to win


                                                                    mainly what killed the hero is net not cancelling, but theres also tons of other shit that made him garbage:

                                                                    new utility items(pike, aeon disk, crimson guard, new atos)

                                                                    evasion not being removed by hex anymore, which means once u get butterfly ur almost unkillable by meepo.

                                                                    Losing attribute bonus +20 all stats for almost useless talents.

                                                                    state of the meta: 5 man deathball and losing lane if u cant deny creeps, while meepo can only cs and not deny in most matchups

                                                                    its just indirectly nerfs on nerfs on nerfs but hey at least now we can play viper and rightclick things =] very fun


                                                                      Yes meepo is braindead broken beyond op in low brackets.
                                                                      In my bracket it does not matter if I get counter picked only matters how much you pressure my lane and actually do something when I farm jungle early game. But that does not mean the hero himself is OP, it is that most low shits dont know how to play against him!!! He got nerfed over several patches; And thats why we don't see meepo games (in pubs) that often by abed or w33, even in the pro scene they don't even bother banning him against 2 of the best meepo players in the world.

                                                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                                                        oh yeah and also u cant poof when rooted =] so some dog hero like cucklord can keep u in place for like 7 seconds with pit+euls or atos


                                                                          Where is the 6k mmr meepo god aka Danishblunt? He might know how to buff this hero

                                                                          Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                                            "Tell it to Abed and w33 who can't play meepo in any pro match if they actually want to win"

                                                                            Meepo was never super-relevant in pro scene because of the hero concept itself, it's just not very good.

                                                                            He's good as a pocket-strat and it's been since always pretty much. He was never top tier picking material in pro scene.

                                                                            That being said, there's plenty of good Meepo players now days that climbed to 5k, 6k, 7k by just spaming Meepo exclusivly.

                                                                            Meepo was always about finding your own playstyle and being able to actually create your own mini-meta.

                                                                            No matter how much you buff him, 90% of the player base will still not be able to play him, anyways.

                                                                            10% of the player base that plays him are pretty much fine as he is, the fact that you don't have to go aghs and that you have built-in lifesteal is more than enough for any competent Meepo player.

                                                                            Yes, things could've been better, but this hero is such easy to buff to the point of which few percent of the players that play him will actually have so much easier time playing him which will lead to the super-unbalanced games in lower tier MMR, let alone 5k+ or above.


                                                                              ^check this out by sheepsticked also one of the top tier meepo players on pubs.

                                                                              Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)


                                                                                I'm aware of that, it's no secret that Meepo's place in competitive Dota is not shiny currently.

                                                                                I'm just saying even when he was better, it's not like he was top tier pick anyways.

                                                                                And once again, I think that heroes like: Techies, Meepo, Arc Warden and few more can buffed so easily to the point they'll become really OP and hard to deal with, which is why some of the players in general had such high sucsess with some of the "op" heroes in the past.


                                                                                  Which is exactly why we were discussing reworking him.....


                                                                                    He doesn't need major rework only minor buffs

                                                                                    Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                                                      You can rework him but then it won't be the same fucking hero, so why not make a new one..

                                                                                      Minor twekrs and buffs are okay.


                                                                                        ? Heroes are reworked all the time and don't lose the essence of what makes them unique.

                                                                                        Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)


                                                                                          That's not true, I can list at least few of the heroes that used to be completely different compared to now.

                                                                                          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                                            Just buff his talents a bit. A magic resistance or true strike talent would be great.