General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich Strength carry is doing the best in terms of win-rate right now?

Which Strength carry is doing the best in terms of win-rate right now? in General Discussion

    Just a curious question waiting to be answered


      This is why dotabuff is created.


        Spectre as always

        < blank >

          Spectre as always

          Spec is the way to go...

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Except spectre is not a str hero. By winrate, the best is still lycan obviously, he was buffed last patch.

            Bad Intentions

              The new battlehunger on Axe is just insane.


                lycan all the way, i play it in offlane since i want hard carry in case i cant push tower to tower before it hits 20mins. this hero is the reason why i reach legend 3 from archon 0 😁😁😁😁 in low level rank, alot of uncoordinate and irresponsive teammates. If Lycan leave behind goodluck to all your towers.


                  Whoops hi fellow lycan spammer xd
                  And dont forget lycan can two shot your support with necrom xd




                      Strength heroes




                          Spectre is not a Strength hero.

                          dota2 tutorial

                            sven just got buff try him


                              It’s actually chaos knight. Every time I’ve tried to play him recently though enemy have had an Antifun who gets the easiest lane of his life while I get dual offlaned by some cancerous shit and get no farm so AM gets 12 minute BF and my illusions do nothing. First game I’m up against a CK and of course they have the eaiest game of their life.


                                Lycan and huskar.


                                  Wraith King. However, he's more like hero for people with 150 ping, so in regions with bad internet, he's ridiculously good.

                                  Axe and Underlord have high WR, but I don't supppose you want to call them carry.

                                  If you want some good names, Chaos Knight and Dragon Knight are what you are looking for. They have the highest win-rate for Strength carry and are viable in all brackets.

                                  Este comentário foi editado

                                    DO NOT use meta statistics unless you have membership. For the rest of us here, the figures are COMPLETELY misleading because it covers multiple patches and several months. It shows Lycan with higher than 50% winrate in all brackets but in reality he has only 49% in patch 7.14. You want to know how a hero is doing right now, not what they were doing 1 month ago or 1 patch ago.

                                    Check the current overall winrate only. This is updated correctly and timely.

                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                      Opendota has meta statistics for last 24 hours. I use that to keep current.


                                        Just look At my elder titan games and you'll have your Answer


                                          I would say Lycan and CK. Lycan is pretty op if enemies lack bkb piercing stuns, or generally lack lockdown. Mk is pretty ok also, he can be built different ways depending on the draft.


                                            necronomicon buffed.
                                            lycan buffed too, ez tower.
                                            if someone counter u just get heaven hellberd or bkb if he magic expert like invoker/OD.
                                            actually if u good enough u can end game before invoker get his aghanim.

                                            NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

                                              because of STRENGTH

                                              Player 345996680

                                                Lycan endig games before 12 minutes? New meepo