General Discussion

General DiscussionTB is...

TB is... in General Discussion

    The best hero in the fucking game.

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      I think LS Jugg CK are just as good too.


        the best

        Bad Intentions

          I do not know this hero you speak of

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          Story Time

            useless support in my opinion

            Lruce Bee



                yeah currently the best carry in game [standing there with morph]
                Lets hope 7.14 fix its

                stupid fuck 2000

                  only ever played 2 games with TB, whats so good about him right now? aside from tower hitting and all the other obvious shit that's been a part of him forever. Does he have some broken talents or what?


                    His playstyle fits the game.

                    Takes towers, farms extremely well, with some stun/Slow from support has kill potential on lvl1, 2 ultimates.

                    Generaly drop meta, Force enemy Back/kill him, take Tower/Force rotations, farm jungle with hero And Lane with copy, go 800gpm without any farming item.

                    Strong in all phases of the game. If enemy decides to go pushing lineups, hencan still Fight early (not like some other cores). If game goes late, still very strong.


                      only ever played 2 games with TB, whats so good about him right now? aside from tower hitting and all the other obvious shit that's been a part of him forever. Does he have some broken talents or what?

                      good early game with highest starting armor and 3 health regen
                      Meta make his early and midgame manageable
                      and Dont forget TB is a good farmer with his illusion(clear wave/neutral)
                      His talent is also godly especialy 15/20/25 which give him a huge spike (+300 hp/ -10 Reflection cd/ -35 Sunder)

                      Weak to magic or burst used to be his main weakness but with Raindrops and his talent (+300hp) he can survive burst
                      and The stats tweak benefit him greatly since he's alway build stat items
                      TB game is all about survive and farm til you hit lv15 and try snowball from there
                      Physical damage rarely do anything to him due to highest armor ingame
                      after he got 2k hp its really hard to nuke him down and he can sunder after thats

                      and whats worse even if he dont have farm his Q is one of the best anti-carry skills in game (which turn to nightmare at lv20)
                      I have seen too much of morph,PA,AM,Jug,PL corpse fall down to his Reflection
                      Well the 3 ultimate heroes is what we call him

                      IMO the best way to adjust him is remove +300hp at lv15 so he still weak to burst early game.
                      And move his talent [-10 reflection CD] To level 25 and [-35 Sunder CD] To level 20 and tweak its to [-20 Sunder CD]

                      Currently he's sitting at 21.66% pick rate and 54.03% Winrate at 5k+ MMR

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                      Pale Mannie

                        blocks your path


                          Tinker says hi


                            he is good in certain line up but not good if lots of AOE. gyro, zeus, es, lion, wd, elder titan, tiny etc... i feel hard to push if metamorphosis is cooldown. illusion dies so very quickly and can be counter to items like mjonlr/battlefury, so pick it wisely. yes, one of the top carries.


                              bounty hunter has like 22% pr and 54% wr and didnt get nerfed for like 5 patches straight lol

                              Bad Intentions

                                I eat TBs for breakfast

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  Bh got nerfed just last patch. Tb is good but people are overreacting. His talents are good but he is not antimage, he is slow (for a carry) at getting levels because he is an illusion hero. Meta has 155 sec cooldown and i dont think people abuse that well


                                    wad,really? his winrate is the same tho

                                    wen did he got nerfed?


                                      tb new patch : metamorphosis is now an ultimate


                                        well the weakest spell of tb is sunder, nothing new here :D