General Discussion

General Discussionis Bloodseeker offlane viable?

is Bloodseeker offlane viable? in General Discussion
Story Time

    I was thinking about it for a while, and then i saw this:

    Pro offlane: can fall back to jungle, annoying to deal with, can self heal
    Cons: squishy and can be bursted, almost no escape, item dependent

    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      Yup, he can be burst. Recently played as bloodseeker and man, he is soft as fuck.

      I think it depends on your opponent and their support. But theres lot of better offlaner than bs.

      Mid bloodseeker is really good.


        if the enemy have carries that blood can counter then blood is always a good pick regardless of what lane u go


          It's fine until you miss a cs whilst bloodraged...

          Lruce Bee

            very bad idea to play him in the offlane.