General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat could I have done to win the game!

What could I have done to win the game! in General Discussion

    In this match i had a pretty average early game and secured good farm and pushed towers whenever possible my mid kept feeding and pa was just useless even though she countered the enemy lineup. So in a match where u have avg farm what can u do to secure an advantage for ur team cause i couldnt split push i did once and my team died so i had to fight and pusher whenever i could. My building dmg was pretty low i agree but whenever i could kill any core of the enemy team the other would come and push me back . So what should i have done to kill all the 3 cores of the enemy lineup and secured the win.

    Potato Marshal

      Same shit as your other jugg games, you don't go blink, or sb (very good silver edge game btw), so you have no chase or initiation. You don't go for items like nullifier with very useful actives, and are building too many stat-heavy, items with very limited utility


        honestly, low mmr brackets of SEA are hopeless


          @Patato Marshal What is better for fighting stats items or damage based items?Same for split pushing.

          @Tribo ur right Im trying to grind my way out of hell

          Potato Marshal

            I just told you to get utility, your entire build revolves around either counter initiating, or running right up to the enemy to do anything.

            주 롄양



                u can't beat drow combo she was doing shit this game but u get what i mean right?
                there was no way u could win this game unless snowballing(enemy doing shit) with wasn't the case their pick was simply better

                Lruce Bee

                  i wouldnt criticize his build too much. a lot of right clickers on the team. vanguard aint so bad in this game. against drow type heroes, u should go blink/sb so it's easier to gap close.

                  i hate going skadi on jugg. cuz yea its just stats. u usually only need it if there's some kind of burst luckdown (like axe blademail, lc blademail) or a lot of magic. u should consider AC (Cuz of all the physical dmg + slardar + slardar's AC) ,MKB (Cuz of their butterfly and probably lifestealer's evasion talent) ,nullifier that game (cuz it's just good damage + utility)

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