General Discussion

General DiscussionIdea: hero suggestion from the game itself

Idea: hero suggestion from the game itself in General Discussion

    Also remove the “Jungle” role in hero description please.

    It won’t limit the heroes you select or push you to a role, rather SUGGEST a role based on what your team needs. Ex:
    Your team needs: disabler, innitiator, support, then suggest heroes who fit the role. It would be beneficial to newer players and people who think its 4 cores 1 support type of thing

    boni top fan

      Thats why people only buy dotaplus for battlecuo


        Not just dotaplus, like as in the game will say “ your team needs disable, maybe dont lastpick PA into a 4 carry lineup :)”


          jungling isnt the problem, afk jungling(the type of jungling everybody does) is

          jungling should be a form of roaming, but people dont know what to do with their time and when to "go"


            And everybody told me no plz don't jungle with bloodcyka and then i would end up having more impact than carry and mid and if we lose it's totally my fault not the fact that they can't even carry fucking account buyers


              Jungling is ok if say the enemy has weak lanes and your team doesn’t need you, but the problem is people who refuse to pick what is actually good and would rather hit creeps with like veno or some shit then proceed to come out of the jungle thinking their hot shit. Also nothing is more tilting then when you’re a roamer then your teammates think your a “support” then proceed to make you the only support. Then expect you to win all lanes amd gank all game :) that can be avoided if valve would just man up and say “hey man listen, LC jungle is fun and all and I’m sure you’re proud of your 12 min blink, but your team kinda needs a shaman or a lion or something, just a suggestion :)” at least make it common knowledge what an actual team should look like, and even trench games would feel a lot better


                Fucking Overwatch has this

                No disablers
                No durable heroes
                Too many melee

                I know theres a chart at the bottom of every selection screen but the Team composition bar at the start is always ignored anyway,

                Story Time

                  the topic makes no sense, since most of players can play only 2-3 heros on average and any suggestion will eb ignored because of that and the same way as the team composition is ignored.

                  Bottomline: u cant suggest a hero to a person who can not play it


                    But they may be ENCOURAGED if they see it’s better for the team. :)

                    Story Time

                      last time i suggested picking smth when playing on my smurf, we had an earth shaker who had no idea how to play the hero. ES was a good pick versus NP and PL but hey, ES that can not farm blink in 25 minutes and feeds PL is even worse than any hero from the idiot's hero-pool. So since this moment I no longer suggest any hero in low mmr brackets, because it is even worse than just letting them go random

                      boni top fan

                        Yeah, there are always similar heroes and people most likely known how to play one similar hero to the one suggested.