General Discussion

General DiscussionOne match that takes me from ancient/divine to legend like wtf...

One match that takes me from ancient/divine to legend like wtf... in General Discussion

    I consistently stay in very high skill bracket in normal matchmaking.

    But when I played my first mmr calibration match I met divine 1 2 and ancient 5 and I was so excited that I decided to pick ogre magi and ez support. I zoned out offlane for jugger, stacked and pulled and guess what, we lost, thanks to invoker vs phantom lancer mid. I helped tank and gave bloodlust non stop and I got like 2/14/? , had very low gpm and xpm and Pudge bought nearly all the wards.
    The next calibration game I dropped to high skill bracket even though unranked normal matchmaking still puts me in VHS. SAD.

    And I got legend 2 after 10th calibration match ... only one that is the first match out of 10 matches was VHS. This is bullshit, I have 64% winrate playing many vhs games and now I''m legend 2 wtf.

    Wasted 1 week or 90 hours , should have put such effort into study, I am an engineering student. Bye dota2...

    Este tópico foi editado

      Legend 2 is the calibration limit I think.....
      Bye tho



        Pepper & Salt

          lmao, thrash scrub

          SASA POPOVIC

            Fist of all dota 2 is very frustrating game full of tilted people, so they come here to vent their frustration and posts like yours make you easy target for their pilled up anger that has to go somewhere. So dont take it personally.

            Second of all maximum calibration for fresh accounts is 3.5k MMR or Legend 2, so even if you are TI player you cant cheat the system, you just got caped thats it.


              Sooo... You wanted to get to 5k right away, but you can't farm for shit using Ogre Magi? Im 1k trash, but you my dude are overestimating yourself.

              SASA POPOVIC

                No, you are 1k trash because you think you need to farm as pos 5! When you look at guides on dotabuff i bet you ask yourself "WTF these divine scrubs cant farm on ogre, where are their midas and aganims LMAO and im 1k??? xD xD xD"""



                  mr. rabbit

                    Legend 2 is the calibration limit I think.


                    i calibrated legend 3


                      So I understand that 200GPM is your standard every time you play support? Now that makes me feel just uncomfortable.


                        Help, I'm Not Immediately Playing Against RTZ And I Can't Rank Up!


                          Before you try to get max first calibration at 10k mmr read is it possible. Next If you play not for fun don`t play at all. IF you think that you will ge fun only wining and rising mmr just give up best for you.


                            11 comments, not a single one actually answering the question, even though its a piece of common knowldge :/

                            along the pre calibration games your so called hidden mmr is adjusted, it works more or less the same as "normal" mmr. your first calibration game is played at the level of your current hidden mmr, no matter how high it is. since game 2, your rating gets adjusted to the current calibration cap.

                            Este comentário foi editado

                              if you want a 5k cali cap,just wait for international ranked on battle pass