General Discussion

General DiscussionHotkey showoff

Hotkey showoff in General Discussion
Nick Gehr

    Post your hotkeys. Items/spells/control groups and if u feel like it, some other misc keys.


      all default


        Severe it seems like you need to learn how to play better in the midgame XD


          seems u need some tips on the lategame as well; maybe we could help eachother out


            Dune, the Desert Planet

              Q - Bottle, Eblade, QB, BF, Abyssal

              3 - PT, Hex

              4 - Dagon, BKB, Manta

              5 - TP, BoT

              W - Dagger, Lothar, Abyssal

              Space - Arcane, Mek, GG, BM, Manta

              When a hero uses W as a hotkey I switch to X. For some heroes I change where my items are.

              Dune, the Desert Planet

                2 - courier

                6 - illusions

                For Naga I have different setup, every illusion has a separate key.


                  ez wasd


                    Am i the only one who uses ASDF for spells??


                      For me i use
                      Zxc=buy quickbuy select cour deliver item
                      Space= blink armlet
                      Alt w=pike euls hex orchid&nulli(if t and space is used)
                      T=orchid nulli armlet(if space is used)
                      Alt q= anything
                      Alt r=tp
                      Alt e=anything

                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                        I for some reason finds that the most comfortable keybinding for items are

                        item 1 (normal) - z
                        item 2 (normal) - x
                        item 3 (normal) - c
                        item 4 (quick cast) - alt + z
                        item 5 (quick cast) - alt + x
                        item 6 (quick cast) - alt + c

                        I know it sounds awkward, but I found out that i'm really comfortable with that
                        It keeps all the items on 3 buttons, leaving my hand in a comfortable position in shift (queue) z x c space (center camera on hero + pick main hero). on my laptop the keyboard layout isn't really flat so it is actually adjusted to my hand shape, the x is slightly above z and c and the shift is below

                        I generally put non targetable cast items (like armlet) or items where self cast in a fraction of a second is essential (like tp) on the 1-3, and targetable casts/passives on 4-6
                        so every cast would always require me to press 2 buttons, whether it alt + z/x/c, z/x/c twice, or z/x/c + button click

                        Este comentário foi editado

                          Spell & Item = Default
                          1 = recent event
                          3 = learn skill
                          4 = learn talent
                          t = select all unit
                          alt+t = select all other unit
                          space = taunt


                            "Show off"? Rofl

                            Yung Beethoven

                              who the hell uses legacy hotkeys, thats just retarded, honestly.

                              My ability hotkeys are like this: Q W E R F G

                              Item hotkeys: idk, im still getting used to a change, something with: spacebar, v, c, x etc.

                              Nick Gehr

                                I'm quite surprised to see people use WASD camera control.


                                  spells - w e r t
                                  items - 5 6 y q mb5 space


                                    am i the only one who usees legacy hotkeys wtf

                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                      ^ as you can see I also use legacy. There is like gazzilion ppl playing with legacy.


                                        but why


                                          Items- zxcvbn
                                          Ctrl groups- 1-2-3-4-5


                                            Mine is pretty simple... But I wanna ask the above players, how do u play with such complex key patterns... for me I like to keep spells in one row and items in another followed by heroes/illu/cour in another...

                                            Este comentário foi editado

                                              BTW, what's with the camera keys ? don't we all use mouse for the camera movement ? or am I missing something ?

                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                all default

                                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                  Because if you are pressing same buttons from 2006 it's kinda hard to press other buttons?

                                                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                    Legacy keys on.

                                                    Alt+Q, W, E, A, S, & D.