General Discussion

General Discussioncant get out of 3k haha toxicity is real :)

cant get out of 3k haha toxicity is real :) in General Discussion
chat banned :)

    comment if u understand hahaha


      You won 4 games straight

      Story Time

        3k is full of nonsense but you can climb it if yyou know what you are doing

        chat banned :)

          yes spamming best hero again just to win... i want to play some quality match but in SEA its very rare

          Story Time

            ^move to mother russia then


              I see no problem your winning not like me i experience hell in SEA i can't sleep tonight. 2 LP game remaining for playing support -Dota 2 balance US west server i got 131 ping US east 184 Russian Server 279 Eu west 274 Eu east 291 Australia 185 i will never go back to SEA OR JAPAN i'm done.

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              chat banned :)

                dude i win bec. of comebacks im just lucky... i wonder how other server plays im playing SEA and JAP. others high ping


                  Good luck dude! Keep spamming and may Rngesus bless ya


                    What about losing your games to down into 2k, easier way to get out from 3k than tryharding climb into 4k

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                      Classic failed smurf


                        lol you made smurf and somehow you managed to get to legend 2 and you cry or idk what u doing? go back to your real acc

                        chicken spook,,,,


                          I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd




                              I feel so disturbed with this

                              boni top fan

                                Bobo kayo.

                                Lruce Bee

                                  I feel sorry for people with 40% wr

                                  chat banned :)

                                    i guess toxic comments belongs to archon guardian and crusader sad toxic i wonder how they play in there bracket hahha

                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                      PMA btw! :) haha

                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                        PMA btw! :) haha


                                          i was archon 1 before. had a rough day 1.8k. i spam lycan til reached 3.8k but in 3k hard to play lycan now. 😥


                                            i used to play only cores and mid, I struggled and stuck at 3.3k mmr, then I learned how to be an offlaner and how to be a support. I understand how hard is it being offlaner, trying to make space while being underleveled and how painful is it to be a support for strangers, who flame every mistake they made and blame team everytime he throw by being solo.
                                            Now here I am, at ancient 5.


                                              Everybody Is complaining about 3k. I dont know, except ocassionaly Fights over mid/carry (which Are in 80% solved by roll) there Is toxic player in 1/5 of the games. Including russians I dont understand So i believe it Is toxicity from their side.


                                                But if there Is no russian speaking russian the games Are usually great in terms od cooperation And low toxicity. Sometimes some blame from some player about fucked Up game, but not So much.

                                                chat banned :)

                                                  @mckenzie and Mmm good for you guys im still in a win loss win loss now haha but i enjoy playing sf win or lose hahaha

                                                  chat banned :)

                                                    @talker SEA is worst and japan is being toxic too well thats life dont hate the game hate the players haha


                                                      i could never understand the low trashes who complain about their teammates, toxicity, behavior score, feeders etc.

                                                      because out there there's always one 12 year old 8k russian booster kid who wipes his dick with them, and makes them pay for it.

                                                      Have you tried plugging in your keyboard?

                                                      Este comentário foi editado
                                                      chat banned :)

                                                        dude u dont know what ur saying until it happens to you there are always toxic teamate per game trying to feed throw and tilt too much


                                                          @p.noise, i think to get out 3K is to play offlane or support. in this bracket there is a lot of players who want to play as carry. so play offlane starting this week. good luck.


                                                            same here OP but in my case its just me being bad and lazy and not wanting to analyze replays cuz atm i got something better to do


                                                              It's actually amusing to me how brain damaged do you have to be to go ahead and seek confirmation to your biases.

                                                              I guess there's something about playing the victim, makes you feel like just a little bit less of a garbage can.

                                                              If you shit too much - you might end up drowning in it.

                                                              Este comentário foi editado
                                                              chat banned :)

                                                                i said comment if u understand i guess cookie didnt

                                                                chat banned :)

                                                                  w tf is wrong with u hahaha i am talking to my fellow 3ks and not asking pitty so stf u and dont comment cookie sad behaviour 😴


                                                                    You can get back to 2k because it count as you get out of 3k WeSmart


                                                                      Also i cant understand why people comment you need to play offlane or support to get out of 3k omegaLUL


                                                                        no, i don't feel empathy for morons.


                                                                          Cookie plz dont lower the word “moron” to “subhuman” ty

                                                                          Disturbed Jawker

                                                                            Ye i understand my enemies' teammates held them back and now im out of 3k feelsgoodman

                                                                            死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                              without people like you , there is no way for me to get out of 3k amirite


                                                                                i got out ez mode playing kunkka

                                                                                NUB GonNA NUUB

                                                                                  here's what i did for xx times back to 4k :D in SEA <(") yep

                                                                                  Este comentário foi editado
                                                                                  Lruce Bee

                                                                                    Haha :)

                                                                                    Story Time

                                                                                      3k is the best bracket, stay there :D

                                                                                      Herald Pride

                                                                                        i grind from 1 k to 3,7 k then drop to 2,9 k. Lose a game is fine but it's hard to accept if lose because someone fail