General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed a help in improving

Need a help in improving in General Discussion

    Hi there to anyone who bothers reading this

    I calibrated ancient 1 after the new medal update and slowly grinded to ancient 2 and went till 4.6k after which Im literally dropping to 4k1 or even 4k flat sometimes to getting back to 4.4 in a matter of days..

    Ive tried changing things,improving my behavior rate etc but After every winstreak I get teammates who will curse my family and give me death threats for missing a raze..

    I know 90% of the time the loss is my fault

    I'd like to know what im doing wrong

    Sry for my bad english

    And thanks in advance xd

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        Behaviour is important. Always mute toxic teammates, only give advice, never flame someone. But I'm guessing you know this.

        After winning 2-3 games in a row try to take a break, this will help you recover mentally. Do some exercise, eat. This way you get frustrated less and stay focused more.

        I can't really tell what it is you're doing wrong, as a divine 5 currently in the ancient bracket I'm having a very easy time. You can click the discord link on my profile if you want to talk sometime, should help (didn't take a look at your dbuff yet, on phone).

        Good luck (:



          Sure mate thanks for the positive response.

          I'd be a huge help if you can check my dotabuff in your spare time and tell me what im doing wrong.

          Thanks a bunch.


            Sure, got some spare time today, would rather talk, makes it a little easier. Give me an add on discord/steam and we'll see (:


              I sent u fr on steam

              Unfortunetly I cant talk to you through voice but I can chat xD

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                1) you are dying a lot
                2) you are going for the same build every game