General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for a coach[FREE]

Looking for a coach[FREE] in General Discussion

    Looking for 5k+ mmr player, who will watch my replays and help me get better, fix my mistakes etc.

    Thanks <3


      watch my replays ,6k+ player

      муки с рылом

        Top 2000 SF needs no coach


          I actually wanted to help this guy but then i realised its the top 3000 sf on opendota surely he needs no help

          Story Time

            lol, u dont have to do anything to get into top hero on opendota, just spam one hero and that is all. (trash like me managed to get into top 100, but i seriously suck and have no clue)


              Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?

              Story Time

                Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?

                u should hire cookie for money :D that is how i read this message


                  nothing in this world is free. not even your mom's approval

                  муки с рылом

                    You got into top-100 because all the rest got cancer from playing silencer, and you are one of the few survivors.
                    I mean I love that hero, but what kind of hatred towards humanity made you spam it?


                      OpenDota ranking is bs

                      Palmen aus Plastik

                        guys....i think he said that top 3000 thing as a self deprecating joke. Surely you dont think he was serious?


                          ^i undersand that he said it ironcally but saying that he tries just clicking around in order to get in the zone and have 400 apm is literally the stupidest thing i've heard in my life lol. Stop trying to pretend you're dendi and start being CCnC



                            Story Time

                              @(|/) 0_o (|/)
                              I have a maniacal mania to collect intel, the more intel i collect the faster i get phd

                              Saucy Edwin

                                Free coaches are a rare thing these days my friend.


                                  i only accept cash or ass


                                    do you accept cookies?


                                      ill give u my ass cookie sempai owo

                                      SASA POPOVIC

                                        Whats your price and how do we hire you Cookie master?



                                          btw, you can just sign up i still get 0.5$ for each sign up even if you don't order a lesson :3


                                            play more, i feel like you are still too new to this. Understand how each hero works, understand counter. For more advance tip I really have to see how you play.

                                            муки с рылом

                                              However there might be also a negative causal relation between intel accumulated in-game and progress towards PhD


                                                can i get a free coach too? thanks :) ? ( i only played 1000+ hours )

                                                муки с рылом

                                                  ^ I can coach you when I get to 1000 hours myself.

                                                  I accept meatballs as payment