General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to balance Wraith King?

How to balance Wraith King? in General Discussion

    I think we can all agree that this hero is unbalanced to all hell. He literally has no counters anymore. PL with diffusal used to be able to counter him but now the no reincarnation mana cost talent is at level 20, and at 25 he can literally stun everyone around him once he dies. And it isn't like you can just ignore him in fights either. He can just get a blink and jump onto your supports and kill them in like 2 or 3 hits each.

    My question is, what can they do to this hero to at least make it possible to lower his impact in a game? My suggestion is just removing the slow from reincarnation. Either that or move the no manacost talent back to 25 and get rid of that fucking wraithfire on death IMBA shit.




        Remove reincarnation. No carry should have a free aegis and stillhit harder than most carries


          dude just get like a shadow demon adn watch him have only one skill :-D all 3 passives disabled.
          if wk went armlet blink get a halbred.

          also tb and timber are really good against wk... its all about the draft :-D


            How TF do you think wk is OP ROFL


              WK is far from OP. Sure if you give him free farm and he builds the right items, he is hard to kill, but a good stun or two and he is done. Nothing OP about this hero. I can think of many others that are way harder to deal with than WK.


                when the hero has a 57% win rate in <2k and 50% wr in >5k the answer is always l2p.


                  Lol, haven’t lost to a wraith king in ages. Terrorblade kills him hard.


                    Wraith King in pro games
                    error 404
                    Wait, one match: EE-sama on WK. It's EE.

                    Can't Buy Culture

                      1600 mmr player talking about heroes being op. there is always a way to play around heroes, and in the case with wraith king is to kite him around. if possible you even save him for later, and take out his team, cause he's a hero who wants to reincarnate and start the fight again.


                        He blinks on your team and takes our 3 heroes. Good luck saving him for last


                          ^no he doesn't
                          He gets kited
                          His dps isnt that good or consistent
                          He gets the Sven treatment only Sven can actually burst multiple people in stun duration and wk can't.


                            hey guys have you noticed lich is op? the way he denies creeps is so easy you won't believe please remove the hero valve ty.

                            Saucy Edwin

                              How is he OP? He gets countered by any slow-based support that causes him to get kited I.E. WW, Veno, Lich, just to name a few. He can't kill you if he can't hit you.


                                Please valve remove wraithknight, if I kill him, he spawns back. I don't know what to do anymore, please help.


                                  Omniking should be removed too.

                                  Este comentário foi editado
                                  Can't Buy Culture

                                    @hanyolo with the 80 games and amazing game knowledge. if you think the guy is op, why dont u pick him and climb out of your guardian level ?


                                      @Lefthanded Player that guy is just a troll account don't take him srsly lol


                                        You cant counter wraith king in 2k you just win by picking it because as soon as the enemy sees him they will be so overwhelmed by the idea of countering him because thats the only hero they know how to "counter" they will proceed to pick antimage carry, pl offlane and a good old lion mid.

                                        You can go carry or if your team doesn't let you there's always the ol' reliable jungle. Once you play a few games of jungle wraith king you can optimize your early game farming patterns and actually get more farm than your safelane carry anyway.


                                          He isn't bad but he ain't OP


                                            @1 MMR/H

                                            He isn't OP, he just has more relevance now. I played him through all of the crap when I refused to play any other hero (thus the +400games) despite him being gash.

                                            Want to stop him? Don't let him freefarm or snowball i.e. slow his progress to level 20. Invoker is still a solid counter btw... mana-bomb + tornado and stun. Until he gets BKB he is very easy to lockdown due to slow movement speed.

                                            So you want to stop him in teamfights... kite him like all melee heroes or stun him before BKB. Or pick Razor whilst you steal damage and kite him.

                                            So the WK hits level 20+ : Terrorblade should be fairly scary at this point.. I like to use is CK... CK RUINS WK. Phantasm, Reality rift, Chaos bolt and he's dead. Wait he's reincarnating? Oh look reality rift is off CD and you kill him again. That easy.

                                            i dont like cats

                                              Wraith king is not OP at all. If WK was strong right now we would have seen him at ESL.

                                              You cant counter WK anymore with mana burn, but you can KITE the fuck out of him.

                                              Player 281121816

                                                Wk is trash brother. Everything that he can do, sven and void can do better


                                                  Wk is not op but he's definitely in a good spot at least in 2k. I'm having fun spamming him and I'll continue to do so once my new pc is ready

                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    this hero is bad lol


                                                      stun is aoe
                                                      bring back old mortal strike(that reduced max%hp, but disabled the crits for the duration) instead of this shit
                                                      otherwise this heros dead

                                                      talent tree

                                                      1 - maxskeletons/mana
                                                      2 - attack speed / cleave
                                                      3 - ult triggers ravage / passive skeleton gain
                                                      4 - all stats / no mana ult

                                                      wk doesn't have any strong powerspikes during the game, hes weaker than the majority of the real cores (tb ck pl), doesn't provide anything, but a slow-ass 4 sec. uptime stun with 3 sec. cd.
                                                      hes shit pos4 aswell, ck outclasses him by all parameters.

                                                      pos3 wk might work tho.

                                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                        I just had two games with WK saving my ass and carrying the whole team

                                                        SASA POPOVIC

                                                          1600 mmr player talking about heroes being op. there is always a way to play around heroes, and in the case with wraith king is to kite him around. if possible you even save him for later, and take out his team, cause he's a hero who wants to reincarnate and start the fight again.

                                                          Hero is OP in that bracket and every other hero that requires team coordination to kill is OP in 1k bracket like AM, storm, PL, CK even Axe and Birstle have fantastic winrates in trash bracket because they require slight team coordination and some items that are not popular in low bracket becuase they dont give you damage. ^^

                                                          Este comentário foi editado

                                                            Man just pick some heroes with illusions since he depends on the single target right clicks. PL still does well against him, brood with her kids, also CK.

                                                            casual gamer

                                                              ring of aquila alert


                                                                this hero is underpower as hell, the hell are you talk about. He is a hero that doesn't excel in any aspect to be honest. Although his skeleton does make him better at pushing, but that's about it in his pushing capability. He can tank, but he can't offlane solo as an actual tank. He needs farm like carry, but his damage out put is just mediocre compare to other hard carry. He's never too strong in any phases (early, late or mid). It's literally one of the low tier carry, but i can see why it's might seems good for low tier carry player. HUR DUR free life steal and aegis, and a stun OP!!!

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  There's a reason pros don't run WK and if they do it's as a support, not a carry.


                                                                    lol I managed to trigger 31 higher MMR people, top tier b8.
                                                                    Also I'm not 1600 MMR lol that's old as fuck and I just never updated it before medals came out.

                                                                    Este comentário foi editado
                                                                    low prio master

                                                                      Wk is good solid hero not over annoying as mother fuucking sniper,zeus nimbus omg why add so much more cancer things.

                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                        wk is good imo. very good frontliner if your mid hero is actually capable of doing damage from range. but instead my teammate picks viper last pick like fucking EE.


                                                                          ^LUL. Ee hater


                                                                            Everyone saying wk is shit and needs to be buff. Wtf. Try playing against a 1k wraith king with your entire team chain feeding 1 by 1 with no coordination and that fucker has 2 lives. try killing Him then.

                                                                            casual gamer

                                                                              Everyone saying hero is shit and needs to be buff. Wtf. Try playing against a 1k hero with your entire team chain feeding 1 by 1 with no coordination and that fucker has 4 skills. try killing Him then.


                                                                                Everyone saying hero is shit and needs to be buff. Wtf. Try playing against a 1k hero with your entire team chain feeding 1 by 1 with no coordination and that fucker has 4 skills. try killing Him then.

                                                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                  lol I managed to trigger 31 higher MMR people, top tier b8.

                                                                                  NUB GonNA NUUB

                                                                                    face agains noob - forever jungling - ez win
                                                                                    face agains normal player - farm blink - roaming
                                                                                    face agains pro player - afk