General Discussion

General DiscussionOfflaner vs TB

Offlaner vs TB in General Discussion

    So TB has been popping up more and more frequently,
    Usually you'll be picking your offlaner in the first 3 picks so you can't really just say 'brood' them, or 'timbersaw' because that's just asking too be countered.
    Assuming 3rd pick, what's the play fam? I feel beastmaster has merit because he has a form of depush and can threaten towers forcing him too rotate, but i'm not sold

    chicken spook,,,,

      fuck his camp?


        brew fucks tb in lane


          I found that brewmaster is pretty effective vs tb, he cant sunder spirits and you can purge illusions, bear in mind TBs in my bracket are pretty shit but im shit brew also.

          Doom is good vs him aslong as you avoid fighting him when meta is up.


            tb has 500hp 11armor level 1. thats a perfect hero to counter with magic dmg.
            venomancer is 100% cancer and can solokill tb at any point before he has bkb. max gale first.
            tb cant counter escapes and high movement speed, he needs a good support setup to get kills in lane unless you step close to him with low hp
            puck sounds amazing on paper, i dont play taht hero tho
            my choice would be shaker
            legion can deal with any lane imo. Q still deals stupid amounts of dmg on low cd


              yeah i rate that, might hit up the ol' panda, pretty safe midgame draft pick. Thanks fam


                Brew doom pit puck

                Lruce Bee

                  Have you tried playing offlane puck? Rush Dagon and I guarantee you he won't stand a chance with all the burst.


                    Ah yes Veno the classic "I have no movespeed and die to any support rotation + metamorphosis" hero
                    Listen to what everyone else said, MAYBE add axe but I'm not sure.


                      ofc youre not gonna kill tb as veno when support are around...
                      you soak levels and annoy him with gale. veno can retreat to secondary jungle at level 1 if he needs to.


                        i play alotttaa veno fam, and i can tell you that that matchup is actually unplayable, TB has an ulti that swaps hp with someone, veno does damage over time, like sure if you're ahead (which means you didn't lane vs the tb) you can drop your nukes and get out, however you're realistically setting somone on your team up too getting a full hp sunder swap because you have no burst.

                        Doom laning seems trash can, you're a 0 armour doom.. i'm sure that won't end well for the doom.. Midgame would be fine, however that's going too be a free farm tb, and that free farm tb will be hitting your towers faster than you can be defending them.

                        LC seems to be the go too for most people, it just seemed a little underwelming too me.

                        Pitlord, puck and Brew all seem staple though, i think i'll be trying them out.. roots really effect TB alot.

                        Also Currently NEWBIE vs LGD has a TB vs BREW, they dodged the lane but it'll be interesting too see how it developes midgame

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          Pitlord is good. Axe is okay but the hero is shit so dont bother.


                            Isn't pitlord also shit


                              Oh yeah lc is very good forgot about him also bm is bad in lane


                                Doesnt lvl 20 TB -10 second reflection just tear you a new ahole on Pitlord though?

                                yeah but beastmaster sorta stops TB from doing TB things midgame, lane is abit aids. Midgame tb wants to farm the jungle with his hero and push the lane with his illus. BM wants to push the lane and scout the jungle with his hawk... so naturally it would net kill oppertunities But yeah, aside from playstyle theory, i'm not entirely sure how you'd go about laning a beastmaster vs a tb+1-2

                                Este comentário foi editado

                                  Well tb just wants to hit towers when hes ahead and bm is bad at 5 manning but yeah roar is generally nice against tb but they usually also have a save. Legion does like everything bm does against Tb just better


                                    yeah I feel that, i always thought bm was a good 5manner Enabling other heros like Sven/jug/luna/dk too become siege tanks, as a natural aura/solar crest holder assuming he doesn't have other duties countering a 'tinker' or other splitpushers.
                                    He isn't esactally a 'get my lvl 6 and push for a rax' kind of hero and needs his levels.
                                    That being said, LC looks good on Paper for sure, i guess it depends on the support cast if you pick the LC or the brew. knowing me i'd be getting hit by a shadow demon or dazzle the moment i pick LC and then it becomes a really difficult matchup.


                                      is pheonix a thing?


                                        He helps u push but doesn't do the same damage in team fight that pit and lc does


                                          Isn't pitlord also shit

                                          ¿Que? As a hero, or as a matchup against TB? Because Pitlord is quite the pubstomper right now, idk what you're on

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            pitlord is not shit. and i dont see why the reflection talent would "tear a new asshole" on pitlord. yes, your aura being on your team is annoying indeed but not much to do.


                                              enchantress is the answer to everything except gyrocopter

                                              Story Time

                                                i dont know, but qop is very annoying offlaner if my sup has no clue what to do there


                                                  Shit against the common supports of the meta like shaman and bane etc


                                                    pitlord is a funny hero

                                                    you kill him 10 times on offlane but it doesn't influence his mid-late game impact anyhow

                                                    ROAD TO HERALD 0


                                                      ofc youre not gonna kill tb as veno when support are around...
                                                      you soak levels and annoy him with gale. veno can retreat to secondary jungle at level 1 if he needs to.

                                                      But you just said veno:

                                                      can solokill tb at any point before he has bkb.

                                                      If you are going to theorycraft, at least make your logic consistent smh.

                                                      Also, sacking the offlane to jungle from lvl 1 is effectively giving tb (or any other hero) free farm, and he's gonna be well ahead of you in gold and exp because lane creeps not only give more exp and gold in than jungle in the early game, he's gonna kill lane creeps much faster than you and your lvl 1 plague ward (that you also wont have, because you said max gale first).

                                                      In my bracket, if i went to jungle straight from lvl 1 as an offlaner, the enemy supports would do either of these:

                                                      1. Rotate to secondary jungle and try to kill me

                                                      2. Rotate to mid and kill my mid laner

                                                      Even if they fail at either attempt, it's bad for me or my mid laner, because either i or he will be zoned out when what we both need to be doing during the laning phase is getting as many cs / exp as possible.

                                                      Still, I'd expect the enemy support in your bracket to consistently do neither of these actions i stated.

                                                      They would frequently stand within exp range and soak exp from their carry, or even try to compete for last hits.

                                                      They probably also single pull the easy camp and push out the wave for you to ez-CS LUL under your tower.

                                                      AKA their incompetence cancelling your incompetence out.

                                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                                        Terrorblade is nowhere good in lane. Much like Anti-Mage and Spectre, he wants to just farm in the early game. Metamorphosis allows him to trade some blows, but he's so slow you can run away if he turns. That being said, again much like Anti-Mage, he can do a lot of physical damage given enough lockdown from his teammates. I have played Shadow Shaman as support to Terrorblade and we have ripped apart even Centaur and Timbersaw. It's important to see what supports are going with him.


                                                          I play TB a lot. From my perspective, the hardest solo match ups for me have been pit lord, timber, axe, brewmaster.. however if you have a support with a stun or save you can still at the minimum trade farm and get a kill or push a tower with meta. Duo/tri lanes are the biggest issues with magic nukes/stuns (skywrath, jakiro, lich, pudge, spirit breaker, windranger, undying, sand king, etc.). Also riki and clock are very annoying. Legion is actually not that bad if you buy a wand and position properly to avoid his nuke since he will be spamming it. I sometimes tank his nuke just so I can deny 2-3 of his creeps and eat a tango and last hit near my tower.

                                                          Even if TB has a bad lane, he can use meta to rotate and push towers, burst down heros, or take ancient stacks. Best way to deal with him is duo lane him with nukes to slow down his farm and pick heros with disables to gank/kill him in the mid game before he gets too farmed.


                                                            Tb isn't that weak of laner if u just statically trade hits he will beat considering he has 11 armor lvl 1.
                                                            He also has higher than normal base Regen I think. He just is weak to early magic dmg and shit like that.


                                                              ^you just stated the obvious and whatever the guy above you said. Classic washed up

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                if u just statically trade hits

                                                                so i guess where i went wrong is that i traded hits, but wasnt statistical enough


                                                                  ^i said static u mong0l not statistic

                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                    sorry i cant read


                                                                      Not sure about brew vs tb, I saw someone play tb vs khezus brew on stream and when you use reflection the brew illusion has 100% crit on the first hit, so if he were to get 2-3 points in reflection(which this tb did) khezus wasn't able to go near the wave after dying to support rotations. He still won though, so maybe it's a good longterm counter?