General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone into watch collecting?

Anyone into watch collecting? in General Discussion
Emperor Xu Mail

    Watch, as in, wristwatches. What do you look for when you buy one? I am, personally, a huge nutcase when it comes to things like that and as such own over 40+ watches, mostly cheap and only one high end product. But nonetheless, it's always fun to hear what others think about things like that. Indulge me, if you will.

    Edshot machine(show me da...

      Dota 2 general discussions????*__*

      Cheesy Wenis

        Naw man, I don't collect jewelry.

        casual gamer

          my sister is, she always has a nice looking watch on. nothing super expensive yet, but she’ll get there if she gets seniority in her career field

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            do u think i can get her number or something

            tell her im DIVINE 0 im sure that will impress her


              You can have my number if you want

              casual gamer

                sorry shes only attracted to american alpha males



                  I’m an American male!


                    Im omega big so can i have her number?


                      Aren't high end watches the only watches worth collecting?

                      Cheesy Wenis

                        Worth is in the eye of the beholder. Some people collect bottle caps. I collect cheap plastic tanks and paint them.

                        To each their own.


                          This off-topic is kinda refreshing, seems good!


                            Collect junk all you want. I'm fine with it.

                            chicken spook,,,,

                              Not into collecting but watches are cool


                                100 on my wrist , 80 on my wrist

                                Emperor Xu Mail

                                  thats the thing with collecting. It's an expensive hobby for sure. I'll be over 60 years old by the time I can actually brag about a collection I think.

                                  @Scott - That's awesome! I bet you have gotten good with the brush by now. I can't paint for the life of me, but would sure as hell want a Darth Vader tank welcoming people into my room. hehe.


                                    I’m into collecting moto GP helmets 😈

                                    Emperor Xu Mail

                                      Replicas right? Don't tell me you got an authentic Valentino Rossi helmet!!


                                        Well actually i got few of them gp helmets , sete gibernau , rossi , and the others are japanese rider dejiro kato(RIP) or something. But the rossi is limited edition


                                          I’m not a big Rossi fan im actually a #93 since we share the same name and same bike
                                          But i do have a limited edition AGV missano helmet

                                          Emperor Xu Mail

                                            ggwp lads. thats something to brag about. I was always a casey stoner fan though. Loved that era.


                                              Truee , the old rivalities between rossi and sete gibernau, the early year rossi switched to yamaha , oh boy good old days


                                                I collect dakimakura