General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy I lost this Game?

Why I lost this Game? in General Discussion
    ^^Title! is that because Of My

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      You played LC vs 3 hard disablers and havent made bkb, i also like to live dangerously! ITs a good pick vs CK but i bet rubic and phoenix had a field day cucking your every initiation.


        yes. why that shadow balde? blink is always superior
        also no bkb :/


          when I duel CK or TA Phonix Use superNova on Them (he had Aghanim) SO what can I do?


            You have other 4 memebers in your team, ask them to stop phoenix counter initiation or you will lose the game. ITs a team game you cant 1v5 no matter how fed you are. Or if they are completly brainless and dont like you for some reason, wait for phoenix to waste it then go in.

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              NA BETTER THAN EU


                Go blink then sb (ez initiation + escape in case). Prioritize bkb over abyssal (also if they get linken, go for heavens hell not abyssal).
                Aghs is the answer to: "when I duel CK or TA Phonix Use superNova on Them (he had Aghanim) SO what can I do?" (but u must be fat enough to win alone else gg).