General Discussion

General DiscussionLone Druid offlane

Lone Druid offlane in General Discussion

    Hey guys, just a few questions regarding Lone Druid
    Is midas a must ? Or can it be skipped for a rush of radiance?
    If u have a hard lane and can’t manage to farm that well do u skip radiance for something else?
    Thank u in advance


      Offlane LD isn't very good in high mmr, but since you're playing in 3k, playing a sort of full core from offlane is viable (though not recommended in the long run).
      Thus midas is not a bad option unless you fear enemy lineup is quick in their aggression. Having a look at your heroes might help deciding how greedy you can go. If you have AM & Invoker as cores, it's probably for the best to play less greedy. Then again it's 3k so a lot of concepts don't matter for you, at least not until someone better exploits your greed against you.

      You could take a look at how Bulldog plays LD when he goes offlane (though he prefers safelane LD like everyone).


        Can u link me his dotabuff please?
        So ld offlane isn’t viable?

        Дима Смирнов

          ld offlane is just very greedy


            If one midas is good, is two midas even better?


              Mask of madness?




                  when having a tough lane better get all those early items for bear (blight stone, brown boots, oov, stout shield) and like an aquila+wand for your hero. thats mostly enough to at least have some skrimishes or pushes with your team, since your bear is almost risk free to get the debuffs on enemies or towers

                  then gold and xp will come anyway (btw ld needs xp in the first place. super strong hero since lvl 1 he has 1 hero lvl 1 and one hero lvl 7 !!!)

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                    ^wtf r u talking abt