General Discussion

General Discussionthings which piss you off

things which piss you off in General Discussion

    - bkb escape
    - last will damage
    - riki first pickers in general

    me, government hooker

      water splashing on my ass while pooping


        tanga ina mo


        cyka blyat

        chicken spook,,,,



            Juking with almost no HP to escape. Real men fight to the death, not run like little bitch.

            Kiting me to death, I go from 100% to 0%, 3 enemies are at 10% HP. FUCK YOU, COWARDS, WHY NOT FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN AND TRADE ONE FOR ONE? I am prepared to die, why aren't you?

            Carries not willing to fight because "I might die", "we can't see them", or "they initiated on us and the guy who was initiated on has low HP now or is dead". Fuck you, you aren't 5k, our low bracket has too many carries anyways. Besides, the enemy isn't skilled because this isn't 5k and I always build my items to be able to fight the enemy, even if they initiate first. Who cares, let 'em come out of hiding and try to kill us, we'll wreck 'em as long as we fight together! Someone's gotta take the bullet for the team, and if I do it, I expect the backup 100%. I don't care if we all die, at least kill them off too. I'd rather lose the whole team and kill 3 of them than have 2 of us die for nothing, even if the carries escape.

            When the enemy support is good and actually trilanes properly, double pull or single pull with stack to reset equilibrium, wards behind towers, and tries to save their carry rather than just feed or watch or try to kill steal. Also when they build euls, glimmer, or force staff over aghs and dagon. FUCK YOU, THAT'S A REPORT. I want a fun 2k game where people have no detection and just fight to the death, not this stupid bullshit where I have to second-guess everything.

            EDIT: I'm half-serious. I honestly wish DoTA farm priority was 2-2-3-4-4 rather than 1-2-3-4-5.

            Este comentário foi editado

              ^this is so retarded it cud make a great copypasta


                Since when BKB escape is a missplay or something that may trigger anyone ?


                  purchasing a premium hentai vids and 2 days later it has been leaked , hate when that happens


                    cyrillic alphabet users in my games

                    Pale Mannie

                      enemy clinkz in my lane

                      Este comentário foi editado
                      死の恐怖 Haseo



                          anime profile pics

                          Story Time

                            russians and not russians :D



                                teammates taking bounty rune when you have a bottle and alt click ur bottle several times.


                                  Not much. I'm pretty content with dota rn

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    your face


                                      Nothing because dota is perfect the way it is.


                                        milk junkies an hour ago

                                        what is it like, having a shit waifu?

                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          привет арин
                                          как дела? =)


                                            your win rate


                                              Rick and morty fanbase


                                                this happened in my last game

                                                - wk offlane pick then proceeds to jungle leaving the lane uncontested
                                                - last pick am


                                                  my very weak self


                                                    those who pretend to play mirana as a roamer but build phaseboots into agha/maelstorm to "help the team" haHAA


                                                      for real, who the heck plays mirana as a roamer? Who taught these guys that :thinking:

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        bkb escapes are lit


                                                          - >"buy armlet wtf dude" >"how to play armlet"


                                                            Torrenting a game turns out to be 5gb full of gay vids


                                                              ^and you watch all of them


                                                                support 1st item midas

                                                                D the Superior



                                                                    Fail carries


                                                                      supports who dont zone.


                                                                        Support that hit range enemy creeps and pushes out the wave.


                                                                          And ofcourse tryhard one hero cancer spammers .


                                                                            Creating new account and still stuck at unkown/normal skill bracket.

                                                                            Pale Mannie

                                                                              ^i have good news for you


                                                                                ^^lol kid you think you're funny but wtf do you do when teammates abandons


                                                                                  - when you say push but your team thinks after heroes die is the best time to farm

                                                                                  Cheesy Wenis

                                                                                    When you have to sneeze but it just won't come out so you look into a bright light bulb to force it out.

                                                                                    Dat 900mmr guy

                                                                                      People that never try to push. Ever.


                                                                                        When your girlfriend has a twin so you get confused and fuck her dad


                                                                                          When I lose the game for my team, because I forget that I have a bkb


                                                                                            ^^lol kid you think you're funny but wtf do you do when teammates abandons

                                                                                            sometimes ur team is just so noob and u cant win

                                                                                            thats why u cant get more than maybe 55% winrate max in low mmr. too many cancer noobs!!! gg


                                                                                              Also when all enemy are dead ,some fcktard in my team waits for that specific item just to push later end up losing the game.One of the reason you doubt carries in team


                                                                                                i have a 59% winrate in high 2k so I think youre wrong.

                                                                                                I lose all respect for anyone that gives up early. The game is not over until the ancient falls and half these people are calling gg before we lose a t2


                                                                                                  Those who instantly assume that I understand Russian on eu servers.


                                                                                                    afk farmer

                                                                                                    Potato Marshal


                                                                                                      Cynical Crow

                                                                                                        Having a cheeky fart and poop comes out