General Discussion

General DiscussionIs this normal human behaviour?

Is this normal human behaviour? in General Discussion

    See title. Someone explain me how some1 does this


      U mean spamming shaman?


        It's totally normal i have a friend who only plays vengeful and is divine 5

        Potato Marshal

          Not even a blink dagger, he's always rushing kaya on SS for some reason and doesn't even have a 50% winrate. Could be autism

          Potato Marshal

            He must also be the only SS player out there who actively avoids all the ward talents too.

            Story Time

              do you know that there are children also playing, like 10 y.o. and they have no idea about concepts of heros and taactics`?


                it seems its a really gud behavior to enjoy with


                  Dude I got a guy in my friend list who is divine 5 and only spam vengeful he got like over 2k games on vengeful
                  Unfortunately I can't find his dota buff but his name is VS

                  Story Time

                    ^i think the OP post is not about spamming but about not learning from playing the same hero and just doing the same thing over and over again without using the brain and still hoping to win


                      1.6k game is 10 years, so that 10y/o playing argument isinvalid


                        Maybe his team is holding him back. I know I would easily be divine 5 if my team was not always feeding.


                          i was spaming sky but too many lose T_T


                            Reminds me of a spammer who played like 2k matches with Veno and still 49% winrate.
                            Pretty sad...

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                            Story Time

                              1.6k games is not 10 years, but ok, he is playinng dota since 2013 so maybe i am wrong


                                Completely normal . Games are meant to kill time anyway its not like he plan to go pro . So wasting time on video game every day thinking about how to play x hero perfectly is the one who is not normal :)



                                  Thanks to Alpha Pug for finding me on steam and sending me the link.
                                  Im flattered by the interest.

                                  Damn, I didnt notice I fell below %50 winrate.
                                  Allthough Im aware I am a very rare type of Dota player...I always took pride that I dont Suck Balls either.
                                  Ill try to get that back up.

                                  I just like playing Shaman.
                                  Im an Adult and I usually get to play 1 game a day on average.
                                  It helps me wind down after a physical day at work.

                                  Shaman just compliments my cognitive abilities as a person and I feel a connection to his personna and abilities.
                                  The shortcut on my Desktop actually says "Shadow Shaman" and not "Dota 2" :D

                                  Yeah. Ive been told I need to use Blink...but damn...I guess I just like having both feet on the ground.

                                  Im a pretty good support.
                                  Very loyal and obedient.

                                  There are qualities in my gaming that many other high skilled dota players can learn from.
                                  Such as Service, Selflessness and Teamwork.
                                  I always wanted for Dota Buff to count Wards bought and placed...Im pretty sure I would be up there and can honestly say that my Ward game is pretty good.

                                  Most dota players are antagonistic, selfish and angry.
                                  I think that my mental qualities are much more valuable than just another High Skilled player.


                                  Those are qualities the majority of Dota players are lacking.

                                  Yeah...I know im just a 1k Scrub for your demeaning enraged asses, but im %100 that even pro's can learn alot from me.

                                  I invented Medallion of Courage on Roshan.
                                  I invented Medallion of Courage on Creeps under the tower (Creating more time to hit it).

                                  I wish players would take the time to ask fellow teammates if they want to load some items on the courier if it is coming our way.
                                  Curbing on Selfishness could save lots of time and amp teamplay.

                                  Is the courier coming your way? Ask whoever is around you if they wanna buy, load up or need anything?
                                  Trust me. Its crucial.

                                  Lots of other small things that I do in the game, that went unnoticed during the years...but I saw them being implicated by others in the long run are my silent and obscure victory.

                                  Sure, Make fun of me...Call me names and Laugh at my expense...

                                  %99 of Dota players would blame the support for the loss, even if the only thing he did was listen and apply orders from 4 other Angry , Mean , Obnoxious , Offensive, Sad, Lonely, Depressed, Psychotic, and Toxic people.
                                  Im used to it.

                                  Its a Geeky Computer game, and even if you win a million dollars, you can still be a lil b1tch loser. :D

                                  I couldnt care less.
                                  I still enjoy every game like it was my first, and I only got angry like twice because people were intensely cursing me and hurting my feelings.

                                  Who cares?
                                  In the Game of Life?

                                  Im Mother*ucking Winning.

                                  HEAR ME!!!!!
                                  I SPEAK FROM THE SHADES!!!! HO HOOOO!!! HAHA!!!

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                                    Don't they say practice makes perfect?

                                    I used to see this Skywrath picker spammer everytime I tried playing party with my friend.


                                    And of course there's more notable players like Sumiya..


                                    Not to forget 'Grimorum' either


                                    (It's not really obvious because this is a super old school player - but he had something like 10,000+ games on original Dota with Invoker before coming to Dota 2 and making a bunch of youtube video's)

                                    Also a player that spams support - that's a commend in my books.

                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                      Ofcourse it does.
                                      I know plenty of players that only use 1 Hero.

                                      But Dota is just a Hobby for me and I play for fun.

                                      I have a career in Gardening and Landscaping.

                                      I earn enough being outside from Dusk till Dawn.
                                      Working Hard, Moving my Body, Being a Man and Getting Stronger all the time...
                                      Staying Healthy and Happy.

                                      Im not saying taking Dota seriously is Weak , but traditional priorities and sane proportions are very important in life.


                                        Thanks anyway.

                                        If you ever need a loyal and obedient Shaman.

                                        Im at your service.


                                        Story Time

                                          well, here we get the answer, and to my surprise, a quite healthy answer :D I feel bad now for not treating this game as this nice shaman player!

                                          The Chainsmokers - Sick Boy

                                            Hats off to The Dogtor! People in this game respect others by what medal and win rate they see.These are arrogant players wanna be pro whos shitting on low key players.

                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              I always took pride that I dont Suck Balls either.


                                              Lruce Bee

                                                Dogtor you seem like a pleasure to play with. If you add me up I'd love to have a few games with you.

                                                Also in Defence of his shadow shaman, blink is not absolutely necessary unless you need to initiate for your team. But you are a support. Most of the time you are in the back lines staying out of trouble and using your nuke (which Is one of the strongest spells in the game). Augmenting it with kaya is very smart actually.

                                                Shamans nuke is a very good farming tool as well. I would propose euls (for regen) kaya (for damage) and maybe a defensive item like shadowblade.

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                                                Lruce Bee

                                                  Also I feel like supports these days need to NOT Shy away from phase boots which makes you faster when you need to get away(or chase). Sometimes mana boots is unnecessary and overbought.

                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                    Plz Enjoy Game

                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                      So why do you itemize entirely around your wards but never get any of the talents?


                                                        Why are you giving him so much flak Potato Marshal? He's crusader enjoying the game playing SS.

                                                        Nothing wrong with waveclear and survival talents. The 25 choice for SS are both very viable options.

                                                        You don't even know him and you're toxic - typical SEA player. Put tank in a mall.

                                                        Este comentário foi editado
                                                        Justin Weaver

                                                          We are ancient, we flame others, we are legends we flame others!


                                                            Is the courier coming your way? Ask whoever is around you if they wanna buy, load up or need anything?
                                                            Trust me. Its crucial.
                                                            okay i'm copying this

                                                            but medalion on creeps and roshan pretty sure icefrog invented it


                                                              Like SS from Dota 1 says 'dont worry, be happy' :dunno:


                                                                GG WP recomend shaman.


                                                                  Hehe, this is so cool. I always wished I would get some attention from being so Persistent and Loyal.
                                                                  Thanks Everyone for your kind words.

                                                                  These are my few moments in the spot light and ill be damned not to enjoy them. :)

                                                                  RPQ-sama - Not Testicles. Not Playing Balls. I meant that to say that I dont totally stink at the game.

                                                                  Hansolo - How can I add you? This is my Steamnick and same profile pic.

                                                                  Potato Marshal - Honestly, Im gonna look up what Talent Wards are. I have no idea what you are talking about. :)

                                                                  A few more mental traits I forgot to add that I think most dota players can learn from me or acquire in order to have a better Dota 2 Universe :

                                                                  Hindsight and Foresight.


                                                                  Feachairu - Icefrog hah? Well. That must be a pro player. Never heard of him or saw anyone else do it, I guess I did it on my own.
                                                                  So equally original! :D

                                                                  This is awesome.
                                                                  I feel like ive finally been noticed by the cool people in school recess. :D

                                                                  I Accept your Guidance!


                                                                  Potato Marshal

                                                                    Ward talents, as in the talents that improve your wards. I'm surprised you don't ever get them despite rushing aghs into refresher.


                                                                      ^ icefrog is the developer of dota not a pro player XD.


                                                                        oh damn even Shadow Shaman's alter ego has joined the thread :p you might remember the match where you said "win as a team lose as a team" or something along those lines. I was the person to tell you that this is usually not the case; anyway i looked back on the match and found ur profile, thought it was funny cus it makes sense to me now that you've said that

                                                                        No ill intentions for making the thread but I havent seen a dota player before that only plays <1% of dota's heroes


                                                                          Shadow shaman used tk be my favorite hero in dota 1.
                                                                          Always went for boots of travel blink aghs refresher back in the days
                                                                          Respect to you mate

                                                                          Story Time

                                                                            No ill intentions for making the thread but I havent seen a dota player before that only plays <1% of dota's heroes

                                                                            really? U might as well check some dotabuff profiles here and see that it is often the case

                                                                            mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                              I fondly remember the old days when we had mid SS, going phase null bottle and blink. I wonder if its any doable now(IF the team would even allow you)

                                                                              Potato Marshal

                                                                                Could work, but I'd still go for arcanes over phase. His wards scale very well even into the late game. Get blink and aghs in 20 minutes, force pushes with your team, maybe disassemble your arcanes for BoTs then work towards refresher while the enemy team is still too weak to defend against your wards.


                                                                                  really? U might as well check some dotabuff profiles here and see that it is often the case

                                                                                  link me 3 cus i cant find any

                                                                                  Charteuse Gale

                                                                                    I have 1200 Spec game

                                                                                    there's another guy who was same species as me that have over 2000 game on Spectre

                                                                                    we should make spammer dota 2 club


                                                                                      do you first pick spec btw.

                                                                                      perspective player

                                                                                        stop building kaya, for god sake, you have only one spell with damage, and your manapool is enough for all of your spells, forcestaff and glimmer always better

                                                                                        Story Time

                                                                                          ^are there more advices from lgened-players?? Can wait to listen to all of them! (kappa)


                                                                                            <50% wr with shaman, something's not right

                                                                                            Story Time

                                                                                              ^he does not want to improve he just wants to play the game, let him be

                                                                                              Justin Weaver

                                                                                                @abyss watcher 44% win rate on Rubick, something is definitely wrong here

                                                                                                Justin Weaver

                                                                                                  And barely have 50% win rate on OD, something is really wrong there too


                                                                                                    This is normal human behaviour


                                                                                                      The guy treats DotA as leisure, not self-improvement and he has fun. By all accounts, he seems to be a nice teammate who is open to learning something new. I see nothing wrong here.



                                                                                                        What about this dude, oh god

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