General Discussion

General DiscussionHelm of the dominator on supports?

Helm of the dominator on supports? in General Discussion

    1. Is it worth it
    2. when should i get it
    3. who is it good on?
    4. please no meme replies thanks


      1. Yes
      2. As soon as possible
      3. All heroes

      Cancer Malaria

        1. Situational
        2. More core pusher item not really for support
        3. Currently Lycan
        4. Support need survival and team oriented items

        Cheesy Wenis

          It's great on pos 4s that can jungle, like Enchantress or Chen. Otherwise not really worth it.


            It works good if you lack stunners to take a bobo with you, implying you know know how to micro him

            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

              1. No. Supports need mana regen item. And its too expensive. Go for Midas instead.
              2. Do not get it. Magic Stick is enough for a good roamer.
              3. If you really want that item, Bane Elemental will work. CM with a centaur creeps is good for her ulti. Rhasta for a 100sec disable.
              4. Bottomline is: good on papers, but consider buying other items than this.


                usually u can get it on cores, because supports usually want a 2k gold item that helps them not die
                imo helm suits heroes like dark seer, lycan, and occasional tankier, more aura carrier type 4's like nightstalker or a wk or smth
                still, its really not common and unless ur dark seer or lycan i dont advise buying it until its fully fleshed out who this item is good on

                Cheesy Wenis

                  8 hp/s and a 2 second AOE stun help you stay alive as a support.

                  Or a 1.75 root that goes through BKB.


                    as compared to a force staff or a glimmer cape?

                    Forget me not

                      Try building it on ogre, just have this idea, but not the thine to try it, you have a slow, a stun, and more stun or disable and aura from creep.

                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                        I can see it on a pos 4 beastmaster and on a chen that for some reason gets farm (but that's a chen, so it's more like position 6)

                        Justin Weaver

                          Against Techies maybe?


                            Should be decent on Nature's Prophet if you want to push hard. Combine with Necro book.


                              1. the reason why dominator is so good, is bc you can dominate catapults now, which is super op right now(Lycan/beastmaster winrate). If you can grab the 1. or 2. catapult which is spawing, the item shines. As support you wont be able to farm your dominator fast enough. The item itself isnt that great and dominating a catapult falls of heavily 15mins+.

                              2. when you are able to get the item in your pockets at min 6:30 or 12:...30? is the next spawn?
                              or when your team has issues to sustain themselfs in towersieges. FOr example you play against a tinker and you dont have towerhitters in your team. that hp regen and AS aura can help you with that+the dominated creep. But usually u go for a pipe in that scenario^^

                              3. Lycan(bc he can rush it and grab the 1. catapult) beastmaster(he can grab the 2.), brood could be good too, ench as offlaner

                              4. as you can see the OPness comes from 1. the timing and 2. the number of units it can provide its aura. Dominator itself has no stats at all and cant safe you or your teammates as good as a forcestaff/glimmer cape. those 2 items have the most value for supports BY FAR as a first item. So on...rushing it as a regual support is ffcccccin bad dude

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                                First item dominator is great on any hero/position. Helm + alpha wolf? You vengeful spirit now. Helm + hellbear? You beastmaster/ogre magi now.

                                Palestine 4EVER

                                  I remember once I bought a Helm of the Dominator on support Sven.

                                  The reason? I played against Techies. The creep came in handy to clear mines.


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