General Discussion

General Discussionplay well they said, mmr automatically comes to good players they said

play well they said, mmr automatically comes to good players they said in General Discussion

    just knowing the fact that if a rank 1 dota player uses my id he can probably have 100 winstreaks is already enough reason for me to improve,not much you can do to your team

    Lruce Bee

      Tough luck. Nothing you can do if 4 people decide to feed on your team.


        Yeah, nothing you can do!

        Story Time

          bs safelane and no supports :D like was there any hope at all? But then again it is normal skill, so anything can happen


            He should be getting uncontested freefarm, the only enemy is an am and he has a huge damage advantage over ls with rage

            He never bought qb or stout though, and his item progression is terrible

            It’s possible to have midas drum and yasha at 15 16 minute, which is what it took him to farm a shadow blade


              It's so hard to play in limited vision, you only have 4 wards all the game, and ur opponents got 17. Do buy some wards if your supports don't do it. Invest some of the money u earn and help and team and prevent legion from accumulating his permanent dmg..


                You wont won everytime dude, even when you play good you sometimes lost, and also while you play bad you also can win.

                Friendly player

                  it doesn't mean anything. If you got 18/6 like 10 games in a row then you deserve a bit higher rank.


                    holy shit, i was expecting some full blown low mmr trashtalk but this community has improved a lot, thanks guys~

                    Story Time

                      ^we are tired to trashtalk in the middle of the week, for trash talk u have to come around friday and weekend


                        pretty sure there was a window where nobody could challenge your bloodseeker and you could have finished the game. wait no, you didnt buy bkb. nevermind. no way you push hg vs a tinker without that item sorry bro


                          U need to play 100 games
                          If you play well, better than others, you will climb. But with 49% winrate you get nowhere.


                            also story time, monday/tuesday are the best trashtalk days probably

                            chicken spook,,,,


                              Story Time

                                ok ok indeed monday is a frustration day good for trash talking, but no way anyone have energy for that on thursday

                                Story Time

                                  ^Wow, your team was stacking DEsolator and enemy team was stacking Radiances, amazing! Looks like some monkeys fighting, and not humans with developed frontal lobes of the brain...


                                    Boohoo i played well one game and still didnt get divine VOLVO PLZ fix


                                      did he play well in that?
                                      same story again. big advantage at 30-40min (thats because of your bkb for sure). yet only 2.5k building dmg

                                      you win this videogame buy destroying enemy buildings. go play overthrow if you want kills to be the point of your game

                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                        Well kills doesnt mean everything. Used to have godlike with Tiny in 10-15mins in And still managed to lose the game as i didnt farm properly.

                                        I Lost a lot of Tiny games i dominated completely early, but as soon as they started grouping Up, i was not able to have impact And our carry didnt get the kills.


                                          Bloodseeker Bloodseeker: go delete dota assholes

                                          Bloodseeker Bloodseeker: THANKS FOR HELP TEAM,
                                          Bloodseeker Bloodseeker: now all die



                                            ya well in his game its clearly the cobo of radience, halbert, blademail and crimson guard that came online at 40min. both heroes he linked us to, bs an pa, need to close games while they peak.


                                              @Tribo He looks like a PMA player to me.


                                                Play like the old slogan of Na'Vi

                                                Dive you under your tower, kill you under your tower, then take your tower

                                                You're getting the kills, but you're not getting the objectives. All advantages gained must lead to completion of objectives that strengthen this advantage. The most basic example: You got a kill on their safelaner? Take their tower, so that they lose control over that part of the map and can no longer farm safely, thereby decreasing their opportunities to cut into the gold and experience lead you got from the safelaner kill.


                                                  or stick to the: Dive them and feed them. Then rage and blame your team.

                                                  Story Time

                                                    ^das is de wea


                                                      I don't feed but how do you deal with initiating with BKB only to get it wasted because your entire team crawls back to fountain as you die

                                                      I wasn't really intending to TT at all but whatever the fuck kind of gameplay where goes Sven all the way to you and blinks away after my BKB runs out

                                                      it didn't matter even i had taken towers i'd have to go alone and they'd group up for me, there's a reason why i went heart instead of a better damage item, because the sustainability that sven/ursa would give was fucking absent, i agree i'm shit at Dota but are you honestly telling me these teammates are suitable to win a game with

                                                      Este comentário foi editado
                                                      Story Time

                                                        cookie proved that you can win non stop up to 4k bracket, if you are good enough


                                                          one person isn't proof
                                                          everyone doesn't play SEA
                                                          cookie didn't get pro teammates
                                                          in fact for every cookie you might dig up, there's many times more worth who are stuck in the trenches
                                                          I used to play Silver III in LoL and I was able to rank up to Plat V when i switched to CS -> Dota

                                                          right now i'm just complaining about bad teammates but i'm just saying what do you do when you keep getting bad teammates who'll play like shit regardless

                                                          Story Time

                                                            would not some learning be more useful than complaining about people playing according to their ranks?
                                                            PS Your enemies are shit as well, so why u lose then?

                                                            Este comentário foi editado

                                                              dude u only game 11k more dmg than that feeding ls so idk ... bad games happen all the time ... i dont see this 1 soo important.


                                                                true i'm just ranting, as I've said I'm shit, so I guess I'm ranting it out lol

                                                                also only 11k is a strong term

                                                                Este comentário foi editado

                                                                  i could show you 50000 boosters from literally any region, not just SEA.

                                                                  But that won't convince you because you're too ignorant to admit it to yourself.

                                                                  what's the difference between me and the average player?

                                                                  This ridiculous ignorance you have, i can actually admit that i'm wrong/playing wrong/bad compared to someone higher

                                                                  I'd take their advice as a golden, a holy grail, not to argue them instead.

                                                                  edit: i just checked that game out, that game isn't even remotely hard, i could end it at 25-30 minutes.

                                                                  Este comentário foi editado
                                                                  Story Time

                                                                    ^the truth has been spoken


                                                                      holy fuck you must be blind, i clearly said i'm shit and your arrogance at thinking having mmr is the only thing that matters is baffling, no one gives a shit and remember that well


                                                                        Bs can get kills,but cant carry,actually cant even man fight dont play this hero if you not going finish game before 30m mark


                                                                          You mean like this

                                                                          one person isn't proof
                                                                          everyone doesn't play SEA
                                                                          cookie didn't get pro teammates
                                                                          in fact for every cookie you might dig up, there's many times more worth who are stuck in the trenches
                                                                          I used to play Silver III in LoL and I was able to rank up to Plat V when i switched to CS -> Dota

                                                                          right now i'm just complaining about bad teammates but i'm just saying what do you do when you keep getting bad teammates who'll play like shit regardless

                                                                          Mmr is a reflection of your ability to win, you clearly lack it.

                                                                          If you don't care about winning then why do you make a rant,

                                                                          i'm not talking about my own advice, i'm talking about everyone else here who's higher than you.


                                                                            high mmr doesn't give you a moral fucking high ground, the only thing I argued was that bad teammates are a thing as well, your sentiments got offended cause I said cookie's just one person and things happen.
                                                                            Idc if you say I lack it or not, and neither am I rejecting anyone's advice.


                                                                              There's no such thing as a good/bad teammate, unless someone is literally intentionally feeding, on average you're getting the same exact skill teammates and enemies you are.

                                                                              So, then what's the point of this thread?
                                                                              What is the point of complaining, like i really want to get into the mentality of the average player here

                                                                              like will opening a thread here make gaben suddenly bless your account with only 5k+ players on your team while enemy gets only 1k's ?

                                                                              If you came here to learn how to win disadvantaged games, don't just post a match ID and expect someone to do tell you what to do, watch your own replay and find questions and some high enough player will give you a concise answer.

                                                                              Educate yourself:




                                                                                  Literally anyone who belongs in 2-3 brackets higher is going to be consistently generating large 2 digit winstreaks

                                                                                  These unwinnable games are unwinnable for u, because u are a guardian skill player. It’s a lot easier for a dumb guy to blame his team than try to force his atrophied brain to learn


                                                                                    @ Op

                                                                                    you're a fucking retard

                                                                                    Go suicide





                                                                                        nice item choice op

                                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                          sb to gank
                                                                                          linkens to block duel
                                                                                          skadi to manfight people
                                                                                          butterfly to evade attacks

                                                                                          but of course "good" players "know better", only following build that are "M.E.T.A." and being unable to think outside of the box =)



                                                                                            @Shred: you are a retard calling others retard.
                                                                                            @Op : Bad teammates is a thing in low mmr. Now just think what % of games have you been a baa teammate? Answer is probably around 70 to 80 percent. Now you realize something sparked in your brain now kid or not?

                                                                                            Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                              @ Seatard

                                                                                              I love you too

                                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                                no shit linkens is good

                                                                                                guess what if it takes you 14 minutes to farm a god damn linkens you deserve to lose

                                                                                                ㄚ- 天照`

                                                                                                  I can carry the whole teammate at ur mmr bracket,people that stacking deso doesnt even has a brain


                                                                                                    Long story short: Dunning - Krueger