General Discussion

General DiscussionI have an idea for ogre!

I have an idea for ogre! in General Discussion
win, win, win

    Hey, i have an idea for ogre. How about giving him a talent so he can buff Raxes to let them spawn supercreeps (until buff is over ofc)? I think it would be an intereseting feature. What ya think about folks?

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      so u can push lvl 1 mid as 5 and finish the fucking game ? dont be a fool , go play some dotes it may clear your filthy mind :)


        The Crusader Conference is live I see.

        win, win, win

          "so u can push lvl 1 mid as 5 and finish the fucking game ? dont be a fool , go play some dotes it may clear your filthy mind :)"

          i say TALENT what's so hard to understand with the word TALENT?


            How about talent level 25 - break away skill (you gain skill to seperate ogre into 2 unit, with each unit have 1 head for 60 seconds, each unit have same skill as original one, each unit have 2000hp and 1000 mana) :D

            win, win, win

              but what if one ogre dies?


                ^so what happens if one of them dies?


                  You should kill both unit to kill ogre magi before 60 second, if 60 second up ogre magi back to original form lol


                    If one of them dies they will be separate forever




                        would also be a nice replace for his current (close to useless) aghanim.

                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                          So is it basically primal split?

                          Maybe it can make him meepo-like actually? They can share cd on items, and they have independent abilities, but they can only multicast twice. They maybe can share stats (its not like doubling their dps would do anything)

                          That would make you able to chain the stun (pretty much the only use of the aghs today, at insane mana cost), and to more reliably bloodlust and ignite. Also more tanking against rosh

                          But it is stealing the idea Behind tempest double and divided we stand

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                            Ogre doesn't need any buffs rofl

                            win, win, win

                              that is why is never picked? coz he is so strong?


                                check yourself.. check the statistaks!.. rofl................. ogre is picked in pro scene and in pubs lately.. why cm is not picked? lets give her level 10 talent 100% magic resistance or 100 armor? ok?


                                  He is picked occasionally, he's not at his strongest point right now but he's not a trash hero by any means

                                  Friendly player

                                    How about making treant protector ranged. Would balance that hero.


                                      I'm not saying he is OP he is just a fairly strong hero

                                      win, win, win

                                        anyway... i think it would be a nice tactical feature and give the hero some kind of a niche, and make him more interesting. right now hes just a boring shit. sorry.


                                          Just cuz it's a boring hero for u doesn't mean u shud turn it into something that's fun for u
                                          Judging on ur idea of fun just play brewmaster
                                          Ogre is supposed to be fun if u wanna be a fatass running at people
                                          He isn't supposed to be some micro hero or smth

                                          win, win, win

                                            my idea was, by the way, bloodlusting rax so they spawn buffed creeps, not this brewmaster stuff :D (as a talent)

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