General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed some help pls

Need some help pls in General Discussion

    I stop playing dota 2 years ago. Then i play again and I've been playing for at least 6 months now and I know that I'm doing my very best for every game. Watching my own reply, increasing my map awareness, adjusting for the team, counter picking. You name it. When I first woke up i play dota 2 till late night. I mean the effort is not worth it. I dont even play other games just Dota 2 just to concentrate on the game. Still cant get a good mmr. I dont even go outside for Dota 2. What's your advice guys? Im kinda down here. Thankyou for the respect and advice appreciate it.

    Justin Weaver

      xD, don't put such an effort into a game where u are not gonna achieve anything real! Just play when u have free time

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          Keep it up and you could go pro!


            Go out and stop wasting ur time.