General Discussion

General DiscussionCrystal maiden itemazation

Crystal maiden itemazation in General Discussion
Friendly player

    What items do you get on crystal maiden? Share your build


      Usually I get tranquil boots, glimmer cape. After that depends on the pick. (force staff or dagger for mobility)

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        Divine rapier

        TheDoctor (HTPG)

          depends on the game man
          usually you would get mobility and escape
          eg force staff dagger glimmer
          however if ur greedy u can go midas aghs bkb etc


            Aeon disk vs burst damage like pa/morph.


              Maybe aether lens?

              Story Time

                W A R D S

                Justin Weaver

                  Wind lace on top of tranquil

                  Story Time

                    ^that just goes for most of supports


                      why the fuck would u buy disc which costs 3k and has USELESS components and status resist when u could buy 2 of ghost glimmer force for the same cost and have 100x value

                      u cant just buy passive items because u hate pushing buttons


                        i usually go tranquils, magic wand, windlace, drums or urn (if you lack healing you can get urn into vessel) then go dagger/force/glimmer (you will see what you need first.. if you are vs clock/underlord go force first.. if you are vs team with high magical dmg or vs team that have a lot of stuns you go glimmer to save yourself and your team)

                        after all this you can go bkb/scepter and thats it.. also dont forget in early game to get raindrop (for the mana) and keep 2-3 clarity in your backpack :D

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                          Pers into aghs into boots. Build works. I been doing this for all my games.

                          casual gamer

                            ur not fucking fooling anyone retard


                              roasted lmao

                              lone dog

                                if ur good u wouldn't have an itemization for cm cause u wouldn't be stuck playing support for whatever reason.
                                Gotta establish ur dominance and get core every game.

                                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                  Building something on cm LUL

                                  Srsly, when you don't have a clear core build, I always goes mobility, positioning is probably the most important aspect of the game, so if you don't have a clear item to build, you can't go wrong with force stuff and blink

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                                    magic stick + tranquil boots + observer ward x20 + sentry ward x 40
                                    lucky enough i may get glimmer cape/ blink dagger


                                      Tranquil's and a ton of wards. Other than that just get things that will keep you alive since almost every hero in the game is able to just burst you. Glimmer is good for dealing with carries with a lot of jump potential and force staff is useful for those that need to be kited.


                                        i shitton of clarities to start out because her W's mana cost is >50% of her mana pool
                                        after that everything works. i had a crystalis in my last cm match to make use of that dumb attackspeed talent

                                        comcept of the hero is pretty weak rn imo


                                          Every game is different! You can't go for same build every game and hope it's always good.


                                            but you can try!

                                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                              Melt can I just get perservance into aghs into phase into refresher?

                                              Is that viable?


                                                Why does CM have a specific build and why is your CM so rich? Tranquil Boots + Magic Wand + Raindrop and Urn (Super Urn if game is not yet over) are her core items. Glimmer / FS if you are owning them.

                                                Usually the game is over when you get those items.


                                                  I'm considering starting boots first on cm because of how slow she is

                                                  Lruce Bee

                                                    Manaboots is really great on CM. Your team will literally never run out of mana. And it augments her skillset exceptionally well. Next you consider item like shadowblade which has considerable utility, both to help you escape (cm is really squishy), initiate and find kills (the invisibility works with the ultimate). The next item you could go heart (for survivability) or refresher if you are having a good game (easy rampage)


                                                      I love ur builds han solo so innovative. Han what abt casual perseverance beacaue u can also make soulring.

                                                      Lruce Bee

                                                        Thanks Darth. However I do not think you can make soul ring with pers? Or are you trolling me? The difference is that manaboot works for your team and not yourself. You already have a lot of innate sustain so pers is really a bad choice here.


                                                          Wards, wards, and more wards.

                                                          Jokes aside, Tranquils is definitely a must as time wasted to return home to heal can jeopardize a rotation or 2 and missing out on the already scarce and precious exp. Please do not go Arcanes. Glimmer is almost a standard for me as well as Lens and Forcestaff, as I find CM to be more of a support that prefers to keep a distance. Midas is a huge plus should I be able to get it without sacrificing supporting the team. Anything else in late game is a luxury and is very situational so I'll leave it for now.

                                                          Did I forget to mention wards?