General Discussion

General DiscussionWk Itemization

Wk Itemization in General Discussion

    I'd just like to know your thoughts on early crystalis WK for improved farming speed with the new Mortal Strike. From my experience, it allows me to get an obscene amount of farm despite terrible laning, yet perhaps I could simply be an outlier (~200 cs at 15 minutes despite feeding about 5 deaths during laning).


      just buy a useful item
      u dont need that much farm on wk
      with just blink armlet u can contribute a lot

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        have fun

          no, you don't build crit on a crit innate heroes


            ye i do that, too
            i was solo laneing vs brood (ancient player appearantly) that one game today. 0/3 or 0/4 early, didnt have space at all. ofc it was a normal skill game, i could splitpush even without boots and didnt get punished. 20min crystalis treads radiance, easy recovery.
            no idea how hard you could snowball with freefarm


              the point is not to increase the dmg. the point is to increase the proc chance of crits in general, each crit onehitting a creep giving you a skeletton. you will have 5+skels whenever the summining is off cd and clear the entire jungle in less than a minute before. its like a midas or MoM for wk

              Lruce Bee

                Rushing a big item is always smart if you're a carry without a good laning ability.

                Hatsune Miku

                  crit on item =/= mortal strike


                    Unless I am sorely mistaken, ANY crits you deal with Wraith king instantly klils any non-ancient creep and creates a "charge" of skeletons. The point of the crystalis is to be able to quickly clear out the jungle with a ~35% chance to insta-kill any creep at an extremely early timeframe (at about 6 minutes).

                    Fee Too Pee

                      Let me explain:

                      Crystalis have bigger proc chance than mortal strike

                      BUT, each crystalis procs > Mortal Strike ALSO PROCS

                      Its kinda good on paper honestly

                      Hatsune Miku

                        but why would you waste 2k gold just to one hit creeps?


                          Why would anyone waste 2k gold for an item that instakills a creep every 100 seconds and gives some extra xp?

                          (The correct answer is they are huge Midas Mode fans)

                          Hatsune Miku

                            is the objective of the game one shot creeps? youre better off getting better items to take buildings and heroes. armlet is solid early rather than crit.

                            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                              No. But other items instead. Even an Echo Sabre works nicely than a Crystalis coz of the guarantee x2 strike tplus the slow.

                              Hatsune Miku

                                how does crystalis crit proc mortal strike thats fcked up, they have diffenrent crit multiplier. someone enlighten me on this logic.

                                have fun

                                  Unless I am sorely mistaken, ANY crits you deal with Wraith king instantly klils any non-ancient creep and creates a "charge" of skeletons. The point of the crystalis is to be able to quickly clear out the jungle with a ~35% chance to insta-kill any creep at an extremely early timeframe (at about 6 minutes

                                  yes you are mistaken

                                  mortal strike explanation :
                                  When triggering on non-player, non-ancient units, it instantly kills the target, instead of applying critical damage.


                                    Basically regardless of what type of crit it is, all crits on wk one shot creeps and give skeleton charges
                                    Bug I think
                                    Either way, it's not the objective of the game on wk, u shud be fighting a lot with a few early items

                                    Lruce Bee

                                      Seems wasted to buy a Dps item and farm with it. I would just get battlefury if you're purpose is faster farm.


                                        midas if you see the game will last long for eg. no roamer/ganker. but you just need dagger+armlet, then follow by echo sabre + blademail soon after at mid game. you need to reach level 20 soon as possible so midas + tome is a big help.


                                          ^ur buying 4 2k gold items
                                          u want to be 6 slotted with 12k networth lmfao


                                            crystalis first on wk = 200+ lh in 15min = you will double the enemy carry networth at 20min = easy game
                                            ppl buy midas and MoM for farming, crystalis serves the same purpose for wk plus provides some extra dmg for fights. oh and its cheeper than midas. instead of seeling it like you would sell a midas lategame you can build it into bloodthorn btw, one of the best lategame items for any rightclock core imo
                                            this shit is broken af and crystalis crit procing mortal strike will be removed once ppl start abusing it for sure. it just makes it so you outfarm anybody in any game, even when afking base for the first 5min and feeding for another 5min



                                              0-4 at 9min, probably less than 40 cs at that point
                                              enemy offlane brood taking the tier 2 top at around 12min, while the remaining 4 enemy heroes group up and threaten mid and bottom. i rotate mid/bot, enemy jungle and my secondary jungle (which i share with my jungle beastmaster) with crystalis brown boots adn manage to take the bottom tier 1, our first tower, with skelettons + threaten the tier 2
                                              20min radiance treads crystalis, i start to show up in fights and we manage to win teamfights. i have to buyback in a base defense
                                              around 28min i take mid barracks with 12 skelettons. i took the 30 extra dmg for them. got a blink and a hyperstone plus the gold for my ac
                                              35min i am 6slottet with blink bkb ac. i end up selling treads and crystalis to have enough gold for buyback + tp boots to come back in and finish the game at 38

                                              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                The instant killing of neutrals while incrementing the mortal strike charge isn't tied to mortal strike, but to wk himself being the one who crit, therefore any crit will proc that

                                                You are a baumi viewer I guess

                                                I am not a big fan of rushing crystalis tbh, but do what you like


                                                  alot of baumis ideas are memes, although he doesnt know.
                                                  this one is serious imo. it enables wk to farm faster than any other hero. i got 10cs/min in a 40min game that started in a terrible way. with proper support and a weak offlaner this can be doubled


                                                    Baumi is retarded
                                                    I remember one time where he said how he thinks MMR doesn't matter or smth probably because he is insecure abt it or smth
                                                    I've literally never seen more clickbaity shit and I've never seen a video where he lost.

                                                    Story Time

                                                      so far this thread was populated by lowskill/low-mmr plebs... so i suggest to disregard all the advices and go standard build.

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        I thought if you wanted to right click farm on WK you went maelstrom -> mjollnir. The attack speed means more mortal strike procs and the aoe is really needed for farming. Battlefury is ok but WK benefits a lot from attack speed which is why I think mjollnir is better.

                                                        Radiance on WK I don't think is so much a farm item as it is for fighting since you have to be killed twice, thus dealing a lot more burn dmg. The build up on radiance is awful which is why I don't like it.


                                                          its really fucking bad and any brain haver would buy drum armlet or blink instead


                                                            Baumi did lately im pretty sure creator saw that couse he had exactly 200lh 15m in depends what bracket you play in he wasn't disturbed at all...he could had any 2k item to do similar work (blink,midas for sure)

                                                            casual gamer

                                                              baumi is a knuckle dragging mong oloid

                                                              lone dog

                                                                stop with this dumb crystalis meme actually.
                                                                I don't know what happened or how it became a thing but out of nowhere for almost a full week I started suddenly seeing jungle wks all over the place and that's fine and all but they would do the same exact thing EVERY game.
                                                                brown boots -> midas I think -> CRYSTALIS -> radiance -> blink
                                                                and then they jsut run around and slowly hit creeps until they lose.

                                                                They always say the same exact thing too "uhhh but you CRIT every HIT"

                                                                Like just play the tortedelini guides or soemthing if you're under 4k so I can stop playing with you people who try to explain to me why a 16 minute battlefury on troll is good or who try to explain to me that lina isn't an absolute trashcan of a hero right before you lose mid to a 1-6 sf

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                                                                Potato Marshal

                                                                  If you want to proc mortal strike so badly, then just get more attack speed