General Discussion

General DiscussionAnti mage skadi

Anti mage skadi in General Discussion

    Since his talents got nerfed, is skadi better on this hero? I’ve been messing with the build a bit, and not sure if I should start building straight stats on am.


      Stopped building abysal a while ago, opted for skadi+butter after manta, then I go HoT/satanic and AC and I just hit buildings... they cannot do much. However I only pick it when we have sufficient disables otherwise AM is not really that great imo


        sometimes u need abyssal but otherwise agree
        skadi is rlly nice imo
        gives u the beefiness he lacks since the nerf to strength gain and as u said, his talent changes

        Friendly player

          guys did you try MoM deso am? op as fuck

          Erdal Kömürcü

            i am still building abyssal on him it works well


              It is good some games, allows you to soak heaps of damage and makes you impossible to run from. That being said abyssal is usually superior just so you can blow people up with your combo.


              I had mag this game so I had no need for abyssal to hold people in place, just went straight stats and amoved through them with empower.


                Satanic skadi


                  its an option, just like on jug


                    against axe

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      its viable


                        niche build, depends on situation.