you described matchmaking
I just watched a gorgc stream where a guy first picked lycan in what I assume is 6k+ so picking carry first isn't really a unusual thing at any mmr
there is also a really easy solution for this: spam support, there is literally an easy way out of this that.
What is the worst thing that could happen? People not knowing what they are doing? So how is you not supporting going to change this?
I literally see no problem at all.
The main problem is the following:
A team MAY lose without a good support but it WILL not win without a good carry.
well someone has to carry but if the carry comes never online, what will you do?
if a safelane carry plays against an aggro dual line, is he a bad carry for not winning in that laning phase and very likely lose the game
teams win games, not roles
I think this problem is everywhere and on every level.
Solution? Add players (as friends) who are good and able to play what team needs (and of course comunicate). Make a lots of friends like this. It will take some time. Then just invite 4, ask what role they want to play and start searching for a match.
This relates to a flaw in the game design itself, placing more importance on carries to win games, just like how strikers/forwards are needed in Football. They get all the glory. There is literally nothing anyone can do as it is human nature. It is also a public game so there are no predefined roles which makes matters worse.
Solution: play in a team
oh yeah
the most uncooperative player at this brackett from : phillipines and indonesia.
other country still cooperative
its not all phillipines or indonesian but almost all of them uncooperative.
you may find some of them cooperative anyway lol
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I playing at low 4k mmr.
Server : SEA
In my brackett, ppl rarely listen to other, almost all the ranked game here ppl always first pick mid, second carry and third offlaner, ppl here often mark his lane while drafting phase and if his lane taken by other they will take another core lane (example A mark his lane at safelane as carry, but B take his role, then A without talking to other taking mid where C already mark mid, and cycle goes on, C taking D pos and D either pick supp or another core, leaving E pick supp alone)
at this brackett you will rarely seen ppl first pick support (i didnt say ppl never first pick supp but its extremly rare)
almost all core picker in this brackett never see his fault, they pretend they fail because their supp sucks(its funny, why didnt they pick supp then)
at this brackett, almost all winning team make a jokes to a lose team :D
Pos 5 in this brackett not popular, no one want take this role.
In this brackett almost all the games not balanced, either you see radiant full of good player or dire full of selfish player
In this brackett, If you lucky enough, you will meet someone who really good, even with him alone he can make your team win (Ultra rare case), but you will see many ppl here act like this one :)