General Discussion

General DiscussionAny divine 5 or 5+ pls explain

Any divine 5 or 5+ pls explain in General Discussion

    My dotabuff shows divine 5 medal, when i go into ranked game its divine 5, but my ingame dota medal shows a "listed on leaderboards" medal(aka the 6star medal) without the leaderboard ranking. So am i divine 5 or what? What mmr to get divine 5+ and be in leaderboard in SEA server

    Potato Marshal

      The prerequisites for leaderboards seem to be:

      A top solo ranked MMR in the region.
      At least 300 lifetime matchmaking games played. (PvP matches only.)
      At least 100 lifetime solo ranked games
      At least 15 solo ranked games in the last 21 days in the same division
      Official player info on file

      inza #HowlGG

        Damn that winrate man