General Discussion

General DiscussionUnranked Matchmaking And Ranked Matchmaking

Unranked Matchmaking And Ranked Matchmaking in General Discussion
Muhammad Sumbul

    I calibrated my MMR in 2013 playing supports and got 1.8k. I played about 10 games after calibration and left playing ranked matches.Even before the medal system came i got high skill bracket in my matches with players 3.5k to 5k.After calibrating the medals i got Crusader{2} and normal skill bracket in matches.When I started playing unranked again i entered the high skill bracket again and get players upto Ancient medal.Why??


      Guess 3 times

      Muhammad Sumbul

        Just tell me pls DUDE

        Bill Cutting

          Unranked and ranked are completely separate.


            ^ daz right u have different rank on normal and ranked match, so you can play at high skill im sure you can grind your way to that ;)

            Muhammad Sumbul

              Thanks guys.
              SEA normal skill bracket is HELL.Gonna try and recalibrate if they release the international ranked system.My calibration match was in normal skill bracket won 9 out of 10 lol.